- Messages
- 2,368
- OOC First Name
- Madz
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Relationship Status
- Married
- Sexual Orientation
- Chayton's ❤
- Age
- 02/2014
'M a d l y n (M o u t h) M a r g e r a'

12 Gryffindor Part-Giant Different
&& t h i s i s w h a t y o u w a n n a k n o w &&
madlyn margera
date of birth.
february 3rd, 2014
solen,north dakota
blood stauts.
mixed blood
coconut wand 14 1/4" essence of star dust
('i know a girl she puts the color inside of my world')
&& t h i s i s w h a t y o u w a n n a s e e &&
&& t h i s i s w h a t y o u w a n n a s e e &&
curly very curly dark brown hair
nothing but a gentle black
six 'eight and still growing
tall lengthy, half giant but still thin as any young girl her regular height would be
overall appearance.
madlyn half giant blood can be spotted the minute you see the girl in perfect view. she doesn't hide that she different to be truthfully honest. she knows she different yet she lives her life in the same any normal human being would. besides her being freakishly tall, madlyn looks more like girls her age. she still has that young appeal, the same roundness no matter how tall she is curving her face, her eyes are just as innocent and black too. she resemble just that of both her parents her father being dark shaded with moco skin complexion and her mother being light and olive tone, she came out directly in the middle. both her sister came out either like her mother or just her father complexion. she has mesh of dark curly hair that falls gently down her back whenever she decides to leave it out. madlyn a big time tomboy, so she wears her hair often up and away from her face. its a few times when you will see her hair down, those times are when her mother would do her hair.
her constantly constants of denim jeans, plaid shirts and custom made sneakers made just for half giants like maddy. in the wizaring world she doesn't have to worry about buying clothes. she can wear anything she fancy, from dress, to shoes just because of wizaring shops and magic to help make her clothes. but being a girl that love playing in dirt and riding down hills on a wooden skateboard, she prefer wearing jeans more relaxing and fitting for her. on a off chance you could probably see her in a dress again, that's just to please her mother wishes.
overall personality here.
i would say madlyn very obnoxious at times, snapping a tude here and there when other can be so ignorant because of the way she looks. other than that madlyn very daring and loves to experience life to the fullest. she would do extreme sports, like jumping off cliffs, jumping off a 12 feet tree, climbing the mountains. she would do anything just to see her limits.
however for the sake of her mother not having a heart attack, she got herself into skateboarding because it gave her the same rush. her father would built them just for her, being an expert in different kinds of wood material, he makes madlyn many kind with stormy her friend (also a part giant) design. other than being a tomboy, madlyn can make friends if she wanted too, yet she rather just have a few close friends than entire crowd who possibly wouldn't know one thing about her no matter how much you tell them. madlyn just figures a few friends is all she needed to be happy, call it a clique whatever, she wouldn't care just as long as she not doing anything her parents would disapprove of.
('now i'm starting to see maybe it's got nothing to do with me')
&& m a y y o u k e e p t h I s b e t w e e n u s &&
- she likes to be daring at times
-likes to meet a few friends who will eventually become good friends
-like try out sports, since her father didn't get his boy he kinda did with madlyn
-likes skateboarding with her best frineds
-likes climbing up hills and running down right after also likes to roll down
-small places she can't get into
-being made fun though she hardly shows her emotions when she it happens
-dislikes small people but she can tolerate them, its more of a fear really
worst fears.worst fear would have to be being lost, maddy will cry in tears if she were lost. she hates it the most too, she figure being tall she would find places a lot faster. still her narration not as good as it should be.
its not the biggest secret in the world, but she hope to be a breeder of care of magical creature one day. her great grandfather from her father side had been one. he's the reason why she carried giant blood in her family. she wants to be a breeder and hopefully have one to care for her as her own.
favorite place in the world.
with her two friends in ireland just hanging out. or back in north dakota caring for the muggel animals her parents once own but had to give up because their extreme move to the green land.
greatest memory.would say meeting her friend Stormy, stormy the first half giant she ever met before. she share common interest like madlyn and understands how it feels to be different than the rest of the world. madlyn carries the memory in the forest back in ireland, just when she had thought moving to a foreign country had been bad, she found the better side to it.
worst memory.
i can't say she had any worst, but when her father was paralyze, you could say their entire family was distraught afraid of losing Jackson because of a job accident back in america.
Stormy- half giant, female, ireland native, punk sort of looking.
Apple- she not a giant but she just as tall, she also from ireland, loves boarding too, more of a casual person that loves her hobbies
('fathers, be good to your daughters,daughters will love like you do')
&& m y l i f e m y h i s t o r y w r i t t en i n w o r d s t h a t I. o w n &&
&& m y l i f e m y h i s t o r y w r i t t en i n w o r d s t h a t I. o w n &&
jackson margera
Retired auruor, 45,
Wood expert, mixed blood, giant blood
iris margera 42,
Healer,mixed blood
mandela 18, mixed blood, nyc student
jackie margera, 6,
living at home
none as of yet
Maddy was born in Solen, North Dakota on Sioux's tribal land, and raised in Glenbrook, Ireland. Throughout her childhood, Madlyn was very aware of how different her family can be seen from other point of views. How her mother is the lightest out of all of them and her father a dark reddish brown man who is twice the size and height of a regular man. Yes her father being a native american half giant may seem odd, and her mother an italian woman who fell for someone totally opposite from herself, they may seem different but to those who know them well enough, know they are just like any other family. Growing up she witness both her parents taking up great careers in the wizaring world, her father being an auruor and her mother once a healer, raised their three girls in the best way possible. Maddy had a regular childhood, by the age of four however, things change rapidly so did her height naturally. Her parents were convince eventually she would be just the same as her father Jackson, so they move out to Glenbrook Ireland, in a very more open wizaring community unlike the one they had once lived in Solen, North Dakota.
Madlyn transition to her new home made her feel out of place at first. For many reason, though one of them stood amongst the rest. She had mixed heritage, but besides that she always been extremely tall for her age. It wasn't till a couple months later, did she met another half giant girl name Stormy and very tall girl (6'5) name Apple. Both girls befriended Maddy instantly, that's where her loved for skateboarding had came from the very beginning. Maddy never intended to like sports, till Stormy introduced her to boarding.
Amongst other influence, Maddy began to gain more confidence, trusting herself to do whatever she set her mind doing. She learn to hike steep mountains, climb the tallest tree, she learn to sail harsh waves, Everything she learn, she learn with Stormy and Apple. Besides what she got use to doing, her father influenced her enough to care for magical creatures too. He had retired from being an auruor, after an accident left him paralyze and uncertain if he would walk again. Regaining his strength and now with a staff he walks around, and volunteering his time to care for certain magical creatures. Madlyn along side, gotten used to caring for extraordinary creatures, that she made it her goal in life one day to do the same, just like Jackson taught her along the way.
After a couple years in Glenbrook, Ireland, the Margera had taken residency in Sydney, Australia. Figuring it was time for a change, with their oldest attending college in New York City
(Mandela Margera) and their youngest (Jackie Margera whom btw was born in Glenbrook, Ireland) all accepted the changed except for Maddy at first. At first she hated the idea, she wouldn't get use to it. She didn't want to move because of her friends in Glenbrook and her attachment she grew with Ireland. She couldn't believe they where moving, but she had no choice, they had to move and so they did. When they moved that's when the acceptance to Hogwarts came for Madlyn, where she felt she rather not go at all. However, she decided, she might as well go, give it a try. If she finds she doesn't like it she can decide to come back home.
Now sorted into Gryffindor, a house she had wanted to be in, Madlyn little by little slowly adjusting to her new school. She already met a few students just about her age, whom she either like or dislikes. Its always counted their opinion on her at first and than that's when she makes her judgement on them. Most of the time she seems fond of their characteristic and quality of someone. Like Briar Rowan, she very weird, but she fast and very nice. Joe Walker, a comedian that's one of a kind, she thinks he's very funny at times. Than their are ones like Roze Castro, a girl she share the same interest, so far the ones she met she finds them to be exception of friends. She hope to gain many more, as the years go on.
('girls become lovers who turn into mothers so mothers, be good to your daughters too)
& & t h i s i s m y f i n a l l y u n t i l t h e n & &
& & t h i s i s m y f i n a l l y u n t i l t h e n & &
profile template by me ? color blender use at color blender site! And lyrics by john mayer-daughter.Graphic by me too!