Lunch time

Kirsty Cassidy

Well-Known Member
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence Of Hair From The Mane Of A Unicorn
Kirsty walked into the great hall and sat at a table herself because no one was there that she knew. She poured herself some orange juice and thought what she was going to do.
Notcing a girl from Obsidian Harbour James went and sat near her, "Hey!"
Andrew decided to go and eat some breakfast before he'd faint.He hadn't eaten from two days, he didnt know why, but he didn't feel like wasting his time on food.The Qudditch practice and tryouts had made him lose his energy and now he was dehydrating.

He entred the Great Hall his legs shaking a bit and noticed that Slytherin table was almost empty except for some inhabiatants, one of which he to his great dislike was a Hufflepuff.He saw that his friend, kirsty was there and wondered if she had invited the hufflepuff guy.

Andrew tucked in besides Kirsty and with a grin he said to her."Hi.How are you doing?"he noticed that there was another Slytherin present and he greeted her with a nod.
Ally was half on her sandwich when an older student came and lookes like a trouble is coming for her, the older boy nod at her and she smiled slightly and went back to her hafl eaten sandwich. ally was begining to nervous because of a hufflepuff sitting in a slytherin almost private table.
" Hi, im fine and you." Kirsty said to Andrew then turned to the other girl. " Im Kirsty and you." She asked
" So got any plans today." Kirsty asked the whole table
"I am okay, as usual.I just had a nose injury at the tryouts.I was in hospital for a night"he said to Kirsty.He wondered if kirsty knew about this."Did you come to the tryouts?"he asked Kirsty and the younger girl.
" Are you ok now." Kirsty asked she didnt want him to be hurt. " No, im not good at flying."
"Yeah, its okay now.The nurse said I wil be able to remove my bandage after a day."he said pointing at the bandage on his nose as if t were not visible."I got choosen for the team, I will be playing seeker."he informed them happily as he started eating his baked potatoes and rice.
" Glad your ok. Where you hoping to be seeker." Kirsty asked then took a sip of orange juice.
"Yeah, as Ihad told you before"he said taking a pause an dthinking how Kirsty had forgotten"I had tried out last year but as I had to leave the school I don't know if I was selected or not.But I always wanted to play seeker"he informed her.
" So are you good at flying." Kirsty asked smiling. She then turned to the other girl and said. " You ok." Because she hadnt said anything in a while.
"Yeah, I think I am."he said a bit proudly.He continued his breakfast making short glances at the first year who hadn't spoke.He wondered if she was feeling shy because she didnt know them well and they knew each other.
" Lucky you." Kirsty said smiling. She wished she was good but there wasnt much she could do, she had practiced alot but finally ended up giving in.
"I'm sure if I teach you you'll get good.Practice makes perfect."he said with a grin."Do you have any lessons today?Its an off for me so I decided to come here and check out if house elfs at Hogwarts made good food.Do you have an elf at your house? Mallory has one, her name's Lizzy she is very kind and caring and makes so good food."he said remembering the days when he liked food and had four meals a day.

((I think we should wait for Ally))
" Yeah, but only one which ive already had.Nope ive not got a house elf and havent seen one round here in a while." Kirsty said.

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