
Hoshi put her fingers though her purple hair as she turned to Sam. Her hair looked about the same messed up or done up she didn't bother much with it. "Like you wouldn't believe! This is the biggest production I'm doing at Hogwarts to date. Don't get me wrong I'm going to out do myself eventually but right now this is what people are going to know us for other than the pranks." She said. Hoshi had not been able to sit still since she woke up that moring she was such a bundle of nerves.

Hoshi put her hand on Sam's shoulder. "I'm just happy that you and Knight-kun are doing this with me." She said with a bright smile. She couldn't have done this alone she realized. She was good but not that good. Hoshi shook her head. "Hey inner beauty counts but it's outer beauty that catches the eyes first is it not." She said. It was probobly the only reason Toni got dates she thought but let it go. The girl was not her consern by any means.
Sam smiled, "Hoshi. Hoshi! You'll be great." Sam said reassuringly, though he would hate to be in her position. "Like always." he added with a smirk. It was true first year this year was known as the mega-trouble-makers. Have of them got their reputation from Hoshi. She was most likely one of the most well known students in the school.

"Ah don't worry about it." Sam shrugged it off, in the end he was doing this for his friend. Sam looked at all the girls getting themselves done up. He was thrilled to be a boy more than ever right now. Boys could get away with nto having anything done. Sam took in Hoshi's view on things. "Yeah. Thats true all right." Sam laughed. "So how many people are taking part in this shindig?" Sam asked her.
Arisa knew that she shouldnt change herself for yule ball. Arisa put on a puppy face and said "if thats what you want" in a sad voice. She then began grinning "so lets do your colors!" She said cheerfully.
Violet sighed. First years really were insane. She never remembered being that crazy in her first year. "Haha, okay. Go crazy! Wait...don't." She grinned at Arisa, and sat down, wondering if anything could be done to make her look presentable. The dark circles under her eyes, the shaky hands...she looked like a wreck, and she felt like one, too.
Hoshi thought for a moment. "Twelve. Four boys, seven girls and a whole lot of cool. I just hope everything comes to pass the way I want it to. Love it though. It's better than Ares-kun's date auction!" She said putting a sign in Sam's hands. It made he laugh so hard that Ares would come up with something like this. He and Olli where ones after her own heart though she hadn't seen Olli around in a while. With a sigh she let it pass. "All my girls are here. Thank got that guy are not like this or we would never get anywhere." She said with a sigh. She wasn't one to talk though. Hoshi felt quite good in her corseted number at the moment.
Sam laughed loudly when Hoshi handed him the sign. "Is he--" He tried to calm down but it was a lame attempt to beat Hoshi's. "Is he for real?" Sam managed to say. "I mean if you think this is bad." he said indicating the date game, "This is just cruel!" He handed her back the paper. "Did anyone actually sign up for this gig?" He asked, hoping she would know.
Hoshi shook her head. "I don't think they know about it that what make is so funny! They can never beat the fabulosness that is me of course." She said putting her hands on the creamy whitenss that was the exposed part of her chest. She was joking of course. "But still it's pretty funny." She said laughing as she took the sign and tucked it into the lining of the corset. "And I'm guessing he's doing this on his own because I haven't seen Olli-kun in a while now." She said with a sigh. It was always sad when a class mate droped our from the face of the earth.
Arisa grabbed one of her many color pallets and went over to Violet. "Well fist of im going to cover the dark circles under your eyes" Arisa said with a smile applying some powder that was almost the excact same shade as her skin. Once that was done sa asked "are you sure your going to wear that shirt?" trying to think of what color eye shadow would go best with it.
Alexandra took a seat on one of the benches, and she noticed a boy walk in. Why would a boy come to get his hair and make-up done? She thought to herself as she watched one blonde girl put make up on a girl who seemed older than the rest of the students there. Make up was something Alex didn't know much of. Occasionally when she was younger her mother would put some lipstick on her, when they went to weddings, and that is all Alex knew. She only owned a singlt tube of ruby red lipstick. It matched her odd skin tone, which seemed to change from tan to pale all the time, or maybe that was just her doing it.

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