Lost In the Fire

Hadan Winters

Mother of 2
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Cypress/Ebony Mix 14" Core of Basilisk Fang; Black Walnut/Maple 12 3/4" Essense of Silver Thistle
October 31, 2007 - November 7, 2039
Hadan was getting older, and she was getting so close to getting her Dark Mark. That was the only thing that she had looked forward to in her life. Miriah had her daughter and that Gryffindor guy that she was with, the last that Hadan had heard of. Hadan had a lot of issues right now, her mother being busy with Nicolas, Hadan basically felt like she had no one again. She didn't think Miriah had reacted too positively over her being a Death Eater now, but she refused to tell Alyssa until it was ready. Not with that Auror husband of hers. How could she trust someone like that? They fought against her cause, and her hatred against the muggles that had destroyed her life. Them and squibs as well. Hadan would have to look toward the future however, she would have to get over what happened in the past, and moved on. She already had a broken engagement which made her somewhat hating on men, and not wanting to have anything to do with them, but that was just one. She would have to move on from him anyway. Hadan decided that now would be a good time as any. She had never really let herself experience the wonders of a bar. Smirking slightly, she entered the bar with a proud look to her features. Her ruby red eyes looking around, she could not see exactly who all was here, but she hoped that someone here spoke some English. She didn't even remember if this was in the magical world or not. Truth be told, Hadan did not give a darn where she was, she just wanted to relax tonight. She had a hotel sweet down next door, so she had a place to crash while she could anyway. It would just be a couple of weeks anyway. She would be returning back to her home in New Zealand where she would go back to hanging out with her friends. She missed her friends, what she had left of them anyhow. She was sure that Alyssa was having fun with Chacen, whom would be about two, going on three about now. How time flew.

Smoothing down her dress, her brown hair hanging around her shoulders in loose curls. It was a common style for Hadan, and her make up was light, though her eyes were darker, highlighting her ruby eyes. It helped out her eyes anyhow, which she wanted to ensure that people got a good look into her eyes. At least her dress covered most of the inappropriate places, and the dress came to her mid-thighs. She was not used to dresses, but this one happened to be one of her favorites. Hadan stepped forward, her boots clicking as she stepped toward the bar itself, which was rather fancy so she was starting to wonder what type of place this was, or what type of people would hang out here. She took a seat next to a stranger, which she did not bother looking at right now. The first thing she wanted to try out was that one bottle that looked absolutely divine. However she wanted to have a cocktail. With a wave of her hand to get the bartender's attention which was another male, she asked for, "Can I get a cocktail?" She told the bartender specifically what she was wanting. It was a shot of Goldschlager, an Italian drink with another shot of Disaronno, another Italian drink topped up with Coca cola. After it was poured into a glass, she took it into her elegant hand, holding it before she thought that she would have to drink it. Breathing in, she put the glass to her lips and took a drink of it. It burned her throat on the way down, which was not something she was entirely used to, but she would grow accustomed to it tonight. She finished off the drink before she let out a soft sigh. She dare not get too overboard with what she was doing. The last thing she wanted was to get wasted and pass out in the middle of the street on the bench without any clothing on. She was sure that this happened to many others. However she was a lot more elegant than that. At least this place was rather nice, and she liked being here. She would have to remember the name of this bar so that she could come back again.
<COLOR color="#000">Greyson was in a foul mood tonight. If it was one thing he hated, it was not being able to relax every once and awhile. Greyson had a problem where he tended to overwork himself. But when he wanted a break, he wanted one. If he didn't get one, he tended to get upset. The women of his family drove him nuts. It was no one he was gay. Growing up in a family full of angry and demanding women made him literally loath women at times. They were insane. Utterly insane. Sometimes whiny too. Greyson was so happy he wasn't a woman. He would drive himself insane if he was one. That was all he knew for the time being. It was because of women that he was having one of hell of a night. Danielle told him to get something done, but because the mission was difficult, he didn't exactly succeed either. 'How is it that someone so tiny could be so cruel and hateful. It makes no sense whatsoever that she's allowed to boss me around like she is when she's literally half my size.' Greyson thought to himself as he walked through the empty streets. He felt like he had sold his soul to Danielle or something. He was her body guard until she decided to give up her position and honestly, she was a stubborn woman. It didn't look like she was going to give it up anytime soon. Greyson was going to be stuck with Danielle forever. The midget queen. Couldn't her husband just watch over her? He was scary enough. Oh that's right, he disappeared. So Greyson was stuck dealing with Danielle and her anger problems right now. He was tempted to stick her with her eldest son. He could handle himself well enough it seemed. Surely he could handle Danielle and her temper problems too. It must be a family thing. Greyson was thankful he didn't have to put up with them all though. He'd want to cry. Danielle, Axelle, Gabrielle, even Etoile. They were all mouthy and horrible. He felt sorry for the men who were willing to be with them.

Greyson noticed a bar and froze. He could use a drink. Or five. Even if he was a notorious lightweight. Alcohol was good at keeping his emotions on the down-low. Sometimes. Greyson entered the establishment and walked up to the counter. The bartender was busy serving some pretty woman so Greyson sat down and waited. Once the bartender looked in his directions Greyson smirked. "I need alcohol. Lots of alcohol." The man behind the counter laughed and all Greyson could do was lift his fingers to his temple. He could feel a headache coming on as well. Finally the alcohol was given to him and he downed two shots pretty much instantly. He was enjoying the taste of it when he noticed he probably looked like an alcoholic. "Don't judge." Greyson told anyone close who might have been looking at his horrible display. He downed another shot. He hated the taste, but at the same time he loved it. He just didn't want people to think badly of him because he was drinking as much as he was.​
Hadan was definitely feeling adventurous tonight, as she had the alcohol coursing through her veins like there was no tomorrow. At least she had gotten something to eat beforehand or else she would have been much drunker by now and she would have been finding the nearest toilet to worship. Hadan was intelligent for her age, even though she felt that in her past few years, she had been foolish to trust one man that ended up leaving her for Merlin knew why. Hadan would never understand, and if he came around, she would still never forgive him for leaving her like that. She absently looked down at her left hand, upon her ring finger there was nothing. Not even a hint that there was something once there. She had tossed the ring off of a building to let the rats fight over it. To this day Hadan would never understand why she would not just get over it. Her mother told her that it would take a long time, but Hadan just needed a distraction. Her Death Eater duties had her busy, and then there was her job at Saint Mungo's with her best friend and other family members. Hadan worked in several different fields than they did as she was being a psychiatrist while Alyssa worked with healing those that had magical creature injuries. Hadan wanted to hang out with Alyssa more, but she would have to figure out a way to make arrangements, and well, Hadan was definitely not in the calling range. She waved to the bartender before she got another alcoholic drink. It was her third one, and she could feel the effects. It was amazing, and she felt that she could simply melt away. Hadan was not an alcoholic, and she never drank, except now. She needed freedom.

The moment when she heard a voice, a man's voice, her ruby red eyes looked over and saw this attractive young man. He was older than her it appeared of course. He appeared to be very good looking indeed. Hadan was attracted, however she was very weary. The alcohol was busting down her defenses and her common senses. Hadan shook her head, and she said with a subtle smile, "I won't judge if you won't." Her accent definitely told that she was not from around here. Her accent told that she had been around Romania, but there was the accent of someone from New Zealand in there as well despite the fact that she was not from there. Hadan looked around and saw that they were relatively alone, and she thought that it was somewhat odd. Oh well, maybe the man sitting near her, but not too much near her, could make a good conversation while they were here. She was somewhat impressed that he had gotten three shots in such little time. She herself needed a break every now and then. It was just something that she would need to get used to. Hadan decided to have a little small talk as she worked on her third drink, "So, needed a break from life?" Hadan smiled gently, before she finished her third drink and could feel her head swimming. There was so much going on, but all she needed, was a good time. And she needed a break from life. Hadan missed her friends that she used to have, she missed her sister, Hadan just missed everything. Life as a Death Eater was not so easy. Sometimes she wondered why she even joined.
<COLOR color="#000">Greyson breathed. Of course he wasn’t going to judge. It wasn’t his right to judge another person for their actions. People did weird stuff sometimes. But it wasn’t Greyson’s place to judge. Until he lived through the same exact events as another person did he felt he had no right to assume he knew anything about them. ”I barely know you. So judging you won’t be an issue at all.” Greyson commented and took another drink. The last drink he took pretty much finished it off for him. With that he waved his hand and ordered another one. Sadly the very thing he was trying to get away from was talking to him right now. Which pretty much made him a hypocrite. But right now he was a little too drunk to really care if it looked bad on his part or not. Hopefully she was more tolerable than the woman he had been growing up with during the past years of his life. This girl must have been fairly bold if she was willing to talk to Greyson so suddenly though. Most women he was used to wouldn’t give a man the time of day unless she felt that he was going to be worth something. Then again, he didn’t peg this pretty girl to be a snooty b*tch either. But he was trying not to judge before he got to know her. For all he knew, she could be just as bad as Danielle and the others and that she was just hiding it right now. Greyson hoped she wouldn’t be like that. If she was then he would certainly be leaving as soon as possible. Women were absolutely crazy anyways. They never made any sort of sense, they were always mad about something stupid, not to mention how easily they could react over the smallest of things. It was nothing but a mess that Greyson was going to try and avoid with all costs. It was nothing personal. It was just that the female species as a whole drove him nuts.

”Not to sound like I’m being rude, but I needed a break from women in general. The women I live with are just…insane.” Greyson shook his head. The only women he had ever really been able to get along with for more than five minutes was his mother. This was self explanatory. His sister Rubie wasn’t so hard to get along with either. But she had her moments where she too could drive him insane. That might just be because she is young though. Greyson received his drink and he brought it to his lips hurriedly. He was in a rush to drown everything else out, especially his thoughts about his family. Perhaps one of them might even venture into the bar looking for his drunk ass. But by then he would be far too gone to even care what they said or did to him. Greyson downed another sip before he turned to face the girl. ”What about you? I’m Greyson by the way.” Greyson introduced himself. He felt like he could at least be pleasant to her. Whether she was a woman or not, it wasn’t like she had dome anything to him. Plus she was drinking too. She obviously had the right idea on how to deal with everything. Which was pretty awesome in his opinion. He just prayed that she wasn’t as shrill as most women he has met so far.​
Hadan couldn't resist the smile that spread across her features in relief when he said that she wouldn't be judged. He didn't know much about her at all. She murmured a thanks, before she went for another round of drinks. She never got this hammered before, but she was wanting to do anything she could to stop herself from thinking. When she thought, she recalled memories, and they hurt her so much, she hated herself for even doing so. Hadan was sure that she wouldn't be one of those that judged the man next to her. The moments ticked by, and it appeared as though he was getting more and more attractive. Why was she liking the looks of this man? She didn't know why, but there was something about him that drew her in. She'd love to get to know him on a personal basis, but she felt that this was the alcohol speaking in her mind. Nothing else. She frowned when she heard him say that the women that he lived with were insane. She let out a sigh, and she murmured, "That must be awful. I'm sorry to hear about that. If it makes you feel any better, not all women are insane. I haven't met one around here, so I think you will be safe and sound." Hadan thought that she was not too insane herself, but she didn't know what all he had been through. Hadan knew that she would have to talk to this man a little more. Hadan downed a few more shots. She also talked a bit more with the man, found that his name was of course Greyson. She told him that her name was Hadan, but left out her last name because he had. She told him about how her ex-fiance completely left her without a word and how she hated the world because of him. The only way to escape her problems now was resorting to drinking. That was the only thing that she could think of really. It was hurtful, who could live on after wasting so many years and whatnot? "You know what Greyson? I have a room. Let's take this elsewhere. I think I have vodka too." To her amazement, he agreed. Hadan hopped up, but she gripped the edge of the counter to keep from falling. She took him by his hand where she led him up to the elevator and to her room. There, they could talk more and continue their indulgence with drinking. She thought that she had nothing to lose.


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