Open Making an Appearance

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Zerrin Fergusson

Soft- Quiet- Dorm Mom
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Oak Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
17 (2/24/2046)
Zerrin wasn't really sure he even wanted to come to the dance tonight, but he had to tonight. He was the head boy, he couldn't just miss the Yule Ball. It was the biggest event of the year! Sighing, he slipped into a suit before walking down to the ball. He didn't have a date, or a plan, so he just ended up leaning against the wall and watching the dance. He would usually bother Fraser, but he didn't see his brother hanging around yet. Sighing, he let his eyes wonder, half wishing Eloi was around so he could make the boy keep him company. And maybe steal a dance, but he tried not to think too hard about that.
Savannah had expected Ezra to ask her to the dance, she had expected that he would want to go with her, but the invitation had never come. The date had in fairness been awkward and a little bad, but she was sure that all first dates were. But there had been no follow up, no message, nothing. Instead Savannah had been left a little in the lurch, but she'd come to the dance and in doing so spotted Ezra with someone else. "Oh okay," she said to herself, but she glanced away and in the end ended up next to the head boy, someone she didn't know all that well at all. "Hey," she greeted. "Want to dance?" she offered.
Zerrin was surprised when someone approached. He straightened, smiling softly at the girl. "Hi, Savannah," He greeted, and offered out his hand for her. "Sure, I'd love to dance." He agreed, thinking it had to be a better use of his time than just standing around. "You look lovely tonight," He complimented her, doing his best to be polite.
Savannah didn't know Zerrin all that well, she knew of him of course, but of the students in their year group he wasn't one she knew well. But he agreed to dance with her, so she took his hand and that was a better use of her time than standing around with a swirling of odd feelings towards Ezra and that fizzling out. It wasn't even like she liked him all that much, but the rejection still stung. "Thank you," she accepted the compliment. "Figured it was our last, might as well go all out," Savannah told him.
Zerrin chuckled, leading Savannah out to dance. "You're not wrong there. You don't have anyone waiting to steal you away?" He asked. Of course, he didn't either, but he couldn't see Savannah not having a date. He hadn't known her very well, but she seemed like a fun person to know.
Savannah let him lead her out to dance, before shaking her head. "I am chronically alone," she replied, decidedly not looking around for Ezra. "Which is fine 364 nights out of the year, but it would be nice to have an actual date for this," she told Zerrin with a roll of her eyes, perhaps more frustrated than she'd even realised at never quite managing to find what others found seemingly so easy.
Zerrin chuckled, leading her in a more casual dance. "I completely agree," He admitted. "You'd think I could get a date to these things, but I don't think I've ever come to an event with someone." He paused a little as an idea hit him. "Hey, there's a dance next semester, isn't there? If you don't have plans, maybe we could go together? Have a date for that last one?"
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