🌹 Rose Giving Many more roses to go

Sofi Ayre

All I can do is be me, whoever that is.
Sofi had left her rose deliveries a little late and only doing her first one at lunch time. She hadn't been able to find the student she was looking for in the Great Hall but someone had helpfully suggested that they may have seen her in the courtyard. Sofi went out there to find them and was asking various groups in any of them was Mania. She was running out of options when she approached the next student, "Excuse me are you Mania?" She asked politely.

@Mania Athanasiou
Mania had taken some time to hang around the courtyard in between lessons, meals and deliveries when she heard her name. Whirling around she smiled to the older girl. "Yupp! Taht's me at your service! OH IS IT A ROSE? Please please pleaaaaseeee tell me it's a rose!?" The excitement was once again coursing through her body at the thought of someone having maybe remembered her and sent her a rose.
Sofi smiled shyly at the girl, not quite managing to match her energy. "It is a rose!" She replied, "Here, it has a note attached." She said, handing over a yellow rose to Mania. "Happy Valentine's Day!"

Dear Nia,

Happy Valentines!

Mania's grin almost broke her whole face in half as it was confirmed it was a rose! YAY! She took the rose and opened the note, smiling so wide it hurt. Finfin had sent her a rose, how nice of him. "Thank you... sorry what was your name?" She asked realizing she hadn't in all her excitement yet asked that.

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