Closed Lot To Think About

Mania Athanasiou

Out here on my own, living life to the fullest 🌪️
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
A mystery (probably crushing on someone rn)
Straight 13 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
02/2052 (12)
Mania had been to the school for the better half of the semester now and the excitement of all the new was finally settling in. She wasn't exactly doing the best in her classes, mostly because she was constantly busy thinking of all the other things she could do around here and she would be lying if she said that some of the things, well most of them, didn't confuse her. You'd think that growing up with magic would familiarize one enough that it'd be a no-brainer, so Nia herself had thought but that was definitely not the case. The first year was currently sitting in the shade of a tree on the great lawn thinking of just how much she wished she could just go up to her mum and ask if she might know something about the potions and charms and all that annoying stuff she was struggling with. She had been so excited and everything was cool and new, but she hadn't realized just how new and how much she'd come to miss the comforting knowledge of having her parents to ask, however absent their responses might be.
((ooc: two months late, but I'm here if you want to continue lol))

Aroha really needed a breath of fresh air. Classes were already getting to her - they just kept getting harder each year and she was struggling to keep up. It didn't get her down too much, though. Everything would be alright somehow. Somehow. She walked down to the great lawn, spying a girl she dimly remembered from the sorting ceremony. A first year. It wasn't like Aroha was obliged to check in with the younger students, but she remembered what it was like first coming to Hogwarts and thought, why not? Aroha made a beeline for the girl, ending up standing nearby the tree she was sitting under. "Hey, how's it going?" she started casually. "You're new here, aye? How're you finding Hogwarts?"
(ooc: no worries lmao, better late than never!)

Mania hadn't realized she was wearing a frown on her face, not until an older girl approached her and startled the first year out of her thoughts. Eyeing the older girl up and down she pondered the questions presented. "Hey, um it's going faster than the Hogwarts express," she said, referring to how everything just passed her by and she had hard time grasping at the basics of the magic they were taught everyday. "Yes, got sorted this year and I mean it is nice independent for sure, but um well it's not as easy as I thought it'd be. Not that I thought myself invincible, well maybe in some things sure, but like academically and magic wise I thought I had a solid base given my parents are both magicals, but well it's just a lot of new information and so little time to actually grasp it all." Once Nia opened her mouth there was rarely any stopping the flood of words and today this older girl was going to learn it too. Mania had been told that she wasn't exactly the most shy or possessed the most self preservation and this was just proof. It had taken all but a few questions for her to spill the contents of her mind, convenient for her less so for this poor soul. "Did you struggle at the start?" She asked peering up at the girl curiously.
Aroha was taken aback at how open the girl was initially, but quickly just accepted that this was probably how she was and no worries, Aroha accepted people as they were (usually). She nodded as the first year continued about her year and her problems. The question then wasn't unexpected, and Aroha knew what to say to it. "Oh, yeah, I struggled for sure. My wand barely worked for me for the first two years aye. Came right eventually though. I have no idea how muggleborns do it because geez, they have nothing going in. But you find your groove. It can take a while, but yeah, you just find your place somehow. Though, like, if I'm honest, I'm still not that great at classes." Aroha laughed a little. "But I've got quidditch, and that's what I'm passionate about." Aroha didn't mention it took her three years of trying to get on the team but she didn't need to know that. "I'm Aroha, by the way."
Mania was glad the girl seemed to roll with it, if she had been shut down she might have thrown a tantrum or two. Listening intently on everything she nodded, wand not working would have SUCKED. "I think if my stick decided not to work I might have lost it completely and snapped it in half... My family says I have a temper, I don't think they are wrong but you know sometimes the fuse just isn't long enough." The comment about Quidditch made sense, perhaps she too should find something to be passionate about. It actually seemed like a great idea. "I'm Mania! You can call me Nia though because we are now friends, like it or not. Also I like your name it's very pretty." The Gryffindor almost shot up instantly at the mention of the introduction, this definitely meant they were friends. "Maybe I should find something to be passionate about too then, sports aren't really my thing so not quidditch but I'll find something." She would, but for now she wanted to know more about her new friend. "Whats your favourite class right now?"

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