Open Making my daddy proud

June Davenport

The best student and prefect, obviously ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
[PLOT ID #87341/ #115234]

The first thing June wanted to do was find out if her father had written her back. She didn't liked Misha to know she writed too much to her father. Since people saw him all as the bad guy in this story. But that was just wrong, they were all wrong. She had to play the part where she could ofcourse miss an dad. But who thinks bad of his actions. The badguys in this story was Lauren and Landon and all the people that helped them. So the blonde felt it was better to recieve letters here and since it would take some time to get one returned she would check the Owlery as her second year started. The letter she had send to her dad was still fresh in her memory. And all she hoped that he was proud of her. Finding her owl, she was glad to see he had an letter he brought along. And opened it.

Dear Dad,
I'm happy to let you know that I've finished my first year really well. I've made some good contacts with several Professors and my Head of House seems to like me. For all the classes I've got an outstanding, so I did all that you wanted for us. I am definitely the best student in my year, if not for the whole school. There is no competition there. Soon I can start with duelling too, so I'm looking forward to that. I also made good contacts with older students, and joined some clubs for creating contacts which I only use for good purpose. But nothing will distract me from my study, so you don't have to worry about that.

I've seen Landon Carter as well. But I play things smart like you taught me and don't let my emotions lead.
I've written to mother too, but it's hard to know where she is staying. They leave me in the dark about that. So nothing back yet from her..

I count the days until you will come out of there.
They will all pay.

- June

It's good to hear what you have been achieving what your sisters didn't. I knew I could count on you to not fail me. Keep your head of house and the headmaster close, since they are the one who choose the positions. But do it discreet. And keep it up, because the only thing we want is outstanding, nothing less. But you know that. Good luck in duelling as well, think smart.

Study is the most important, so don't let anything distract you from that. The free time you have, spend it with your nose in the books or practice spells. About that Herbology teacher. You just do what you have to do. Leave the rest to me.

When I get out things will come back to us. And we will see who laughs in the end.

- Bryon

Reading it June smiled as she noticed her dad saw what she hoped to see. She was doing great, and to hear that her dad knew he could count on her was all she needed. She read further and understood his advice. The clubs didn't need to be too much of distractions. But Heta Omega was stupid so that was not hard, the elite sisterhood was more usefull so far.
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Leda and Mervyn had Ned to update them on school issues, but Ten needed to do her part too and write to her dad, older sister and little brother. She needed to let them know how the first few days had been, about the people she’d met and how she and Ned were able to do more or less everything together. Of course that wasn’t always the case, and they certainly had time to themselves too (usually when the other was sleeping).

The Gryffindor had discovered it was a long way from the common room to the Owlery. Adding in to that she had go outside to reach it, she didn’t understand why it wouldn’t just be easier to enable the use of mobile phones in the castle so that students could contact their families that way. She made it up there eventually, almost out of breath by the time she’d climbed all those stairs. Once she reached the top she discovered she wasn’t alone, and a blonde neat looking girl was already there, reading her letter. “Can we use any of these?” she asked, looking around at the birds. Ten didn’t have her own pet yet, and she certainly didn’t own her own owl, but surely the students were free to use those that weren’t claimed?
June closed the letter and put it in her bag when she heard someone entering. A girl with red hair, and shorter than she was. She seemed younger, but June looked older than she actually was too. If it wasn't her behavior as well. So hard to tell, but she didn't had seen the girl in classes so figured it was an first year. June wasn't anymore. The girl asked her something and June figured it was an stupid question. Didn't the girl had her own or something? How could you not have an owl. She didn't understood the people who had different animals. June hated animals, they were dirty and unpredictable. '' You don't have an owl?'' June asked the girl back in a friendly way. She wondered how many first year she could use or how bad she would be annoyed by them. But making people all love her, was smarter.
Ten didn't have any kind of pets, and she wasn't sure an Owl would be on the list even if she did. "No?" Ten replied, walking a little closer to the blonde. She was the type of girl that was noticeably pretty. "I just wanted to send a letter to my family," she added, looking around at the fluffy creatures with their big eyes and large beaks. "Do they always know where to go?" How would an owl know which way to go if they'd never been there before. It wasn't like an owl was a little GPS. She turned once more to the student beside her, eyeing up the letters she had in her hand too. "What are you sending?" she asked eventually, deciding that even if the girl didn't want to tell her, it was probably worth asking because it showed that she was genuinely interested in what she had to do.
The girl replied not having an owl. Which she already figured, since the girl asked for one. But it was just hard to believe. The younger girl seemed chatty and that was nothing wrong with. '' Than a owl can be pretty handy.'' June replied with an friendly smile. She was in a good mood also, after reading the letter from her father. '' Some owls are not that smart, but usually it goes right.'' June replied back. The girl seemed to be asking a lot of questions but June was also an curious person. As long as it were no dumb questions, and some of the girls were. '' Nothing, just recieved a letter.'' The blonde than watched her. '' I'm June. A second year student. Who are you?'' She asked back in return with an smile.
Ten nodded as the girl told her it would have been useful to have an owl. It was certainly something she was going to bear in mind for the rest of her time at Hogwarts, she didn't know if she could trust a random owl to truly know where it was going, and if she was sending something really important, well she wanted to know it was in good beaks. The first year was a bit surprised to hear that she was receiving a letter, considering most students had only just left their families to come back to school. "A second year?" she repeated, glancing back at June quizzically, "You're not a Gryffindor though, are you?" she confirmed, not having seen her at the Gryffindor table nor in the common room. "My name's Amortentia, but you can call me Ten for short, if you want," she gave a light shrug, feeling a little too self aware for her own liking. "I was named after the potion," she added, turning her attention back to one of the birds to which she could give her letter.
The blonde nodded. Why was she so suprised? And suggesting she was a Gryffindor, why? But June didn't walked around in her robes yet. When classes would begin she would. '' I'm not. I'm in Slytherin.'' June said proudly. She than listend to her introducing herself as an potion. Which was not new for June and she directly thought of. '' Nice to meet you Amortentia or Ten.'' June replied to the girl. She figured she could make a joke. '' I read about the potion. Seems like an powerfull one.'' June wouldn't mind if someone would have the effects for her. Although an walking puppy after her all day would be annoying if she thought more about it. Someone carrying her books and do stuff was not bad, but she would want a break too of such a person.
Ten flashed June another smile when she said she was in Slytherin. "My aunt was in Slytherin a few years ago," she started to explain, "she was Head Girl, and Captain of the Quidditch team I think." Leda had done a lot in her time at the school, and while Ten was aware that sometimes Slytherins' were given more grief than other houses, Ten honestly believed that she would have fit into that house herself too if not for Gryffindor. The first year blushed a little when June used her full name. No one ever called her that, and it felt a little as though her usual guards were down in that moment. "Yeah, it is. I mean I think it is. I know a bit about potions because both my parents are..I mean they were, potioneers. And my brother is called Felix, after well, Felicis." Ten knew she could talk a lot at the best of times, but apparently there was this pressure she currently felt up in the owlery and it was harder still to stop her lips from moving. She cleared her throat, "S..sorry. I should go," she didn't want to embarrass herself any further in front of the blonde, and while Ten wasn't usually one to feel that particular emotion, she didn't want for some reason, to ruin any chances of her being actual friends with the second year at some point.
June listened Ten speaking about her aunt who seemed to have been a succesfull Slytherin. It was only fair that Slytherin was awarded the position of headgirl again this year, like last year. And hopefully it would go on. The only thing the girl mentioned she had no interest in was quidditch, that was useless. So she just smiled at the girl. June observed the girl and she figured the short version people used more often since her name was so long. June was glad with her own name. June was an month important for their parents, and the blonde had also been burn in that month. As the girl explained where the name came from the blonde thought that was kind of funny, but also an bit childish. She also heard the slip of the tongue for an moment with the girl so would remember that, while talking about her parents. June watched it all and figured this was an easy target for her to make her like her, she was chatty and didn't mind speaking to June from what she could tell. But suddenly the girl was acting weird and June had no idea what happend, she hadn't said a word back. And she knew her look was not it, since she was really well trained with keeping her face straight and not showing too much of what she thought.
'' Okay - Well bye Ten. ''' June said while she saw the back of the girl already as she walked away. And frowned for a moment as she took her own stuff about to leave the owlerly.
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