Closed Make You Smile

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Lorelai Gates

Twin- Artist- Lo
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
11 (3/15/2050)
Lorelai liked coming to these dances sometimes, just swaying and not talking to anyone, being lost to the music and the music alone. She was a little later today, having been reading a good book. Now that it was done and she was ready, she skipped done to the dance, humming to herself. She came in, starting to move over to the dance floor. She stopped, though, when she saw someone at one of the tables looking sad. Lorelai determined not to leave him there, and instead skipped over to him, sitting in the chair next to him and giving him an easy smile. "Hello, I'm Lorelai," She greeted him.
There was little worse than watching everyone else be in love. That and the fact he'd failed to win at duelling and was currently just trying to figure out which of his brothers he'd spend the next break with. They were all too busy to reply to his letters, and though he was doing this well ahead of time, he knew he needed to. He thought it so ironic, that it had taken losing his parents to realise how little his brothers cared about him. He had come to the dance, though not made an effort in his outfit, and just sat at a table. he thought about if his parents had gone on dates. If they had celebrated valentines with going to a dance. He couldn't remember if he'd ever seen them do it. He lost himself a little in his memories of them, until someone sat next to him. He looked at them for a moment, before just looking away, letting his mind flood again with those old thoughts.
-godmod approved-

Lorelai considered him a moment. He seemed like he needed a friend. She got up, moving away. She filled two plates with snacks and got two cups of juice, managing to make it back to the table without spilling anything. She set everything down, scooted her chair closer to his, and put the plates and cups in front of them both respectively. She reached over, turning his chair so that he was more facing him. "Hi!" She greeted with the same bright smile, sitting up and nudging the food a little towards him. "I'm Lorelai,"
Enoch wasn't sure what to make of the person who'd decided to target him. They left for a minute and then when they'd returned he knew she'd brought food. She turned his chair, and he looked at her with a deep frown. "Okay, don't do that," he told her, he moved his chair a little away but didn't fully turn away from her. "I'm not interested in being friends, or friendly, so, just, go find someone your own age for that,"
Lorelai tilted her head. "No," She countered immediately, propping her chin in her hand. "I've decided we're going to be friends," She told him. "So I'll just pester you until you give in," She gave him a bright smile. "So! Do you want to tell me your name, or do I need to find out by myself?" She asked, completely unbothered by his cranky attitude.
Enoch just folded his arms on the table and leaned his head against them, pillowing them. He glanced away from her. He didn't want this conversation, didn't want her near him. "Enoch," he did tell her, in the hopes that maybe this would encourage her to leave him just a little bit alone.
Lorelai smiled. "Enoch," She spoke the name, finding she liked it. She gave him a few moments of silence, trying her snacks, humming softly in appreciation and swinging her legs gently under her chair. Satisfied with her selection, she looked to him. "So!" She told him, having decided on a plan. "I have a compromise. Let's play one round of twenty questions, and after that I'll leave you alone for the rest of the dance," She offered, thinking it was a good way to compromise. "I'd take it- I'll just annoy you all night otherwise."
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