magpies and friends.

Linden Kinnek

His Snowflake ❄️ Magizoologist 🦡
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
🏳️‍🌈Cas, 🏳️‍🌈Gay🏳️‍🌈
Curly 12.5" Flexible Chestnut with Mermaid Scale Core
23 (05/2039)
Linden had created quite the menagerie around him. he had ild his fake dragon, mus his bat. and there was a aouple of little birds that he was raising. he was glad that he had been able to keep them with the care of magical creatures animals with his aunt and mum, he was sure some of his dorm mates were also pleased about that.
he couldn't believe his mum was a professor now. though she seemed to be acting weirdly and he couldn't tell why. he had spent some time this afternoon helping aunt madlyn feed the animals. as his mum was only there once a week his aunt had a lot more to do he had taken some of the bird feed and headed onto the lawn. he had another animal that he looked after a magpie he had rescued as a chick and hand reard. she had become a friend to him and visited him most afternoons. this afternoon he was sitting on the lawn practicing his charms when the bird came and sat on his shoulder as if watching him. He stopped and gave her a stroak Hey Jære" he said holding up some of the bird feed he had in his pocket.

[[ooc note. jære is norweigian meaning dear but is in this context a cut down version of skjære meaning magpie. lin is not creative with his names ]]
Lucas has decided that there were ways to practice catching the snitch that didn't actually involve a snitch. He just had to practice catching a small, flying ball. So Lucas had dug up a small tennis ball from his trunk and was running around the lawn, throwing it into the air and running up to catch it. It was something he should probably practice on a broom, but it was kind of nice to just run around like he used to when he was little. He was keeping a tally in his head of how often in a row he had managed to catch the little ball, and right now he was on eight. But he accidentally threw the ball pretty far, and tried to race up to catch it in time before it hit the ground. But he was too late, and the ball landed on the grass with a thunk. It rolled away a little, and Lucas sighed and walked up to it. He picked it up, then noticed Linden nearby with a bunch of animals. He laughed. "Are you friends with all the anmals here?" He asked his roommate as he walked closer to him.
something moved in the grass a little way away from where linden was sitting he felt Jære move on his shoulder as if about to take off before she settled again. indicating that it was nothing important. he shifted slightly looking and saw it was just a ball. the thumping sound of footsteps alerted him to whoever had thrown it his hand automatically went to stroke the bird as he made cooing noises to calm her before he saw who it was. and realised it was his dorm-mate.
he chuckled at the comment "No, I haven't yet been able to befriend the giant squid. but I do have four more years" he said. his menagerie may be growing but it wasn't as large as sanders. but it was growing and a lot of his animals weren't his and were wild. he just cared for them. Jære for example was technically a wild bird, but they were friends. he fished around for a topic. wanting to continue the conversation "you remember Jære, I kept her in the dorm fo a few weeks at the start of the year when she was a fledgling" he said. he had found her injured and alone and looked after her until she was healed and able to return back to the wild.
Lucas felt a bit bad when he saw he had maybe scared the bird a bit, but thankfully Linden managed to calm it down. Lucas hesitated before sitting down on the grass near his friend, tilting his head a bit. "There's a giant squid?" He asked with interest. "I thought there were rumors of some big eel or snake or something in the lake." He glanced over at the water in the distance, and figured there was probably enough room in there for both a squid and an eel. Maybe even more things. The other boy talked about his bird, and now that he mentioned it it was a bit more familiar to him. "Oh, yeah. I remember." He said slowly. "Are you planning to work with animals after Hogwarts?" He asked him curiously.
Linden glanced over at the lake. as Lucas said that he ha heard that there was an eel in it. "I seem to have some work to do as I haven't made friends with the eel either" he said. joking. maybe he should ask his aunt if she knew which lived there or if it was both. or a kelpie who switched between the two forms. She not only had more time at the school than him but was also one of the care of magical creatures professor and should know what creatures were around.
The Hufflepuff could tell from his friends acknowledgement of Jære that he did remember her but they may not necessarily be the most pleasant of memories. "If there are ever too many creatures in the dorm or one that is annoying just let me know and I can move it in with aunt madlyn" he said. He now kept most of his rescued animals with his aunt or next to his mums office going to look after them on breaks or after class.
he nodded when asked if he wanted to work with animals. "Yes i want to be a zoologist and work with injured wild creatures so that they can be returned home" he said. he had been doing that ever since he had been a littleie. mainly with birds and small mammles but he hoped that he would be able to work with larger animals and magical animals when he grew up. "what did you want to be when you are older?" he asked interested. he could see his friend working with plants but he might be totally wrong.
Lucas laughed when Linden made a comment about not making friends with the eel yet. It was nice that the other boy had found something he was so good at, and something he enjoyrd doing. Lucas shrugged when Linden brought up the creatures in the dorm. "As long as they don't pee on my bed I'm good." He said lightly. He didn't spend that much time in the dorms anyway, there were so many more interesting parts of the castle to explore. "That sounds cool." He said after Linden had explained what he wanted to do. "Sounds like something for you." Lucas' face fell a bit when the boy turned the question on him, and he shrugged a little uncomfortably. "I... dunno." He said. "I barely know what kinda jobs there are, really. I used to want to be a superhero, but even with magic being real... kinda unrealistic." He laughed softly.
linden nodded as lucas said that he didn't mind the animals so long as they didn't pee on his bed. he siwhed that all of the dormmates could be as excepting as him. "you will be fine as soon as the birds are big enough to fly they are set loose. and I have to keep them contained to protect them from cats. Ild isn't real and mus is well trainedand tends to just live in my pocket" he said referring to his bat. it may be odd that he called his bat mouse bit is was actually a shorter form of flaggermus which meant bat. even so it wasn't out of charictor for him his dog was called bear, his rat had been called elk and his 'dragon' was called fire.
He nodded when Lucas said that it was good that he had found a job that had suited him. he knew that was the job for him. he knew a magizoologist one of his mum and aunt's friend's pip and he was cool.
he was a little surprised that lucas didn't know what to do as a job. he had always known what he wanted to do. and willow had known she had wanted to be an aurora for as long as he could remember the topic being around. and change with her bakery was a sure thing. "You can still be a superhero surly magic will make that easier." he said thinking for as second "you could be an aurora like Willow. they are like super heroes. they fight the real bad guys" he said then paused. "but picture you working with plants. or doing something creative" he said thinking about what he could see his friend doing and plants was the first thing that came to mind
Lucas nodded as Linden explained about his animals, though honestly he couldn't really keep track of all the other boy's pets. It was nice that his bed wasn't in any real danger though. Lucas wondered if he could talk his mother into get him a magical pet, or even a non-magical one. But they seemed reluctant to trust him with the responsibility when he was away at school and they couldn't keep an eye on him.

The way Linden talked about knowing what to do for the rest of his life made Lucas feel a bit uncomfortable. He sounded so matter of fact about it, and Lucas had thought they had plenty of time to figure it out. Lucas shrugged when Linden suggested working with plants or doing something creative. "Maybe. I do like making up stories." He decided not to mention his entirely average grades for Herbology. "Quidditch would be cool too." He said a little wistfully. Lucas knew it wasn't very realistic, but being a professional Quidditch player sounded like it would be a lot of fun.
linden got the impression that his thought on what Lucas would want to do was a little off. he didn't know what had given him that impression but ht just thought it would suit him. or maybe he was thinking more of Casper, he knew the boy could draw even if he was very secretive about it.
As Lucas said that he would like to play quidditch he nodded enthusiastically, he knew his mum had briefly played pro and willow always moaned that she had left a cool job to work at the ministry. yeah pro quidditch would be cool too" he said trying to hide the guilt he was feeling. Lucas was on the quidditch team with him but he was an alternative seeker whereas linden had stumbled into being on the main lineup. he hadn't wanted to be on the main line up and would have much rather have been an alternative, he didn't really like the sport much to his mum and sisters disappointment he had only joined because he had missed the comradery of being on the soccer team he had been on in his primary school not that he was a huge fan of soccer either but did a good enough job as goalie. it had just been bad luck for him that the person who had been keeper the year before had decided not to join the team again and he had been the only one to try out for the least popular position. "which teams do you support?" he asked even though he didn't follow the sport closely he knew which teams he followed, or rather which team hi mum and sister followed that he followed from convenience.
Lucas was glad Linden didn't say his hopes for Quidditch were unrealistic, even if he kind of knew they were. He was only an alternate on the team, and would be for at least another year. And even after that it wasn't certain he would get the position. He had yet to really prove himself on the team. "Have you ever considered it?" Lucas asked him curiously. As LInden asked him which teams he supported, Lucas shrugged. "Uh, I haven't been following it very long. Mostly because I didn't know Quidditch existed until two years ago." He said sheepishly. "But i think both New Zealand teams are very cool." He said. "Did you know a lot of the players used to go here and play at Hogwarts? Ares Jeffreys was even on our team!"
Linden shook his head as Lucas asked if he had considered quidditch as a career. "I am afraid I dont really.." he paused trying to find the right work he he had almost said enjoy but that wasn't quite right "Feel passionate about quidditch. but I like the comradely of being on a team. I didn't expect to get on the teem other than an alternative and the last keeper was still at school so I didn't expect to get on the team" he said. speaking quickly as if getting the information out quickly would soften the blow to his friend.
"Oh right. that makes it cooler that you want to play professionally" he said as Lucas had said he hadn't known that quidditch existed until a couple of years ago. she had forgotten that his friend was a muggle born. "Ahh so you are a kea supporter he said as the name of one of that teams chasers came up. "Syrus Stilinski and Lizzy Taylor used to be on the Gryffindor team with willow. he said. he didn't really follow the league but was a macaws supported by default. but he had picked up the general idea as to who was on which team from listening to conversations in the great hall or at home.

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