"M" Is for Malice

Camille Jones

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Oak 14 3/4 Essence of Raven Feather | Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle
Holidays. Something that made Camille even more depressed than she was now. She didn't like holidays very much. Not at all. There was a reason for it, but she didn't like to think about it. She hadn't thought about it since that incident with her parents and siblings. Things were changing, she knew they were changing. She didn't want them to change but there was nothing she could do about. Events happened. People changed, it was the way things were. Walking along the street Camille pulled her hair out of its ponytail and allowed it to flow over her shoulders. She wished school would hurry up and start so she could go back.

OOCOut of Character:
I'm so sorry it's small. I have no muse for Camille. Like at all.
Drew walked slowly and steadily, his head was spinning after leaving New Zealand via plane, to here, the streets of nited Kingdom. Was he happy to be here? No, he'd rather be back home in France than here, or he'd rather be back at school in New Zealand, but not here, he didn't know anyone here. The only reason Drew was here was because his step mother wanted to visit an old frined, but didn't want to leave her kids home alone, since his step father was out working in Japan. Drew just had to learn to live with the jetlag, he thought he'd be over it by now, but apparently it wasn't going to work like that, it still didn't make things any less irritating though.

Not looking where he was going, Drew bumped into someone, and then looked in utter shock when he realised who that someone was. "Camille?" He asked carefully. For some unknown reason, she'd decided to hate him, and he wasn't entirely sure why, but she'd been less than friendly towards him as of late, so he was cautious.
Being in the United Kingdom was not something that Camille was overly enjoying right now. She was not happy, she did not want to be here, and yet here she was. Why? Her mother decided a change of scenery was in order for her and her brother. She shook her head as she stuffed her hands in her pocket and hung her head, keeping the sun out of her eyes. She figred that if noone noticed her, she would be able to bare being here and not have to worry about anyone asking her what was wrong or if she needed anything. How annoying. In fact Camille thought she was safe, until tht is someone bumped into her. Someone that she knew. Drew Handler! What was he doing here? Why is he here? Camille stared at him schocked as he said her name. Shaking her head in confusion. This was so not fair.

"Drew Handler?" She asked, biting her lip. This was so not good,. "What are you doing here?"

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