
Daisy was shocked as Lief kissed her, then pulled away quickly. She looked up at him, realizing that he was feeling what she was. She gently touched his cheek, then pulled his face closer to hers to return the kiss.
Merlin, is this happening? Lief thought, I must be in a dream. He leaned forward and kissed Daisy with an intensity that quite unsettled him. Why was he letting himself loose so quickly? He wasn't close to anyone, not even his family.
Daisy melted into Lief's arms. Is this real? Did I really do that? she thought. Brun is going to flip out! She could not believe her luck that this amazing man was really interested in her.
Lief held Daisy in his arms, making no sound but that of his own breathing. He had never, ever, done anything like that before. He had opened up so easily to Daisy. Was she the one?

He was content to stand there, staring back into her eyes and his gaze locked to hers.
Daisy looked up into Lief's beautiful blue eyes. The eyes that could be so cold to so many, she has seen his glare in the past towards others, were so warm and loving. She could fall right into that sea of blue and live forever. She smiled lovingly as she started to wonder what he was thinking.
"I have an idea," Lief said quietly, "Let's go somewhere." He held Daisy's hand gently, gazing into her entracing eyes.
Holding Daisy's hand, they walked off into the sunset, disappearing down the dark streets of Madrid.

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