Lunch time

Corvin Blackwood

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
10" Rowan with Pheonix feather core
Corvin walked up to the staf table and sat down in front of a golden plate and a salad appeard. He was awfully hungry and was often busy this year running around cleaning as best he could . With the tri wizard tournament happening here it made his work load twice as huge as before. More student roamed the halls and so bigger messes.

Corvin had not met to many of the staff yet or the professors, he hardly had time to sit down and eat let alone have a conversation. However today he was not as busy as before, most students where gone on holidays or up in the common rooms lazing about. Corvin sat in the empty great hall and began to eat quietly on his salad.
Sidney had finished for lunch in the hospital wing, normally she would eat in her office but she felt like she should mingle today. She hadn't met any of the other staff or Professors here except for her fellow nurse, whom she had not seen around for a while. She entered the Great Hall not really sure where to sit, she saw someone who she thought as a fellow member of staff. "Mind if I sit here?" she asked feeling like she was back at school herself.
Corvin was lost in thought when he heard the voice of the woman standing next to him. He was thinking about some rather important things but must had lost track of his surrounding. "Uhm.. yeah sure the sseat is free would you like to have it?" Corvin said as he was still unsure exactly what the woman wanted but hoping that his guess was right.
"OKay thanks!" Sidney said smiling broadly at him, "Sure I didn't disturb anything, you seemed in another world!" she joked, smiling as she spotted a ceaser salad and began to help herself to it.
"I was thinking about a friend that is all sorry for my airheadedness, if that is a word" Corvin said as he scratched the back of his head and chuckled at himself.
Sidney laughed "Thats okay," she said smiling broadly, "I haven't seen you around before, are you a professor?" she asked, curiously.
"I am the caretaker, Corvin Black." Corvin said as he held out his hand.
"Nice to meet you Corvin," Sidney said shaking his hand, "I'm Sidney Coogan, school nurse," she said smiling. "Been working here long?" she asked,
"No i just started working here over the summer. " Corvin said as he held out his hand . "Nice to meet you also."
Sidney smiled, "How you finding it?" she asked, glancing around the Great Hall to see it was bustling with life. Children sat at all the tables chatting with friends, she smiled as she caught single words of their animated conversations.
"I love it alot really. It is an amazing job, how about you do you like it here?"Corvin said as he finished he salad and sat watching all the kids coming in for lunch.
"I love it too!" Sidney said smiling broadly "I couldn't ask for a better job!" she said honestly finishing off. "Where are you from? If you don't mind me asking?" she asked curiously, her own Australian accent mingling in with the voices of the people who passed.

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