Man not the right way to greet

Maximum Ride

Well-Known Member
Maximum was wandering around brightstone and was kind of just thinking about other stuff when a guy bumped into her. "hey watch it" she said, knowing he heard her.
Chris was walking around being super bored when bumped into a girl.He said "I apoligize for hitting you are you all right?" He noticed that she was mad at him and try lighten the mood."Im Chris and whom may this lovely lady be?"
Maximum smiled, "this lovely lady is Maximum" she said, glaning at him and noticing the sexy body.
Noticing her looking at him he said "Would you like to walk with me Im not going anywhere in particuler though." looking at her eyes he noticed how they looked as beautifal and blue as the ocean.
Maximum smiled, "yeah i sure would" she said, falling into step beside him, " so you new and got a..." she trailed off.
He noticed the way she looked at him when she started to ask the secound question. "Well to awnser your first question yes i'm sort of new. Whats your other question?" he said. He thought he already knew but he asked just to be sure.
Maximum blushed, " Um are you single?" she asked, looking down and kicking a rock.
He didn't think he heard her right."Um I'm sorry what did you say." It was really hot outside so He took of his shirt and put it in his pack he had slung on his shoulder.
Maximum lost words at the sight of his chest, "um nothing" she said, looking away trying not to think about his hot body she took her jacket off and she had a tank top under neath and her short mini skirt didn't even go past the knees.
He thought it couldn't hurt to awnser to what he thought she said so."Well if you asked if Im single I am." Watching her take of her jacket he noticed how cute she was and asked "Are you single Im asking out of curiosity."
Maximum smiled, "yeah i am no guy wants to date me" she said, a small blush rising in her cheeks.
He thought what guy wouldn't want to date her shes fine."Well I might know a guy. If your interested I could tell you who."he said blushing a little.
Maximum smiled, "yeah you got me now who?" she asked, tilting her head a bit to hte side.
He tryed to keep a straight face but some thing about her maked him smile as well. "Well I think we both know it's me."he said reaching into hold her hand.
He looked at her smile and "Well it's kinda hot out here. We should go over to your house I'd love to see where live."He releasing her hand and puting his arm around her waist.
Maximum smiled, "yeah" she said, they walked to her house it was dark inside as she flipped on some lights for an only one room apartment.
He looked around its was kind of small but it was nice."Nice place you got it's better than mine im new so I don't have one yet." he said as he sat on the couch putting his pack beside it.
Maximum went to the kitchen and looked around for her stupid letters that she threw on the table.
Chris stared at her as he sat there. He stood up and walked beside her. "If your looking for something I could help."he said gazing at her.
She jumped, "no just had to find a letter to send to my parents but forget it" she said, heading to the couch.
He followed her to the couch."Did I startle you."he asked as they sat down.
Maximum smiled, "nah just was lost in thought" she said, her eyes going distant.
He stoped starring at her and said "You bored because I am."He laied back on the couch with his hand behind his head.
Maximum had forgotten to practice her dancing when she turned the music on she started to dance not paying attintion to Chris eyes.

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