Luna - Scorpius - Jenna

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Scorpius Knight

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Elder 15 1/2" Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Okay, Jenna wants us (me and Luna) to be RPing somewhere, I'm not too sure about specifics though, and then she wants to walk in. I don't know if there will be any confrontation so that's up to you guys if you want to.
One suggestion that I had was us outdoors somewhere, and Jenna seeing us, though since its outdoors, Scorpius doesn't hear her and then later on when he tries to talk to Jenna she'll be really mad. However we can do something else if you want.

Okay, DISCUSS! Preferably here since PMs with two people are hard when all of us need to be involved.
oooh how about Jenna is sitting somewhere.. playing her guitar (yes she plays) then when she hears people she stops then she sees the two of you doing what ever ;) then runs away in tears.. im not picky just a suggestion?
I like both of the ideas... I was thinking that like maybe they're on their way back from somewhere and Jenna sees them walking, just thinking their friends maybe going over to talk to them or something, then like one of them put their arm around the other and a playful peck as their walking back to the tower neither of them seeing Jenna?

I don't know...
Kailey Paramore said:
I like both of the ideas... I was thinking that like maybe they're on their way back from somewhere and Jenna sees them walking, just thinking their friends maybe going over to talk to them or something, then like one of them put their arm around the other and a playful peck as their walking back to the tower neither of them seeing Jenna?

I don't know...
i dont know how i could do something with that to be quite honest :S
I don't know, I'm just thinking of things. -shrug-
Okay let's see....

Scorpius and Luna are at the garden/lakefront/lawn whatever and they're hanging out or whatever.
Then Jenna is playing her guitar and Scorpius recognizes her voice so he suggests they leave.
As they are leaving, he thinks Jenna hasn't noticed them so he puts his arm around her and they peck or something.

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