🌹 Rose Giving Love and Teasing

Daria Bright-Root

sweet 🌺 kind 🌺 curious searching
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Yew Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
8/2045 (18)
((Red, open after @Slate Gates))

Daria was on a roll delivering to her older housemates, though she wasn't sure who the next person was. She fought down her nerves and tried to speak as loudly as she could as she went down the table, asking people. "Excuse me, is Slate Gates here? Has anyone seen Slate?"
Seeing as the rose deliveries were underway, it would be any minute when someone would be looking for Slate. He kind of expected it already with Soren and Sadie sending him roses. He sat at the Ravenclaw Table, helping to some nuggets and juice when he heard his name being asked around. "Over here.", he waved over, his voice just a notch louder for her to hear over the noise.
Daria was relieved to have found the right person quickly, ducking her head and hoping nobody would pay any more attention to her as she scurried oer to her target. "Here, I have a delivery for you." She said quickly as she handed over the rose and note.

Love you, scaredy cat ❤️ ~Soren

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