Lykke Gone :o

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Lykke Wu

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose.
So I am having a new plot with Lykke, because quite frankly she is boring me xD

However, this means (because the plot is her to move school...) that the DE's will no longer be under her care :o

The co-leader, Hayley Hurberta, will continue being the co-leader, however, I am in need of another Slytherin student to take her place. As the students currently in the DE's are ether very young, new, or not loyal enough (Hayley excluded), I am looking for an active slytherin student in the years of 4th to 7th, to guide the younger ones. Lykke herself was one of the oldest, and she would like to see the group continues without her. If you want to know the DE's morals, click the link her her signature, but yes.

If you think you have a character that would fit this, please post below and I will choose the candidate that would most suit :D Thank you!

Oh, yes and she's going to be needing some more friends xD

Theres 2 new schools i'm still deciding to send her, one is Salem, the other is Durmstrang. At the moment it's kind of 50/50 but if you have anyone you think would go particularly well please let me know :D
I vote Durmy. :r

Anyways, I can offer Xavier. You already know a bit about him, he's very mature for his age. He knows how to be a leader and how to handle leadership skills, so I'm sure he can fit the spot well. Though, he's a third year currently. ;)
I have Milena here, she's a member of the DE's though she's obviously ignored by Lykke and the others. I want her true personality to shine, sly and mean. Her looks may be deceiving but there is more to offer inside of her. I also need to use her and hopes that she could be active. Milena joined Quidditch and still awaits for the results up to now, she in the team before as well. :r
Hmm thank you you two :p

I'm not sure if Xavier should be, because the reason he joined was to get over his hufflepuff girlfriend no? Plus I think it would be better for an older student :/

Milena, she sounds good, especially as she's loyal to slytherin and already managed the team :p Ill just see if anyone else posts first though :p
No, that is not the only reason he joined. ;) Anyways, as you said, it would be better for an older student to take over.
Okay :p But yeah. I'm sure he'd be great if he was a 5th year or something xD
I kinda want to keep him young. I'm gonna miss having him young. xD He's really a fun guy to RP.
I have Dante Vrael. He's only a third year, but is actually 15, because he spend two years in hiding after his parents were murdered. He has an evil streak in him, after his parents deaths. He is a good leader, and is able to think up ingenious schemes. Im a very active member, though i havent been with Dante as he started to bore me, because he had nothing going for him. Im very keen to get this position.
Well, after his parents were killed, his Uncle took him abroad, and tried to home school him as much as possible, but because he wasnt recieving an education, when he finally returned to school, he wasnt 'qualified' enough in the eyes of the Headmaster. Dante made the assumption that the Headmaster saw he had power, but was untrained in how to tame it, and was scared that if Dante was allowed to go into the year he was supposed to, he would turn evil. Im actually in the middle of working on his bio. Its a major part of why he has snapped and turned evil. he has the skill, he just wasnt allowed to return to his year.
I think he would make a good Dark Elite, however I think it would be better, as he's new to the group, that he should first be a member, and prehaps when he goes into his 5th year he could be moved up to a co-leader or something
I have Danton Howard-cousins with Hayley Huberta, they are close and he is very like her.
Is he actually in Slytherin at the moment?
opps, forgot that he's joining next year <bangs head>
I see there is a little confusion over what's happening.

Dante. You can join the Dark Elites at the start of the Y13, like everyone else. One day you may be leader, but not yet, it's not fair to the others.

Milena, I think you should be the co-leader and take over from Lykke's place.
And Hayley, if your still up for it, you can also remain co-leader.
*a wild Hayley appears*

I'm still up for it ;)
Okay. If Milena posts here saying sure, then this topic can be closed xD
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