Louder Than Words

Stefan Archer

head librarian
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
It was April 1st, and this meant one thing for the teen, well, the teen with one year left of teenage-hood. It was not only his birthday but, the anniversary of his mother's death. As he was turning 19, it meant that his mother had been dead 17 years. Which was a long time. And despite the fact that she had been dead for 17 years, and that Stefan had never known her. Not really, he still felt awful on his birthday. Much more now that he was back home and more importantly alone. It had been like that every year with his father, and his foster family who would not have cared what day it was. His father had always made him feel terrible on his birthday. he had only ever received a small number of gifts on his birthday. Those were things he desperately needed. But, not other exceptions were made on that day. Stefan had grown to hate his birthday. Only Hogwarts had shown him that birthdays weren't all bad, really. He was just the exception where it had been for him. He couldn't change what had passed and he didn't think he would want to. As much as his father had treated him horribly, he didn't want to even think where he'd be if he had been sent into foster care at the age of two when his mother had died. A part of his father had snapped, had been broken, but he'd let Stefan stay within his home, no matter the hate. Sure the threat was always there. His father had always threatened to throw him out on to the streets to let him starve, disappear, but he never did. And it was the one threat that Stefan had never really believed. However, since graduating, things had been good for him. He had less bad nights, and after that brief, but intensely scary episode with Kate, he had begun sleeping better and better. He had found old photos, old home made videos, where he saw his mother for the first time in any real form. The way she had smiled at the camera, at his father, had just confirmed to the teen that while he had not deserved to have grown up like he did, his father also in his mind wasn't to blame. He'd been hurt, he'd lost the love of his life. Stefan was sure that if he ever lost Kate, the world would feel like it had just come to an end. He would feel hopeless, but he could never be like his father. His birthday left the teen a mess of mixed emotions he had no idea how to control. No idea how to deal with things. It was a confusing day. He had no way of explain how it actually made him feel. All he knew, was that he had just turned nineteen years old, and for the most part so far, he had felt more pain than he ever wanted to feel ever again.

Waking up on that morning had been hard. He had seemed in a long stream of nightmares he couldn't break free from. It was just impossible. Everything he tried to wake himself hadn't worked. When he finally did awake, just after seven in the morning. The teen spent a good half hour just telling himself that it wasn't real. That his father couldn't hurt him any more. That it was over. He was good. He was a nice, kind person, who just had a troubled past. He was stronger, better. He would be all right. He would be. Given time, the scars would fade further. He would never forget how he got any of them. How it felt to have bones broken, but he could at least push them away. Learn to dig them deep into the depths of his mind. After a brief cold wash, the teen didn't even bother for breakfast, instead, grabbed his wand, and a little bit of money that he had and apparated to the only place he needed to be on his birthday. The small town, a little over three hours from his house, where the cemetery was that had his mother. He apparated to the outskirts of the town, and then walked the remainder of the way. Buying some nice flowers from the freshly opened flower store, before heading to the graveyard. He didn't exactly want to spend much time with her, but he needed to spend some. He found the grave with ease, placing the flowers in front of the headstone, before leaning in and lightly kissing the top. Crouching to be level with the name engraved on it. To the numbers below. He realised that in one year, he would outlive his mother. His mother had died at twenty. Stefan hadn't ever believed he would even see thirteen yet alone, nineteen, with the very easy target of getting to twenty. It seemed almost impossible. That this was some odd dream that he had made for himself. Sitting in front of the grave was sobering for him. It made the world stop. He just sat in silence, staring at the stone. Looking up at the sky every so often. Finally after what felt like minutes but was in fact two hours, he actually plucked up the courage to say something. "Ma," He smiled slightly, but he found no other words. He just gathered himself and stood up. "I love you ma" He muttered to the stone. Giving it once last glance before leaving. He wasn't very good at this yet. He would sit in silence for hours, or he would managed to talk to her. Today, with everything else, he just couldn't find the words. Instead he made his way to the little coffee shop that he visited every time he went to see her. They knew him pretty well to even know what he would order. But, today, with the slightly somber mood, once he had the cup of hot tea, he just held it in his hands, and blankly stared out the window. He missed her so much. Words could not describe the loss he felt for his mother. Looking down at the cup in his hands, the now nineteen year old boy, bit his lip. Holding back tears. Not here, not now, he just kept saying.
It had been three months since the incident in Japan. Kate's life had returned to normal since the event. After St Mungos, other then being super tired she had been completely healed. Of course the emotional trauma of the event still hadn't left Kate. It wasn't as bad now but some nights she woke up, sweating, shaking and screaming. Somethings are just hard to forget and though Kate had moved on, some memories just clung on and refused to let go. She was dealing fairly well, she spent most of her time putting everything behind her and focusing on the now. She had been living in New Zealand for the last two months or so. She had stocked up the kitchen with all the essentials and had added one or two of her own touches to the house. She was wandering a bit though, since she had planned on traveling for the year she had no plans up till September. It was a bit of a bother, she didn't plan on settling down for too long, she was only eighteen after all. Kate had always been unsure as to what she wanted to do in the future and now she had no real plan she was kind of living in the moment. She knew she would have to get her act together soon, she couldn't keep wandering around New Zealand with out a plan. She hadn't lost hope in the traveling. There were still so many places to see and she didn't plan on missing out. Her brief trip had been amazing and though she had missed Stefan terribly, it had been amazing experience and she would love to finish it of. But for now, she was staying put in New Zealand, taking a break from life.

Kate was planning on giving Stefan breakfast in bed, it was his nineteenth birthday after all. Kate was usually one to plan big parties, especially surprise but for the time being she didn't think she would try that on Stefan. She was just planning on presenting him with breakfast in bed and giving him his present. She had gotten his present some time ago. It was small but she hoped the meaning of it made up for it's size. It had taken her ages to choose a present for him. She hadn't been with him for his birthday in a while, so she had even planned on cooking a nice romantic dinner for him this evening. She would do anything for Stefan and one thing she loved doing was making him happy, seeing him smile just made her so happy it was indescribable. But her plans were thrown out the window when she woke up to see Stefan was not beside her. At first she had thought he was around the house, but after checking everywhere she knew he wasn't there. She was worried, it was unlike him to leave without leaving some kind of a note or message. Not sure what to do, she got dressed and tried to distract herself. She was sure he would be back soon, he was alright. She double checked to see if she had everything for this evening, she even checked where she had left her present. After three hours, Kate couldn't take it anymore. This was very unlike Stefan and her nerves were on end and her mind was conjuring horrible scenes in her head. She needed to look for him.

She had no idea where to go though. It was his birthday and she knew he had never had the happiest of birthdays but that didn't explain leaving her without so much of a note. Racking her brain, trying to think of another reason to explain his behavior. Suddenly it hit her where he could be. She cursed herself for not thinking of it before. Grabbing her wand, she quickly apparated. She arrived outside a small town. She didn't know the place very well. She had never even been here before, she had just heard. She quickly walked into the town and began her search for Stefan. She had had to accio a picture of Stefan so she could show shop owners. She got lucky, when she the second shop she entered was a florist and the woman said Stefan had been in earlier that day. It comforted her to know he was here somewhere, now all she had to do was find him.

Finally, she found him. It had taken her long enough and by the time she had reached the little coffee shop, she was cursing Stefan and worried sick about him. It had been frustrating knowing he was close but unable to find him. She had been so focused on going into the coffee shop and straight up to the counter, she didn't even see him sitting by the window. When the people working at the corner behind pointed behind her, she turned around quickly. She was so relieved when she saw him. All her worries floated away. The sight of him looking so lost and sad at the window, stopped for from running over and smothering him in a hug. Instead she cautiously walked over to him. All her anger about him leaving without a note disappeared. She now felt a bit silly for coming all the way here to find him. The moment she realized where he was she should have stayed at home but she had worked herself up too much.Her worry had clouded her rational thoughts She slowly sat down opposite him. She wasn't sure what to say to him so instead she put her hands around his and gave them a light squeeze, she didn't even say anything. She just wanted him to know she was there for him.

OOCOut of Character:
Hope this is okay
It had been a while since Kate had come to live with him, but old habits die hard. Though he woke to her every morning, and had been for the past few months, it was easier at times to pretend like that wasn't something that happened. Especially on a day like this. Where he just needed to see his mother, well, part of her. Because he didn't have any other options. The nightmares that had plagued him, hadn't even gone when he moved closer to Kate. Held her closer to him. He knew that she too was having problems with sleeping as of late, which was why he hadn't woken her that morning. However, he hadn't thought to leave any form of note. It was his birthday, she didn't know that it was also the anniversary of his mother's death. He didn't remember telling her at least. If she knew then he was sure that it hadn't been him who'd told her. But, in any case, he had left without a mere word. Just leaving, with a little bit of money in his pocket, and a sense that this day would be long. It would be hard. He loved Kate, but he barely had the courage to talk about what had happened to him. Sure, if ever she asked about it, he would answer her truthfully, but of course there was just a small part of him that was careful over his words. Chose them carefully. Made sure he always made it seem less bad than it had been. He didn't want her to really realise that what he'd lived through had been truly the stuff of nightmares. But, he was sure that she knew. The nightmares, the house, the way he still barely went into his old bedroom. The protection spells around the house. His distance even with the new family that he had. The only person who made him feel well and truly comfortable, at ease with everything was Kate. But, on a day like this, it just easier to him to just distance himself and deal with it himself. He didn't think she'd be up for another while. He had lost track of time, thinking it still earlier than it actually was. He thought he could get back in time before she could notice that he'd gone anywhere. He didn't know, or really realise that he had been wrong. It was because of this that he really did love kate. She just seemed to know. They were both slightly protective over one another considering what had just happened to Kate. It would take a while before things got better. And he had forgotten to tell her where he was going. He knew he should stop doing that. He would apologise when he got back. Stefan loved Kate, if he had worried her, he'd show her why he had needed to be alone for a little bit. Why he hadn't woken her. He would simple say that the leaving the note thing, he'd simply forgotten about.

Sitting in the cafe, the boy lost himself to his thoughts. He had stared blankly out the window, with a sort of lost expression. The blue eyes seemingly not seeing what was in front of him. He looked lost to the world, he was blinking back tears. His entire demeanor was deflated. like he'd just lost a hard battle. He couldn't believe that it had been seventeen years since his mother's death. It had been four, maybe five years since his father had died. He missed his mother, he missed her. So much. She hadn't been there with him as he'd grown up. She hadn't gotten the chance to grow up. He longed for her to just be there with him. Just to sit with him, let him tell her about his day. So she could give him advice, and wrap her arms around him. He had found that Elliot was sort of a like a mother to him. She always knew what to say. She had this gentle way about her. She seemed to know without asking. No reservations. She just did what she felt was necessary. It had been weird at first. he hadn't ever expected to be treated in such a fashion. Not by some older woman who was technically his aunt. it had made him miss his mother more. Maybe it was just that now he was really allowing himself to miss his mother. Not like before, where she had been a longing to take him away from his nightmare. Just miss her. The boy sighed slightly, and as he did, he felt hands wrap themselves around his. That still held the cup. He could tell who it was. The soft touch, the silence. He smiled as he looked up at the face of Kate. The smile fell away. He sighed slightly leaning slightly into the touch. He knew then that it was later than thought. Knew that she was just worried about him. She had every right to be considering him, considering them. He intertwined his fingers with hers. Smiling to her as he did so. But, once again the smile fell. He looked down at the table. He didn't know what to say. He just sort of Decided in that instant what he wanted to do. He stood up, leaned in and kissed her lightly on the cheek, letting go of her hands, before making his way to the counter, his tone was quiet and returning with a paper cup, that he poured the tea into, and then held out his hand to her. Almost as a come, I have something to show you fashion. He just waited for her to take it, before leaving the coffee shop and leading the place he'd spent his morning. He smiled at her, but said nothing. Just lead her on, holding the cup of tea tightly in his hands. This was making him nervous, but he knew it to be the right choice.

They arrived at the cemetery in a few minutes, and Stefan lead silently down the familiar path, before he stopped, in front of the grave that he knew all to well. He let go of Kate's hand and knelt down in front of it. Just smiling at the words written on it. Seventeen years to the day. "Hey Ma" He muttered, quietly. The flowers he'd bought sat in front of the grave. "I know," He stood up straight, and put his arm around Kate. "This is Kate. The girl I love. I wanted you to meet her" He looked up at Kate and gave a small smile before looking back at the grave.
Apologies for the slight god mod. Can edit if you want!
Kate had a habit of being over protective. She had always been over protective of her siblings as a child. Hogwarts had just made her a bit more paranoid. It was annoying as she got worried very easily, especially with Stefan. She always worried about him, not as much recently but the smallest incident could send her brain into overdrive about all the bad things that could be happening. Usually she could keep the worry under wraps but the fact he had just disappeared was too much for Kate. Her worry for him could reach new levels. She hadn't had any real episodes in a long time. She knew after the event in Japan, he was a bit over-protective over her. Hopefully things would settle out between the two of them over time. She knew Stefan hadn't been sleeping well. She didn't want to ask him, she hoped when he was ready he would tell her. She knew pushing him wouldn't get her anywhere. But Kate was okay with that now, it didn't get at her like it used to. She knew he had a long way to go, but Kate would be there whenever he needed her. She loved Stefan and she would do anything to help, protect him. She didn't know what had gotten into him though. Leaving without a note, was unlike him and that's what worried her. He knew how she was when she got worried.

A million questions ran through her mind when she saw him sitting by the window. He looked so lost. So sad. She was at a loss. She stood there for a few minutes, not sure what to do. When she walked over, she knew talking wasn't going to do anything. Asking him questions was the last thing he would want. So she just put her hands on his, she just wanted him to know she was there. She smiled when he squeezed her hand lightly. When he looked up at her his smile fell away. Kate squeezed his hand tightly, concerned. She was confused when he got up and went over to the counter. She was just as confused when he held his hand out to her. Puzzled and she was sure her face showed it but she stood up and took his hand. She followed him outside the coffee shop, she smiled back at him confused. But followed him anyways. Obviously she had no idea where they were going. She wanted to ask him where they were going but she didn't feel as if that was right. So she kept quiet and followed him contently. Soon they reached a graveyard. They walked along a path, Stefan seemed to know where he was going. They stopped in front of a grave. Kate had some inclination as to who was buried here, it wasn't until she saw the name that her thoughts were confirmed. She smiled sadly as he knelt by the grave. He must have spent some of his time here a, Kate guessed as there were fresh flowers by the grave. She also noticed the date on the grave, everything started coming together then. She could feel tears behind her eyes, she bit her lip and managed as smile for Stefan when he put his arm around her. She leaned into him and put her arm around his back, she smiled as he introduced her "Nice to meet you Mrs Archer"She said giving him a small squeezed. She really did appreciate what he was doing. She knew practically nothing about his mother. Only that the chain around her neck had once been hers. Kate's hand went to the necklace and she smiled sadly. "I love your son very much and I'm going to take good care of him"She said looking up at Stefan and smiling. She wondered if things would have been different, had Stefan's mother been alive. But Kate really did appreciate Stefan letting her come to see this. "Thank you for showing me this Stefan"She said quietly smiling up at him.
Stefan had been through a lot, but this in itself was a little victory. He hadn't really ever talked about his mother. He had always known too little about her to speak with any confidence about her. Other than that she was dead, never coming back, and she had died on his birthday. That she'd been a great woman. He could live with that. He just was unhappy that she would never be there for him in the way mother's were suppose to be. Or how he figured they were meant to be. Stefan had really never had a mother. She had died when he'd been so young, all he knew was his dad, and at that, it wasn't much. The small time in the foster home also didn't resemble what a mother was meant to be like. He didn't have many positive experiences with mothers. Elliot was different, she was the first woman, who also happened to be a mother that he didn't fear. He thought his mother would've been just like her had she lived. He would never know, and he often stopped himself from even thinking about it. Since what good what that really do. He couldn't change anything. What's done is done. However, this day. On his birthday the teen had just sort of spaced on all the normal things he usually did during his life, and thoughts drifted to her. It was why, without even thinking too much about it, the teen had left without a word, and headed there. Forgetting to tell Kate. He knew he'd made that mistake when she had sat down in front of him. He didn't want to bring down this day. But, he had. It was simple as. He figured she might be a little annoyed at him. But, he could live with that. He would make it up to her. Buy her flowers, or soemthing like that. It was nice to have her back with him. He liked waking up to her in the mornings. He liked the way she smiled at him throughout the day. The fact that for them, nothing was rushed. It was always one day at a time. They did their own things. Met up with different friends. Had their own lives but, still easily together. It wasn't complicated. It wasn't hard to juggle. At least he didn't think so. He didn't know what he wanted to do with his life, and he was sure that she didn't either. Their current life style suited them perfectly. Which he was more than overjoyed about. To think that things hadn't always been so simple for them. That they had struggled for things. He was smiling at her. A soft smile as he showed her to the grave. He wasn't sure if she would enjoy this, or how open she might be to it, since it was a little weird.

Watching as Kate knelt beside the grave, and lightly touching it. A small sad smile graced the boys lips. His eyes drifted upwards, to the overcast sky. Or well, what he believed was an overcast sky. He could almost see her, smiling down at them. Blinking several times rapidly, the teen looked down as Kate stood back up beside him. He leaned into her slightly. Glad that he could put his arm around her, that he could stand with her on this day. He had never thought of bringing her here. It was his ma, and he had always preferred the time alone with her. That and Kate had been away, so the thought hadn't ever crossed his mind. Now, it seemed like the most normal thing. He was glad to have brought her here. It was a natural thing almost. Showing Kate another part, making sure to not push her away, and be honest with her. He shook his head at her, dismissing her thanks. He had waited long enough for this. "I love you Kate, I've sort of met your parents. You've sort of saw my dad, and now my ma." He spoke quietly. Not certain if Kate had ever seen his dad, but not that it mattered. He doubted she'd ever want to visit that man's grave. This was his ma. "I don't really remember her at all. I was too young when she died to have any real memories of her. From what Elliot and Branson say about her, she was incredibly bright, and talented. I just wish I'd known her. Even just a little bit." He looked away from Kate, and back to the grave in front of him. He smiled slightly, but the smile faded. He knelt down and touched the ground in front of the stone. Knowing that this would be the closest he'd ever get to his mother. After a few seconds he stood up again. Placing himself back beside Kate. "Let's go. Get some breakfast." He took a step away, glancing from Kate to the grave. "Bye Ma" He muttered before turning away heading back out. Once out the gates, Stefan turned to Kate. "We could go back to that coffee shop, or just head home?" He asked her, letting her decide and then lead the way. Either way he was happy, and he now sort of really wanted to just spend his birthday with her. He did really love Kate. Always would, he said.

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