Love me because I'm your best friend

Kassandra Eindhoven

Roscosmos Aerospace Engineer | Advance | HS Grad
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 inch Flexible Mountain Ash Wand with Mistletoe Seed
Young love ... Everyone seems to believe it will last but not for Kassandra Eindhoven. For her, love is out of context and merely words. That's why her goal is to live free, date hard without falling in love and just go with the flow of everything. Though, at least there's one person who tolerates her. Fixing her lipstick and hair after having a nice conversation with a 7th year at an alley in Hogsmead, Kassandra went straight to meet her best friend at Three Broomstick. It was a tradition of them that weekends are their quality time and them only but that really don't happen a lot of the time. Once she sees someone appealing to her, her charm goes beyond her head. Entering the pub, Kass searched for the person she's suppose to meet but it was odd for him not to be there yet. Kassandra rolled her eyes and instead of contemplating what to say to him when he gets here, she took a table near the windows and ordered herself some butter beer.
Angelus took a quick look at his grandfather's ancient gold pocket watch, time was ticking away. He cursed in his mother's native language, and kept rushing along the way. Distraction had taken him from reality, once more. He couldn't help it, whether he was asleep or awake, these visions were unlocked like old memories. Except they weren't his. He would not recognize the faces, and the fear that surge through his heart quite often, yet it all felt familiar. Like an old photo album, skimming through it with blind eyes. That was one way to put it. Angelus, huffed, storing the pocket watch back in his front pocket. His eyes, grey as the moon, flicker to Kass as he pushed his way into sweet smelling, overbearing shop. Her strawberry locks weren't so hard to spot. He tap her once over her slender shoulder, smiling forgetting those frightful visions for the time being. "Did you order me one, told you I'd be late! So, who was he this time? I'm ever so dying to know..." sarcasm dipped in his words, he smiled either way sitting across his best friend.
The Ravenclaw spotted a few new Quidditch players from different houses. She waved charmingly to them and smiled. Everyone who knows her that she does this frequently, she was dub as the girl with the brain and beauty which is true. Flirting seems to be a gift to her from birth, her and her brother aren't veela's but she'd like to think that way. Her charmingly face got distorted once a familiar person tap her in the shoulder who was suppose to be here by now but was late. "You're late, so, order your own." She said rolling her eyes once more. Her best friend tends to be a physic sometimes. "7th year Slytherin Quidditch captain and he asked me out." Everyone asks her out except this guy in front of her but then again, there's something about him that she can't pinpoint. "Why are you late anyways? I'm getting worried about you. You know you can tell me everything I won't judge you." Kassandra leaned over to whisper, "Are you gay? If you are it's not a problem. I know a couple and you can meet them." it was rather funny but her brother is one and she's fine with it.
"Late this one time and you're throwing a little hissy?" the boy snorted. He slapped the table, and did just that. "One butterbeer and put it on her tab." he cheesed, though his eyes flickered away from Kass in cased she complained. This was them all the time, it never got old. One was either grouchy with the other, and the other did something even more absurd to mess with the offended one's head. "Yikes, I didn't think you like that type? The big hairy, walking stick?" Angelus chimed. It's always quite amusing seeing his best friend fall for these dumb guys around their school. Angelus could go on his disdain, his lips perked ready to trash his fellow housemate. He put a pause on that when his butterbeer was served. "Ha, gay! Think I wouldn't be stealing your boyfriend if I were? Because I totally would." he took a swig of his butterbeer, the bubbly sensation ran down his throat, warming his tummy with such delight. "I'm not gay and I'm just late. No big deal! Take it as a pay back to my one time to yours, what, millionth?!"
A well formed O shaped her lips as Angelus mocked her and as well as getting a free drink from her but she let it go. Folding her arms in front of her chest. Kassandra's allowance was enough to feed a village in one day but a semester consist of three months and she has to cautiously spend it on the things she needs the most. Being a halfblood, at least for them, each parent either has to work in the muggle world or the wizarding world to balance the money they need on both worlds as to not change currency and so fort. Kassandra's father, a muggleborn, is the Chief Commissioner police of the Salland region while her mother, a pureblood, works as an International relations officer for the Ministry of Magic of Netherlands. Both parents don't quiet agree to their jobs but it had to happen. "You owe me a huge favor for that." Kass stated at what her best friend did. The teenager almost burst out laughing at Angelus' comment about the seventh year captain. "He's not. Merlin knows I like the other way around. I just need a date for the holiday ball. You never asked me, so, I have to snake my way in on another guy." The Ravenclaw was forceful on what she wanted even a date for a ball.

If you were gay, I don't have to feel this feeling I have. It might just go away Kassandra thought to herself, sipping half of her butterbeer down. She licked the remains of bubble from her upper lips. "But you still love me either way and you're so used to it. I'm the one who should be prying on you. You seem a little bit odd since the first day back. What's really going on?" She asked, concern painted her face and who wouldn't be concern to their best friend? She bet only lunatics wont. Kass sighed and lean against the back rest of her seat. Narrowing her eyes to Angelus, studying him until he flips.
Angelus busied himself taking down another gulp of the fuzzy warm drink. He cracked a half of smile, he suppose he could help her study a little more in their assignments? That seemed like a fair enough trade. "When the last time you ever seen me, ever danced? It's not my thing, I have two left feet." he tighten his griped around the mug, it's true. He could only dream of dancing with her, that as far as he would go with dancing. Dreaming of them floating in the air, like spirit maybe even, it sounded weird but he had fancy that idea a few times last year. Lighten halls, glowing from the candles bright, flicking flame. Her red locks, twisted flowing down her back, and she clad in gold, elegant gown that suits her in every way. Only it was harder to envision him all dressed up in wizard dress robes. The whole school obsession over it, and Kass's nonstop chatter had him pondering just the thought of taking her.

Angelus's finger released the handle of his mug, before he made eye contact with hers. "Just dreams, nothing more. Nothing I can't exactly help. My grandfather thinks about taking me to St. Mungos to get me checked out, mum says he pushing it. B-but I can feel it more, like I'm the person trapped in those stone walls. Like I'm them. Anyways." he piped on, "I read up on this spell....maybe it can help...make it better. You ever heard of Occlumency?"

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