Closed Lost in Translation

Sayuri Edogawa

aikido • things are changing • frustrated
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 11 Inch Rigid Acacia Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
It was Sayuri's turn to find a spot for a study session. And to compile notes to give to their siblings. She'd talked with Elijah a couple of weeks back about how the notes should be in Nihongo. She'd looked at him weirdly for that, especially since that was a lot of extra work that would be done, translating. While her English was good, she'd still need to look up a few words every now and then just to get everything translated. Still, she'd done it because why not? It was at least a good way to really review the material; she'd give him that. Especially with exams just around the corner. It was no wonder they really needed to hammer down on Rose and Jonah if they were to make sure that no one got a failing grade this semester. She didn't usually like getting involved with her siblings' shenanigans, but a study session couldn't be that bad. Besides, it's been pretty good the whole semester. They've been getting into a sort of routine. Honestly, Rose participating and Jonah bothering to show up at all could be considered a win. If that still holds today, then Sayuri would take it as another win. She'd chosen one of the abandoned classrooms on the second floor today, letting her siblings know the day before. She'd arranged the tables and chairs while she waited for the rest of them to arrive while the notes rested on top of the professor's desk.
Saying Rose was antsy would have been an understatement, ever since she'd heard that Touchan had left the school to be with Kaachan, she'd been nervous. She was sure nothing was wrong, because it was Kaachan and Touchan and they'd done this heaps of times before, but it was always a worry. She didn't remember much when Sayuri had been born because she was still only a baby at the time, but Hinata said it had been different with them because three were there of them, and so it had been a little different. So now she was a little more worried because this baby was actually two babies and so that would mean it was more difficult right? What did Rose know about childbirth?! She couldn't stop the way her legs bounced as she sat at the table beside Sayuri, her fingers twisted together in a ball as she let the anxiety wash over her. When she'd been told Kaachan was pregnant she'd been really excited, but then the reality had hit her, then Ai-Oba had been pregnant as well, Ari-Oba was due to have kids too, so it was really doing a number on poor Rose's nerves today.
It was hard to find anything to care about these days, but Tou-chan leaving the castle had been news. News that he'd found through Eurydice because he's usually been spending days that he didn't need to go out laying in bed. She'd been the one to find him in the dorm and let him know that Muggle Studies class had been canceled because his Tou-chan had gone to his Kaa-chan. He didn't know if his Tou-chan was back yet but it didn't really matter, he'd probably hear about it one way or the other when he did anyway. Today, he was dragging himself to another of these stupid study sessions that his siblings had begun to enforce. He didn't really want to show up, wanting to stay in bed, but he had no doubt that one of them would have Eurydice grab him if he didn't arrive in time. He had less desire to be dragged around the castle. He entered the classroom that Sayuri had decided on and saw that he was not the last to arrive. He dragged himself to one chair and plopped himself on it, clearly displeased that he was here but there was nothing to be done about it now.
Eli dumped the books he was carrying into the middle of the table, ready to lead the study session as he usually did. "We're going to work on potions today, Rose, can you grab that book," he asked, gesturing to the one that fell closest to her. They'd been doing these studying sessions pretty much twice a week since he'd gotten back to school and he liked to think they were doing them some good though he supposed he would know how they were going when they got their results at the end of the year. He hoped that he didn't get bad grades because he didn't want the Head of House to think he was a bad student for not getting good grades and he knew of course that Professor Josephs wasn't going to dislike a student just because they didn't get all Os, but this was supposed to be the smart house, so that usually meant getting good grades.

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