Closed Making A Mess

Ana Sofia Burleigh

artist🌻figuring it out
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 12 Inch Flexible Alder Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
6/2040 (21)
With classes now starting again Ana Sofia knew she had to get her mind back at it, focus on her schoolwork and try to get some better grades than she had gotten last year. Just not now. It was only the second week of class and she didn't feel like there was a whole lot to do yet, or she just told herself there wasn't, causing her to have to find other ways to spend her time, have some fun. In Ana's case there was only one thing that'd come to mind right away: being creative. Wanting to try something new she had taken one of her sweaters, some fabric paints and brushes in various sizes. With everything stuffed into her bag Ana had made her way outside, feeling like it was the best place she could do what she wanted to do without making a huge mess she'd need to clean up after. It would likely still make a bit of a mess but she figured it wouldn't be as visible on the grass as it would on the floors in the castle. Once she'd reached the lawn Ana found herself a nice spot, taking everything out of her bag and placing it down as she sat down herself. She put the sweater in front of her, picking out which paint colours she thought would go nice with it before getting everything ready and dipping a small brush in her first colour. Now the brush was dripping with paint Ana looked away from the sweater as she flicked the brush to splatter the paint onto the sweater. She chuckled when she looked back at the sweater and noticed that wasn't the only thing the paint reached, noticing some of the grass around it was also happily decorated with small drops of paint. At least it had been a solic idea to do this outside. Already having fun with it Ana continued on, switching to a different size brush to get some bigger splatters on the sweater, hoping it'd turn out nicely.
Aaliyah was walking in the garden, there was not much to do at Hogwarts yet, the classes hadn't started yet and so she was a bit bored. The view of the gardens from the Ravenclaw Tower was beautiful but actually being there, in the garden, was a lot better. Aaliyah started hearing a laugh not to far from where she was so she decided to check it out and saw a girl doing some kind of artsy sweater thing. It seemed like she was having a lot of fun, by herself, so Aaliyah took a deep breath and decided to get over her shyness and approach the girl but carefully so that her clothes wouldn't get paint on, especially because she was wearing a plain white sweater and that artsy girl might mistake her for a blank canvas. "Hey, seems like you are having fun" was all that Aaliyah brought herself to say to the girl which was not a smart comment. She was laughing and painting clothes without adult supervision, of course she was having fun.
As she had been busy splattering paint on the sweater Ana Sofia had wondered how crazy she had looked to anyone passing by. She didn't care much for it, but she just had the idea that she looked rather.. odd doing what she was doing. Splattering paint, laughing when there was no one else around. She was having fun though, was liking how the sweater looked so far and that was pretty much all that mattered to her. Ana lowered her brush when she noticed another girl close to her, smiling brightly at her. "I am." She chuckled. "Just thought it would be better to do this outside since it makes quite a mess." She added, motioning to the grass around the sweater. Looking at the girl curiously Ana put her brush down, softly waving her hands so the paint on her hands would dry. Maybe she should've brought something to wipe them on. "You wanna try?" She asked the girl after a second, smiling at her before nodding to her bag. "I've got another old sweater in there you could wear, if you'd like."

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