Making enemies!!

Alexander Fields

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Elder 15 1/2" Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Alex slowly began to make his way into the forest, he was beginning to like the peace and quiet that he got out of being in there, he always come out relaxed. His favorite spot was close to the middle, in a cave. There was a nice pond in there where the water color was a light sparkling blue. He began to make his way into the cave, clutching a stick, to sweep away any of the spider webs that had been made the days leading up to this visit. He was shocked to see that there where none around. The tunnel was dark, but he knew his way around there like the back of his hand. He stepped over tree root's until he got to the pond. It was his most favorite place in all of Hogwarts, seeing as nobody else knew about it. He took his white shirt off exposing his toned body, he slipped his shoes off and began to wade into the beautifully colored water. Until he got up to his waist and he dived in covering his whole body in the cool pristine water.
its very nice to walk besides the green houses, she was near at the forbidden forest but not even got on her mind to get in there. It was then she saw a boy who looks like new in the place got inside at the forest, "The heck's wrong with people here?" Lexi asked herself not loud. Not all evil are always evil, so, Lexi went to find out what's happening at the person who went at the forest only for the person's safeness. While walking along, dodging into trunk and skipping into roots she is now free into the clearing but not just a clearing. A pond was placed in the clearing, Lexi went at the edge of the pond and saw the person who went in. Clearing her throat a loud, Lexi put her signature balance; right hand on her hips and her weight is on her right leg.
Alex looked up to see a young girl, she would have had to have been at least three years younger then him, if not more. The noise had scared him a little he wasn't expecting anyone else to come into the cave. " Er... Hello." Alex said as he began to walk out of the water, and up the bank towards his clothes. He felt embarrassed, seeing someone new without his shirt on. " Im Alexander Fields and who might you be?" He asked as he slid his wand up and down his body completely drying himself, before he proceded to put his shirt and his shoes back on.
The person on the pond swam at the edge of the pond making Lexi walked a little inch backward but still regaining herself from her balance. It was a boy older than her and he is really new in the school, he must be one of the transfer from the other school as the older boy said hello to her. Lexi raised one eyebrow and looked at the boy from head to toe. She didn't say anything until the boy introduce himself as Alexander Fields, "I really don't care who you are ... You must not know that the forest is really forbidden, right?" She told the boy name Alexander, "And you don't need to know my name, that's right, dry yourself and I will go to one of the Professor and say that you have break the important rule of the school." Lexi then turned around to go fetch a free Professor.
" What's the problem and im pretty sure there going to take the word of a person who has come here for seven years. Then someone who would have been coming here for two." Alex snapped, he was sick of rude little girls thinking they where way better then him. ".. plus by the time you go and get a professor ill be already in the castle." He said with a laugh as he glared at the back of her head, if only he had something to throw at her.
Lexi stopped abruptly when Alexander said something about words, she turned around again to face. "Like i care whose the oldest here .. Atleast i don't break the rules of the school. And oh, you won't get away anywhere." Lexi said, smirking at the same time. As fast as she could, she took her wand from her back which is clipped into her school skirt, pointed and cast, "Petrificus Totalus." into Alexander, making a jet of pink light into him.
Alex reacted quickly at the spell. " Protego." He let out a small laugh. this was very unlike him to attack another student, but he was absolutely sick of the snotty nosed brats. " If im breaking the rules, it means you are to." He said with a grin. " Stupefy." He thought in his head, being a seventh year he had learned how to cast spells with out having to say a thing. " You honestly reckon you could beat me?"
Lexi thought that she already win but Alex had shielded himself on the attack she did. "I'm just concern to the people who go here, that's not breaking the rules." Lexi told Alexander and narrowed her eyes, it was then that she didn't react faster when Alexander stunned him, it got her shoulder which is holding her wand. Lexi dropped her wand and acted from the pain. "You nasty old guy."
Alex walked up and picked up her wand. " Now why did you have to go ahead and attack me and why the hell would you be concerned about a seventh year you bloody idiot." He said as he was getting ready to snap her wand, but he stopped himself. " Who are you and what year are you in?" he asked, he wasn't going to give back her wand till she had answered the question and if she made the silly mistake to try and fight him fist to fist, it was her own fault.
"Uhh! ... I'm not an idiot, If I just know your a seventh year i shouldn't be here, I thought your a first year." Lexi told Alexander harshly, every time she move her shoulder it hurts. "You wanted to know my name .. Okay, I'm Lexi Rodriguez, Slytherin and 4th year .. Happy now? ... You know, why does the headmistress every take transfer students. They shouldn't be here, this school is very crowded."
Alex pointed his wand at her shoulder and just thought the words to the incantation. It was a healing spell so her arm would feel better. " There you go better now." He said as he dropped her wand on the ground and stepped over it, making sure he didn't touch it, walking away he turned around. " Why are you such a B**ch?" He didn't know why he asked, or even why he cared but he just wanted to annoy the girl a little more. "..... And I'm not a transfer I've been here since my first year. But maybe because your heads so far up your butt you wouldn't realize that would you know?"

(( Would it be ok me leaving the word like that or would I have to edit it.)
(Its fine)

Lexi felt okay when Alexander healed her, "Thanks, you harmed it and then you healed it. What a nice person you are." She said sarcastically. Lexi straightened her posture and picked up her wand who the guy dropped and stepped on it. "If your not a transfer then i should have saw you first thing i was sorted in this school. But never mind, atleast no centaur came and eat you alive ... Stupid people always do that." Lexi waited for Alexander to leave before she leave
" Centaur, eat someone. Your having a laugh, are you that stupid you think a centaur would eat a person? Your a complete idiot." He said as he turned back to face her. " Centaur's are here to protect the forest, from the things that would harm it. Not eat someone for swimming in a pond you fool. You really do need to learn a fair bit, maybe you should pay a bit more attention in care of magical creatures." He said with a scrunched up nose, it was rare that Alex would get angry and put someone down. But he couldn't help it, she was a mean person and deserved to be treated like a dog, and get put down.
"IDIOT?" She said rather asked, this guy is being ungentleman. "I know that, I just hate centaurs. That's why I say bad things to them." Lexi narrowed her eyes again as if she's a chinese that was born totally in China. "Your a f*cking old guy." Lexi shouted that echoed in the whole forest. Her chest brasing from anger.
" Well your a little girl, who thinks she is so cool. When she has to stalk the seventh years and when she gets caught she gets angry." He said in a teasing voice. " Your a joke, you come here having a go at me. Then when I tell the truth you get even more angry. Grow the F*ck up." He said as he glared at her, If lookes could kill she would be a goner by now. "... Whats your problem with Centaurs is it because there Half breeds, well its good they are seeing as all Pure Bloods are complete arse holes."
"I'm not thinking I'm cool, but I'm thinking I'm better than you." She smiled fakely and rolled a strand of her hair with her pointer finger. Lexi walked around him and looked at Alexander from head to toe, "Your cute but have no manners, do some girls every like you from your attitude? .. I guess not. What's your house again?" She continued "...Its not about centaurs being a halfbreed they just irritate me and FYI .. I'm not a pureblood, Halfblood if you may say but proud of being one."
Alex laughed at her comment on him being rude. " So I am rude, I was in here minding my own bossiness and you storm in here saying that im a idiot for coming out here." He said with a smile on his face. " I'm a Hufflepuff, yeah remember it you b1tch, you seriously need to grow up and realize that your in the wrong not me."

(Sorry for the short post.))
Lexi tapped her right foot on the ground while right hand on her hips. "Now I'm wrong .. And please, stop saying bad words. I can turn my words if I had to, and now I got where you got your attitude now. I met a first year Hufflepuff that hates her house very much indeed." Lexi told Alexander. He doesn't know who he is taking with, a great manipulator of all Slytherin students. Lexi slowly went in front of him and mumble, "Watch your mouth, I might change it on my own way." She backward an little and smirked.
" Are you threatening me?" He asked puzzled, it was funny how such a small student would act like this, to a man who towered over her and was about ten times fitter then her. " You know you will be making a really bad mistake, I don't care what house your from." He said feeling himself getting rather angry, he hadn't been this angry, since his brother had killed his pet kangaroo, over home. " I don't even know why I bother wasting my time talking to you." He said as he turned to walk away from the little brat.
"Hmmm ... Let me see ... Yeh, I'm threatening you. I always threaten people who I don't like and people who fight me." She told the Hufflepuff guy and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "And I don't care if I'm making a bad mistake either." Lexi said coldly and smirked at Alexander, how can i stop myself from doing this she thought devilish. As Alexander was walking away she called out, "See you later ... In the great hall." Lexi was thinking another great evil plan of hers. She was to excited to reveled itself.
Alex turned back to the girl. " What are you going to do to me in the great hall, call me names. Your pathetic, you have to amount to little games to be able to have some fun." He said as he turned his back on the girl, it might have been a mistake to, maybe it wasn't but he wanted to see what she could do to him and what she would do. It was funny just thinking about it.

(( Want me to make the topic in the great hall))
She chuckled walking towards Alexander and stopping beside him, "I'm not that childish to do what you just said." Lexi them smiled and walked straight back at the castle, smiling to herself but deep inside she was thinking what she will do to the boy that the professor's won't see what she will be doing.

(Of course ... Thanks)

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