Love is in the air!

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Sianna Piripitus

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Willow 12&1/2" core of powered Amythest -Family Heirloom
Sianna Isabella Piripitus;

Sianna is a twenty-eight year old sweetheart. She is caring and loving and though
her hair suggests otherwise she doesn't posses a a fiery bone in her body. She is
infertile so she cannot have kids but is the legal guardian of the three Stewart
sisters; Eliza Beth, Emmaline and Zeiva and the step-mother of Aimee and Angela.
She has a lovely sense of humor and loves kids and is always up for taking kids in
that need a house to stay in.

With this lovely lady her romance is for a little later in the future, because as you
can see she is currently engaged. Though she is engaged to a lying cheat by the
name of Demetrius Van Laar Veth. When he dies (in a plot that is happening later
in the year) she is going to find out about her fiance's mistresses and be ultimately
heart broken because of it. What I need for her is a guy to be her best friend who
would be her shoulder to cry on and then later Sianna will crush on and later fall in
love with and stuff.

Also; Sianna would still love to take kids in so if you have anyone pm me.

Professor Elodie Mirielle Kesslar;

Elodie here has been pretty much a hermit plot wise and I would love to find her
a final. Elodie here is bisexual so sex doesn't matter though it would be nice if it
were a woman, because yeah that would be cute but it doesn't have to be a girl
if you have someone else. Elodie is twenty years old. Is rather outspoken and a
little bit rude as she has had a rough past and wants to keep people at an arms
length until she trusts them. She is a guitarist and now charms professor.

So a final for her would be someone who could break her out of her tough outer
shell and get to the loving inside that she has under the surface. So as I said
gender doesn't matter but as long as the are loving I'm up for it.

Eliza Beth Stewart;

Eliza Beth is a seventeen year old Ravenclaw who is pretty much inactive and
doesn't really have a life. She is an avid sketcher and loves nothing more than
to curl up with her sketch pad and draw to her hearts content. She is also very
shy and it takes a while to break out of her shy exterior and become a bubbly
and giggly girl that lies just below the surface. Any who she is bi curious and is
willing to enter into a relationship with a girl in order to discover her sexuality.
Eliza Beth loves the outdoors and likes to enjoy summer weather.

So with her I would love for her to have either a fling or a long term relationship
with someone and maybe find her a final if anyone is interested.

So these are my three lovely ladies. PM me or reply here if you have anyone
who could possibly be a final for any of them. Because they are lonely and
they need lives. Lots of love, Melissa.

Found another lovely lady to add.
Cayleigh-Anne Rhimes;

This here is Cayleigh-Anne Rhimes and is the estranged mother of Aimee Darkhart.
She is a muggle but has gotten with quite a few wizards including Aimee's father so
she knows about magic. She is a gold digger and always on the prowl for rich men
to get hitched too (with a large pre-nup of course) and then divorces them. She is
incredibly vain and cares a lot about her appearance, how else would she get the
men? She is very flirty, promiscuous and enjoys a big night out.

What I need for her is either a) some men that she can have flings/one night stands
with. Or b) to a man or two that she can get hitched with and ditch for their money
or even c) someone to right her of her gold digging ways - someone she falls in love
with and finds out that he doesn't have much money but she stays with him for love
rather than the money. But I am open for ideas and any ideas you have can either
be posted here or pm'd to me.

Thanks again. Melissa.
Sianna Piripitus said:
Sianna Isabella Piripitus;

Sianna is a twenty-eight year old sweetheart. She is caring and loving and though
her hair suggests otherwise she doesn't posses a a fiery bone in her body. She is
infertile so she cannot have kids but is the legal guardian of the three Stewart
sisters; Eliza Beth, Emmaline and Zeiva and the step-mother of Aimee and Angela.
She has a lovely sense of humor and loves kids and is always up for taking kids in
that need a house to stay in.

With this lovely lady her romance is for a little later in the future, because as you
can see she is currently engaged. Though she is engaged to a lying cheat by the
name of Demetrius Van Laar Veth. When he dies (in a plot that is happening later
in the year) she is going to find out about her fiance's mistresses and be ultimately
heart broken because of it. What I need for her is a guy to be her best friend who
would be her shoulder to cry on and then later Sianna will crush on and later fall in
love with and stuff.

Also; Sianna would still love to take kids in so if you have anyone pm me.

Matt Smith nbd~
Consider her taken.
Cayleigh-Anne Rhimes & Flinn McCarthy

Ohhhh I have an idea! Could she and Flinn maybe have a short-lived fling after she is married, or dating someone and he really likes her even though she's older. He asks her to leave him, but she breaks his lil' ol' heart? Just an idea.

Flinn is a New Yorker, who doesn't really do commitment in the ong-tmer, but every now and again gets into a relationship. Usually, said relationships are very intense, and he ends up getting hurt-which is a kind of payback for all the heartbreak he causes. ;) He is currently working in the ministry, working on trade, and standards of goods in New Zealand. He went for the job, because he knew it was part of the international relations office. He didn't know that a lot of his work would happen in New Zealand, and he is currently kind of frustrated with his situation, because he has no idea out his Father's past, and his search is going nowhere.

It's just an idea, so I thought I'd put it out there. :p
Victor and Elodie have met before. They flirted a little with eachother. I don't have much planned for him at all. He can be very loving and I think that he can handle Elodie when she decides to put her tough side up. Tell me if you want anymore information on him. :) I also PMed you on Sianna.
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