- Messages
- 245
- OOC First Name
- Alexis
- Age
- 11/2008
Never much of a morning person, Eduardo regretted having his office hours so early in the morning - it was exactly when he wished to sleep. If there was a perk of being an Astronomy professor it really should have been sleeping during the day but with curfews being more strict in Hogwarts than at Castelobruxo there was very little room for wiggle within his schedule so despite having only one class this semester the man was quite busy throughout the nights even if the cold was biting. He'd spent the evening looking through his large sextant and making various notes and diagrams which he now carried in a sloppy pile under his arm so he could go through them in the common area whilst making himself coffee. Copious amounts of coffee, that is. He practically threw them onto a long wooden table where no one was currently sat, leaving the sheets to scatter before he searched for the largest mug he could find and commenced making coffee. As there was no one else currently in the common room, possibly even awake as the sun was just rising now making his personal work near impossible. The resources he was available to being a Professor allowed him to spend so much of his time documenting findings. Research was easily a favourite part of the man's life - it was the reason why he had continued to specialize and to become an educator but until his coffee was ready he did somehow doubt his own reasons for making his various choices.
As the water began to boil in the silver kettle, Ed smiled. Relief was coming soon and he swiftly poured the hot water into a french press and followed the necessary steps until he was able to pour the liquid into the cup. As he was generally a tea drinker he did add sugar and milk to his coffee until it was a lovely kobicha brown. Taking a seat by his mess, Eduardo practically sunk into it and sighed. He had still so many more hours left of his day and a lot of work to do yet the soft bed of the hotel he was sleeping in called to him. While he could never miss the woman who likely still slept in his bed, Eduardo did miss feeling as if he was home when he laid his head down to rest instead of wonder how many previous occupants there had been to the very same room or how house keeping was constantly moving his stuff around to places he would never think to look for them for the sake of order or cleanliness. The man preferred his mess as it meant he could find what he truly needed when he did need it. However he would still need to make sense of his own writing from the last few nights and today so he could find a correlation even if it seemed daunting at the moment.
As the water began to boil in the silver kettle, Ed smiled. Relief was coming soon and he swiftly poured the hot water into a french press and followed the necessary steps until he was able to pour the liquid into the cup. As he was generally a tea drinker he did add sugar and milk to his coffee until it was a lovely kobicha brown. Taking a seat by his mess, Eduardo practically sunk into it and sighed. He had still so many more hours left of his day and a lot of work to do yet the soft bed of the hotel he was sleeping in called to him. While he could never miss the woman who likely still slept in his bed, Eduardo did miss feeling as if he was home when he laid his head down to rest instead of wonder how many previous occupants there had been to the very same room or how house keeping was constantly moving his stuff around to places he would never think to look for them for the sake of order or cleanliness. The man preferred his mess as it meant he could find what he truly needed when he did need it. However he would still need to make sense of his own writing from the last few nights and today so he could find a correlation even if it seemed daunting at the moment.