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Thomas Fitzgerald

introverted 🪴 plant & animal enthusiast 🐈‍⬛
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Veela Hair Core
12 (02/2050)
Thomas usually wasn’t someone who went to events like these, but he had overheard from his other classmates how fun and exciting they were, so he decided to go out of his comfort zone and give the yule ball a try. At first he was stalling himself to make his way over there, he didn’t know how long he was stalling himself, but it felt like it was forever. He eventually but reluctantly made his way to the great hall, where the event was held. When he arrived, he looked at the place with amazement, liking how the decorative the place was. Tom made his way towards the snack table first to see what there was to offer.
Rosalind was having a great time. She'd gotten some dancing in and was now taking a break, coming back to the snack tables to refuel. "Oh, hi!" she said as she saw Thomas. "I think - maybe I'm wrong - we've met before, right?" Rosalind tried to remember, but her memory didn't always serve her well. "You're in some of my classes at least." She spoke as though that gave her cause to come up and speak to Thomas, which in her mind it probably did. "I love what they've done with the great hall, it looks, well, great!" Rosalind said cheerily, grabbing a mini sandwich and taking a bite.
Thomas had been looking around at the table at the different snack options offered. He felt like there were so many good choices to choose from, he didn't really know where to start. The Hufflepuff looked up from the snacks he looked out when he heard a voice, glad that he wasn't imagining someone greeting him. Thomas waved shyly at Rosalind as she greeted him. He then nodded shyly but quickly at her question. "Yes," Thomas says quietly with a small smile. He had seen the girl around in some of his classes. "Yeah, the decorations are cool. I wonder how they managed to get that big tree in here" Thomas says softly as he points to the large Christmas tree that was in the middle of the dance floor.
Last year Naveen and an oddly good time at the Yule Ball. this year he hadn't been quite so lucky. But he was determined to participate and have a good time, at least for an hour or so before he'd allow himself to give up. He sighed as he looked through the crowd, trying to find his sister or maybe Cyrus with little luck. Eventually he found his way to the snack table where at least there was one familiar face and he joined his roommate and another classmate as they mentioned the giant Christmas tree. "Probably some kind of size changing spell." he said, sparing it a glance before grabbing something to drink. "I wonder if it's just a regular size tree they cast engorgio on." he theorized. Sure there were trees that grew to that size but it would be a shame to cut one down every year. Better to just cut a regular tree and make it big. "I'm Naveen by the way, not sure if we've met before." he added, nodding towards the girl before taking a sip.
Rosalind was about to say her own ideas of how the tree might have ended up there when someone else came along and did so for her - and probably in a much more intelligent way than she would have. "You know, you're probably right," Rosalind conceded. "It's how I'd do it, anyway. I'm Rosalind, it's nice to meet you," she said politely but genuinely. "Either of you got any fun plans for the break?"
Thomas smiled and gave his roommate a little wave as he joined him and Rosalind. He nodded his head. "Yeah, that theory would most likely be true. We do live in a magical school after all" Tom says softly with a small smile. Sometimes he forgets that they were in a magical school, even though he learned all things magic here. Tommy shook his head at Rosalind's question. "Nothing really. Will most likely spend it with my dad or something. How about you guys?"
Rosalind nodded. "Yeah, I'll be spending time with my dad too. My cousin might be coming to visit as well, but..." she trailed off, realising that she was close to saying something she probably shouldn't. She recovered quickly. "I'm looking forward to seeing my garden the most. My dad says the roses look really good this year, so it'll be good to see them and make sure everything's properly taken care of."
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