Make The Pop Go Rock

Daisy Parker-Taylor

Meow Meow Meow 🐶
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Pansexual (Lizzie)
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Rigid Blackthorn Wand with Boomslang venom Core
Admittedly, Daisy wanted to do this with someone else. But she was already in her second year, and didn't know who to take with her. She didn't have anyone she was close enough with that she felt comfortable to ask to go with her to the Forbidden Forest. It was obviously forbidden for a reason, but she wanted to know why, and it was high time she found out. Daisy had thoroughly enjoyed her time spent at home, though it was a winter break, she was able to see her dad for two whole weeks which was incredible! They had all gone out together, had picnics, gone to the beach which was a stupid idea because it was so cold, but they had fun anyway; especially Gus. They even went into Auckland city for one night and went up the Sky Tower which was exhilarating, even though the restaurant was a bit too fancy for Daisy's tastes. Not for the first time, Daisy wished that Gus was with her. She knew her parents wouldn't have approved of her going into the forest, but Gus would've followed her willingly and excitedly. Still, they weren't here now and she just had to bite the bullet and do it! With a determined face, Daisy marched across the lawn towards the forbidden forest.
It wasn't a secret that Freya loved spending her time outside far better than sitting inside all day. Even though she was now going to start her second year at Hogwarts it felt like she still hadn't seen everything there was to see and to explore when it came to the castle and its grounds. It wasn't as much as a feeling rather than it was a fact. She had not seen everything and she probably wouldn't either. For starters there was one place she had not yet visited and one place she was sure of she would probably never visit, even though she was more than curious as to what would happen when she did: the forbidden forest. The Hufflepuff had spend many minutes strolling across the grounds closest to the forst, letting her gaze explore the forest as far as they could see, which had never been a lot. There had been multiple times in which she had thought about entering, but there had always been something that stopped her. This day Freya had once again found herself wandering closely to the forest, stopping when she felt like she was getting to close and now she was just standing there, staring at the trees and wondering if perhaps she should enter, if perhaps she shouldn't stick to the rules and be brave for a change? Brave and possibly stupid.
With confidence growing in each step, Daisy was delighted to see a fellow student standing near the forest. She threw one fist up in the air, like she saw the one muggle man do in the movie when he got the girl. Because she would certainly get the girl! Daisy was so stoked! She didn't recognize the blonde curls from behind, but the girl seemed tall enough to maybe not be a first year; even if she was a first year, Daisy was sure she'd go in with her. How could she not want to?! An adventure with a friend is better than one by your lonesome! As she got nearer, Daisy swung her arm around the girl's shoulder, bringing her into a tight side hug. "Friend! We have been given our orders. Enter the forest and search every nook and cranny! There's no time to delay!" She said in her best encouraging-type voice, before starting to slowly move forward, her arm still around the blonde girl, hoping she would accept the mission.
Freya was now seriously considering setting foot into the forest, as she had started to make a list of pros and cons inside her head. She didn't get very far with that however, because after the pro of finally finding out what it would be like inside the forest and the con of being caught and getting into a lot of trouble she couldn't think of anything else to add to the list. It was something the second year Hufflepuff was finding to be a bit disappointing. There was something inside of her that just wanted her to be a bit more adventurous, to not stick to the rules all the time, to live a little. Who knew that some approaching footsteps and a sudden arm around her shoulder could be the little push she needed to do exactly that. As an arm was swung around her shoulder Freya looked to her side, noticing a very excited and yet determined girl who was making the Hufflepuff move towards the forest with her. "Alright." Freya chuckled as she gladly accepted what seemed to be an invite to go into the forest with the girl, even if she was still a bit scared of the consequences in the back of her mind. "Let's do this!" It seemed as if her oppertunity to be adventurous for a change had finally arrived.
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As the girl agreed to go in with Daisy, a grin grew on her face. She threw her other arm around the girl, and gave her a tight side hug squeeze, before letting go, exclaiming "Yus!" She lifted up her hand to give the girl a high five. It was then that she noticed the girl was in Hufflepuff, which was why Daisy didn't know her name. Daisy loved names and tried to remember as many people's names as possible, and though this girl was familiar to the young Gryffindor, she couldn't quite put a name to her face. "I'm Daisy!" She exclaimed happily, holding out her hand for a handshake. "I'm so excited, and it's going to be so much more fun with a friend!" She sang, the grin still on her face as she walked backwards towards the Forbidden Forest so she could look at the girl. "Have you ever been in before? This is my first time, but I can't wait anyway." Daisy commented, before turning back around at the edge of the Forest. "You ready?"
The second year Hufflepuff couldn't help but laugh at the excitement and the energy of this girl. It was however very effective, because she started to get a bit more excited and confident in doing this, entering the forest, herself. After putting her hand up in the air to answer the girl's high five Freya smiled a her and shook her hand soon after. "I'm Freya." Not being on her own whilst going to enter the forest made her feel a bit more confident about what she was doing. She knew it was stupid though, if they were to get caught they would probably get into a lot of trouble, but trouble might perhaps be good for her. She had never broken the rules and she felt like maybe doing so would give her a bit more confidence and make her a bit more fun for others to be around as well, not some studious kid who followed every single little rule there was to follow. "No, never, but there's gotta be a first time for everything right?" The twelve year old chuckled, straightening her back and nodding when the Gryffindor in front of her asked her is she was ready. "Ready!"​
Upon hearing the girls name, Daisy smiled. "Freya." She repeated, mainly so she could remember it, she would hate if the name fell out of her head. But Daisy also loved the way it sounded. "You have a very beautiful name Freya. Do you know what it means?" Daisy's name meaning was simple, but she loved it, she loved her name and she loved finding out the meanings behind other people's names as well. If Freya didn't know, Daisy would find out for the girl, and let her know. Names were important to the Gryffindor.
Daisy grinned when Freya said it was also her first time, she was excited they'd both be experiencing this together for the first time, it made it that much more exciting and fun. Her smile only grew when Freya said she was ready, Daisy stood next to the girl, linking their arms, and walking into the Forest. It was darker immediately, but Daisy's face lit up, looking around at all the new things. "I've heard that there might be werewolves in here, so we have to be ready to run, but also, maybe unicorns and I think I might just die of excitement if I saw one." Daisy stage-whispered to her new friend.
Nodding her head at the girl after she asked her if she knew what her name means Freya smiled. "I do, yes." She started. It had been one of the first things she had wanted to know once she was old enough, but it had never been a hard job to find out what it meant. She had always loved stories about Norse mythology and all the different god there were, which had always made her incredibly proud of her name. "Well it doesn't as much have a meaning, but Freya is also the name of a Norse goddess. She's the goddess of love, beauty, war and death and I think a few things more, but I always forget." The second year Hufflepuff chuckled. She had never been good in remembering all of the things the Norse gods represented. As they made their way into the forest she noticed the grimm atmosphere it had once inside. The trees were very closely packed together, which made it hard for the sunlight to enter the forest, causing it to be rather dark in there. It was something that made the forest interesting though. "I do hope that if we come across something it'll be the unicorn, not a werewolf." Freya softly chuckled, immediately joining Daisy in whispering.​
Because she had shown her magical abilities early on, Daisy was home-school by her mother; which indeed was handy, as they were so far out from everything. Gods and goddesses was not something Daisy had learned about, so she had no idea what a Norse was. But she wondered if the Norse goddess Freya would be watching over her dad when he was at war. It was weird to be a goddess of so many things, especially putting love and war together. Nevertheless, Daisy grinned at the girl, still thinking it was beautiful, and making the decision to find out more about gods and goddess, especially the ones called Norse.
Daisy giggled at Freya's comment, agreeing with her. "Okay, but maybe a centaur! That would be fun to see!" She said as she moved her hand to hold Freya's, her eyes looking around, trying to take in as much as she could. "Hopefully we do see something Freya, it would be a shame to miss out on all the creatures. Are you enjoying Hufflepuff?"
Whilst talking Freya noticed that they were geting further and further into the forest. Having no idea of what to expect from it she just kept looking around, trying not to react to every little sound her ears picked up. She was trying to be advenurous after all, so she couldn't fear that there was something scary causing each and every little sound. "That would be pretty cool." The second year Hufflepuff agreed with Daisy's comment about perhaps spotting a centaur. She had always found magical creatures to be fairly interesting and she was dying to learn more about them. Or just to see them. "If we do I hope it'll be something fun rather than something scary. Although seeing something in his place seems like a challenge in itself at the moment." Freya chuckled, her eyes scanning her surroundings in case there would be any movement. "Hufflepuff is great!" She exclaimed, not really knowing how to describe it. She just felt happy in the house and wouldn't trade it for any other house. "What about Gryffindor?"​
Still grasping onto Freya's hand, Daisy nodded her head in agreement, wondering if maybe the animals in the Forest only liked to come out at night, or if they were just scared and stayed away from people, which then it didn't make sense that it was a forbidden forest, and so far Daisy couldn't see the reason why. But she continued to lead her new friend further into the forest in hopes that they would find something. Daisy grinned when Freya said what she felt about Hufflepuff, excited to talk about Gryffindor. "Oh, I love Gryffindor, some people complain about it being so high up in the castle, but I actually love running the stairs, especially when you know you have a warm bed and fire waiting for you - uh, I mean, I am allowed to tell you this right?" Daisy giggled nervously. That'd be all she needed, getting into trouble for leaking Gryffindor's information.
It had been some time before Cain had lingered towards where the castle was. He wasn't supposed to be near the stone prison that housed all of those bipelled students of theirs, but he often found himself wandering towards it regardless. With his pouch across his chest, the young centaur was galloping through the forest happily. It was the afternoon and the air was fresh and warm, with a breeze licking at the back of his hooves as he ran with it. More often then not, he was with his mother learning how to make pouches to horde his collections. He mostly collected interesting rocks and little things that were occasionally left behind by students. They seemed to have very brightly coloured things, of which he barely had names for, and so he had to collect them to show his brother in the hopes that they could figure something out together.

During his gallop, the wind changed and he came to a rather belated pause. His keen senses were picking u the scent of something sweet, and he came to a slow shuffle as he sought out the smell. Typically, it was more students. He hadn't seen one for a while, and how they managed to balance like that on two feet confused him. He seemed to always be running into students - it was like they were invited to come in or something. Ducking low, he hovered near a tree in the dark, watching the young girls with slightly squinted brown eyes.
Freya smiled once Daisy started talking about how much she liked Gryffindor and soon started thinking if she was even allowed to tell her the things she was telling her. "As long as you don't go telling people how to get into your common room I think it's alright." She chuckled, not even whispering anymore because she had gotten the feeling that this wasn't their day and that they weren't going to run in to anything in the forest. At this point Freya was wondering if there even were creatures living into the forest. Perhaps there was something else they needed to keep away from the students and all the stories were just to keep students from going into the forest. Not that it was very effective, the second year Hufflepuff knew for sure that over the years many, many students had found themselves brave enough to enter the forest. Today apparently she had felt the same because here she was, in the forest. Freya looked around once again, before turning her head towards Daisy. "Do you think we'll see anything today?" She looked at her, still questioning the function of the forest. "I mean it looks as if there's nothing to this forest except for a whole lot of trees."​
At Freya's reply, Daisy nodded her head, and pretended to zip her lips closed, and threw away the imaginary key. "My lips are sealed!" She giggled. The further the two girls went, the braver Daisy felt, hardly feeling like she had to whisper anymore. There wasn't anything there! She wondered if the Forest being forbidden was just a joke amongst the Professors, because really they hadn't seen anything to be afraid of, and while it made the young girl feel brave, she was nearing on boredom. Daisy sighed at Freya's question. "I know. This is so disappointing! I'm beginning to think - " Daisy stopped mid speech, mid-step and flung her head around. "Okay, maybe I'm imagining things, but I swear I heard a rustle somewhere." The Gryffindor said, looking back at Freya, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Should we go investigate?" She asked, her voice quavering with excitement, before turning around and holding the peace sign with her fingers. "We're friends, not food!" Daisy called out to the Forest.
Freya chuckled at the Gryffindor as she pretended to zip her lips. She wasn't sure of the exact rules about common rooms and what not to tell about them, but she was rather sure that as long as you didn't let people who didn't belong there inside the room, everything would be fine. When Daisy stopped mid sentence Freya immediately stopped mid-step as a reflex. Even though walking through the forest had made her feel like she had gotten a bit more adventurous, she had never truly stopped being as alert as possible either. When Daisy swore she heard a rustle Freya could feel her heart starting to beat more heavily than before, both of excitement and of fear, although to her own surprise excitement seemed to have the upper hand in this. "That's what we're here for, isn't it?" The thirteen year old smiled at her new friend, trying not to chuckle once she held up the peace sign, hoping that whatever or whoever was out there, if there even was something out there, would show.
Cain had no idea what the sign had to do with anything, as he had never been faced with it before. But he did know English, and frowned slightly at the allegation that he had a desire to consume either student - that was disgusting. However, unlike some of his kind, he had been exposed to the students of the school before, and knew them to generally cause him no harm. He had been careless and was spotted by the females, so he decided to slowly, and carefully make his presence known properly. He would have to watch for his hooves next time.

His earthy eyes examined the young humans carefully, outnumbered by not intimidated by the small bodies. They had more eyes than he, but their young faces suggested that they could be trusted to be approachable, and so the centaur stood before them a little shyly. "Hello, I am Cain."

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