M O O S É & M O U T H

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Makaylah Makwa

Al. Ravenclaw | Historian
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
M O O S ? & M O U T H

<r>Meet Little Moose or Fossil lover expert <B><s></s>Makaylah Makwa<e></e></B> :wubs: she my first pure blood and a little bit Nerdy! What I'm looking for two peeps to play her two dorky brother Embry and Quil and also befriend this little bitty girl. I absolutely love Makaylah <E>:wub:</E> so a few friends for the pure Blooded girl is in need. =) I don't like stuck up people to play Embry and Quil so if your interested post here! My pure bloods aren't like most here, they come from a different background so they wouldn't be the type to have that I'm a pure blood and I'm better than everyone else mentality. I would resemble them to the Weasley!
Next we have is <COLOR color="firebrick"><s></s> Madlyn Margera!<e></e></COLOR> She my half giant who found out growing up that her great grand[x4] father Stanley had been a giant. I need friends for her and someone to play her father Jackson Margera. If your interested please post here. Madlyn into skate boarding and she too don't much like stuck up people. She more into people who knows how to skate board or into extreme sports. She a thrill seeker and isn't afraid to be daring. I don't mind bullies but come on Madlyn will probably knock you before you can even sneer? Pfft! <br/>
Thanks =)</r>
I can offer Penelope as a friend for Makaylah. She's smart and a little bit of a nerd, but tries to make a lot of friends. She's just recently found her courage to stand up for herself and stuff like that. How does it sound?
That sounds sweet =D want to start one or shall I?
Can you please start a topic? I'm working on lessons.
I can have Zazuka mentor Makaylah seeing as she was asked to keep an eye on the girl. As for Madlyn Margera I can offer Hoshi who skateboards and has invented something she calls Broom Surfing which is like skateboarding only on a broom.
Awesome I like both of them, will start one when I have energy or if you like you can start one too!
I can start the one with Hoshi now seeing as I need to get her out more :D
I don't think Madlyn can fly she a bit to big for a broom xD but I will still post and of course make Moose a topic with Zuka
Hoshi won't make her broom surf but she's been needing a skate buddy for a while. Thanks for making the Zuka topic.
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