🌹 Rose Giving Loyal Letter

Gwen Goodwin

🌸Two-Faced | Calculating | Model 🌸
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight (René)
Straight 10 Inch Sturdy Ivy Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
5/2043 (18)
After asking around, Gwen had heard that the next person on her list was also delivering roses. She was vaguely aware of the older Gryffindor boy, he was pretty cute and on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. So when Gwen spotted him, she put on a bright grin before approaching him, glad she had put a cute outfit for the occasion. "Hi! Isaiah!" She called.

@Isaiah Thompson
If there was one thing Isaiah reckoned was better than delivering roses it was receiving them himself. It was good to know people liked him well enough to send him one. He looked up when he heard someone call out his name, wondering if he should know her name or if she just knew his because of quidditch or his dashingly good looks. "Sup!" He greeted after making his way to the girl, eyeing her outfit for a second. "That's some dedication."
Gwen blushed faintly when the boy commented on her outfit, she smiled a bit, deciding to take it as a compliment. "I like to dress for the occasion," Gwen said with a smile and a slight twirl. "Do you want your rose?" She asked him, holding up her basket.
Isaiah nodded when the girl mentioned she wanted to dress up for the occasion, almost wondering if he'd be able to pull of a similar look next year. It would surely be funny. "Very much so." Zay grinned when she asked if he wanted his rose, already curious to know who it could be from.
Gwen grinned back at the boy, wondering if he had a girlfriend. But she doubted someone two years older than her would ever be interested in her. Besides, the date with René had kind of destroyed her hopes about dating an older boy. "Here." She said, handing over the rose.
"Love ya!
Your most loyal follower,
Kaia Stark"
"Thanks." Isaiah smiled at the girl as she handed him the rose. He quickly scanned over the note and grinned when he noticed who it was from. Kaia was a great friend and her calling herself his follower in the note just proved they had a similar sense of humor. "You finding everyone on your list alright?" Zay asked as he looked back up at the girl.
Gwen watched as the boy read the note. She had been curious but had managed to restrain herself and not read the notes. She smiled when the boy asked her a question, glad not to be dismissed immediately. "Yes, it's alright so far." She said. "I should go on to the next one, though. Have a nice day!"

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