- Messages
- 429
- OOC First Name
- Brandon
- Wand
- 12" Elder wand with Dementor's tear core
Full Name: Makato black
- Birth Date: October 31, 2006
- Current Age: 14
- Basic Appearance: Green eyes, Brown hair
- Parents: Jacob and Yaomi Scry
- Siblings, if any: None
- Pets, if any: none
- Area of Residence: New Zealand with the Sebastien black
- Blood status: Mixed
(If your character is a sorted student
- Hogwarts House (And why): Slytherin: Makato is in this house do to his desire for power and his desire to earn respect where ever he can get it.
- Best school subjects (And why): Charms: Makato love everything about charms and it is the only class of magic that can be used for everything.
- Worst school subjects (And why): Defense against the dark arts: Makato got his first detention from Professor King who teaches the class.
(all characters
- What would their Patronus be? A hawk
- What would their Boggart be? A grave with Tillian's name on it
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A hawk
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Makato as the Minister of Magic
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus?
Makato memory of the fist time he used magic and flew
- Write an example roleplay by your character:
The nigh air was warm as Makato Lied awake in bed. He could not sleep alot of things where going on in his head. He had been under the tutalage of a mentor since he was not in school. Makato loved school with apassion and wished very much for the day that he could return. He was tired of his new life.
With all the comings and going Makato lived in his family estate under unyielding watch of the estate servants. The head maid and butler saw to his education and upbring while Tillian saw to his protection and well being. They all began to mold him into the perfect young adult. He was a high class child. With his father connection in the muggle world and his mothers in the magical world he had to attended many events and shake hands.
He rolled over and looked out the window. He was always alone though no friends or people to relate to be normal with like back at school. He had lost touche with everyone and did not even know if anyone cared that he was gone.
Out of the blue a Stromy Black owl appeared in the window with mail. Makato lept from his bed and went to open the window. It was tillian trusty owl Eclipse she had aletter for makato. Makato read the letter and felt the world around turn topsy turvy. He felt anger and pain well up inside him and boil over into tears. How could tillian leave him with someone else.
- Birth Date: October 31, 2006
- Current Age: 14
- Basic Appearance: Green eyes, Brown hair
- Parents: Jacob and Yaomi Scry
- Siblings, if any: None
- Pets, if any: none
- Area of Residence: New Zealand with the Sebastien black
- Blood status: Mixed
(If your character is a sorted student

- Hogwarts House (And why): Slytherin: Makato is in this house do to his desire for power and his desire to earn respect where ever he can get it.
- Best school subjects (And why): Charms: Makato love everything about charms and it is the only class of magic that can be used for everything.
- Worst school subjects (And why): Defense against the dark arts: Makato got his first detention from Professor King who teaches the class.
(all characters

- What would their Patronus be? A hawk
- What would their Boggart be? A grave with Tillian's name on it
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A hawk
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Makato as the Minister of Magic
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus?
Makato memory of the fist time he used magic and flew
- Write an example roleplay by your character:
The nigh air was warm as Makato Lied awake in bed. He could not sleep alot of things where going on in his head. He had been under the tutalage of a mentor since he was not in school. Makato loved school with apassion and wished very much for the day that he could return. He was tired of his new life.
With all the comings and going Makato lived in his family estate under unyielding watch of the estate servants. The head maid and butler saw to his education and upbring while Tillian saw to his protection and well being. They all began to mold him into the perfect young adult. He was a high class child. With his father connection in the muggle world and his mothers in the magical world he had to attended many events and shake hands.
He rolled over and looked out the window. He was always alone though no friends or people to relate to be normal with like back at school. He had lost touche with everyone and did not even know if anyone cared that he was gone.
Out of the blue a Stromy Black owl appeared in the window with mail. Makato lept from his bed and went to open the window. It was tillian trusty owl Eclipse she had aletter for makato. Makato read the letter and felt the world around turn topsy turvy. He felt anger and pain well up inside him and boil over into tears. How could tillian leave him with someone else.