Open Love is Boring

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Enoch Goldewyn

loner | tired | chaser
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 16 1/2 Inch Flexible Acacia Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
06/2048 (15)
Enoch Goldewyn was not one to usually spend his time at dances, they were a silly social event and he had better things to be doing. But, he had decided to scope it out. Scope out what the fuss was about. People in the school seemed really keen on it. He was not. Enoch was finding that his original assumptions about this place were correct, it was dull, people in love looked sickening and all the love motifs were enough to induce vomit in a less put together person. He wasn't going to stick around, just have a cake or two and then head back to the dorm. Or maybe a drink, some snacks and then go.
Kit wasn't out dancing at the moment. Her friends, the girls from her dorm weren't around yet so she didn't feel the most comfortable going out right away alone. Heading over to the snack table area she had a peek at the different treats that were out. Most were heart-shaped cookies and treats, which she didn't mind too much, though she was pretty indifferent about love at her young age. Looking up she spotted a kid that was in her year, she thought at least she recognized him from a few of the classes she had. "Hey, pretty pink in here, huh?" She said, her British-Italian accent cutting through the air between them.
Enoch glanced at a girl who approached him. He was sure he remembered her from a couple of classes, she wasn't a slytherin. They were a small group of Slytherins it was difficult to miss them. It also didn't help that they were all pretty terrible. He just nodded in response. "Pretty typical for a Valentine's celebration," he said, though it was clear that he didn't like it at all. It was stating fact, it was pretty pink in there.
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