Old School Week Mad Hatter

Aika Chen

Quiet | Better | Software Engineer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
2043 (20)
Aika enjoyed the time outside of the dorm at this time of the year. She just wished that she could be home with her dad, brother and uncle Chal during summer instead of being at school, but still, here she was. Excited for the holidays but while waiting, she decided to put some blanket on the ground of the great lawn and enjoy the time there with an awesome book.
Margo loved to be in the sun when she had the chance. Her grandmother said she was solar powered and she was never her best when it was cloudy. The lawn was by far the best place to soak it all in. She was looking for a place to sit when she noticed a girl on a blanket. Margo hadn't thought to bring one and she took a few steps toward her. "Hi do you mind if I join you?"
Aika looked up as she heard a voice. To say the least, Aika didn't expect to meet Margo, Aika had noticed a lot of times when Valerius was with her. It seemed easier for him. She saw how he looked at Margo and she just wished if only he could look at her that way. But here she was, and Aika had a chance to finally know what it was all about. "Oh hey Margo! Of course not, I'd love your company!" Aika moved a little, making more space for the other girl.
"Thanks." Margo said with a smile and joined the other girl on the blanket. "I always forget to grab something like this before I come outside." she said with a laugh. She didn't know Aika well but she knew Valerius liked her so she knew she should try and get to know her too. "What are you reading?" she asked curiously. She was an avid bookworm herself and wondered what other people liked to read.

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