Love you-and you are?

Drusilla Dragonrose

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V
Red Alder/ Apple with a core of Dragon heartstring
Drusilla was deep in the mountans of New Zealand. She had hidden a collany of Pigmy Dragons. She was making sure that they had not run out of hunting ground. She had been iffy about relocating the dragons here because there was been a virse taking out their main source of food. It seemed that it went away on it's own because the small dragons seemed to be florishing. Drusilla smiled to herself and took out a bit of food that she had brought with her. It was a pleasent day, happy to be out of doors and with her favoret animals. It was a prefect day.
i could see her in a clearing a head but i could feel like i should be queit and wacth from afar. the small dragons look very beautiful but noisey. i did start to creep over to get closer to her for i wanted to get a closer anf better view.
Drusilla had a feeling that she was being watched. She had been sure that she would not be followed because she was going to a place where no one really passed even mountan climbers. She reached in her pocket and tapped her wand while casting a revealing charm. She was eating with the other hand to it looked like she didn't notice anything. She saw that there really was someone there even if they where being quiet. She walked over and tilted her head. Her head ecliped the sun none the less. "What are you doing here friend?" She asked kindly. Drusilla had never seen the man before in her life but to her he was strangly beautiful. She didn't know if he was muggle or not and she didn't want to take his memory of the place away just yet.
" i am sorry for watching you, drusilla, sweetie." i said to my wife but i could see in her eyes a unknowing thinging. i could feel she does not remember and i knew i would have to try and remind her. i walk to her to do a spell to show my memories but i could not get close for the rocks and her wand kept me back.
Drusilla looked at the man strangly. "How do you know my name and why are you calling me sweetie?" She asked with her wand out. She was a bit scared now and was ready to duel the seemingly deragened wizard. She was in a safe place but just because a wizard was crazy did not mean that he could not use good magic.
" i need to show you my memoried, my sweet birdie." william put his wand to the side of his head and pulled out a single silver memory and gave it to her in a small vile. she look even more puzzled but relaxing alittle. i waved my wand in a fast moment and bound her to the spot where he stands, but she did not fight.
Drusilla had been ready to block the strange man but felt her body size up. She didn't care what the memory was now she just wanted to go way. From all she knew it could be something he fabricated. Then the question rose. Why would he want her. She was just a dragon tracker. The relaxed look had been to fool him but that had backfired. "Sweet birdie..." She said softly. For a moment that name seemed to familer but then the moment was gone.
william felt that he had to go but he needed for her to know the truth and remember. he knew things were about to go bad soon. he started to walk away leaving the vile in her hands. he blow her a small kiss but knew it would not land right for she does not remember him and he does not know why. he remembered the love and the happiness they had together. WHY CAN SHE NOT REMEMBER?!?!?....

he could feel the spell wearing off but he did not care for he felt she will remember somehow. he knew he had some hard work ahead of himself but the heart has to follow what it wants when it comes to his wife.
Drusilla tried to move her fingers and it worked. The spell had to be wearing off because she could move. As she suspected he had found a way to get over the small wall of rocks around the landing that she had been on. By the time Drusilla realized that she had a vile in her hands the strange wizard was already walking away from her. The look in his eyes broke made a slight pain come to her heart. “My black knight.” She whispered to herself but did not know where the phrase came from. A vision came to her like a memory from a dream.

Eyes full of love and fields of flowers, a warm hand in hers though she knew that hand could turn cold at a moment’s notice. A sweet kiss that left all the world the color of roses.

It was as if her mind was trying to remember but there was something there that was blocking her. What could have happened? Drusilla clasped the vile in both hands then over her heart. She knew now that there was something being kept from her. The key was in her hands. With a feeling that she did not want to harm the man that had captured her for just a moment she took out her wand and popped back to the Ministry. She was sure that someone there would have a Pinsive she could borrow.
william walk down the mountain and than started to run away to somewhere he could find some answers but he did not know where. he knew that someone had to know, but who? he knew when drusilla need to find him, she would go to the place they first met. so he would wait for her there........

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