Lord of the Skies

OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Straight 10 Inch Unyielding Chestnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
The day had gone rather ordinarily. Classes, lunch, then more classes following, the never ending cycle of learning that had become his life was almost routine now to Heddwyn Ceallaigh, though the boy still loved every minute of it. An almost full term at Ilvermorny had not dampened the boy's spirit and for that he was very grateful, he would have hated to be turned off of learning once he'd gotten to the school he'd been so desperately eager to go to in the first place. As he'd finished up his last class for that day, Potions, he'd tried to come up with something to do afterwards; he wasn't very hungry, having eaten a rather big lunch earlier that day, and thus didn't want to go to dinner just yet. Heddwyn eventually came with the idea to do some flying and practice his skills as a Chaser in the Quidditch team of his house. Heddwyn trudged down the path that led to the Quidditch pitch. He was eager to get a chance to fly around for a bit, but he was also anxious to see if the pitch was empty. He would prefer to just do a few laps on a broom and toss the quaffle through the hoops for a bit.

The sun was low on the horizon as he made his way down the path, he moved faster as he got closer, excited to see the house flags fluttering ever so slightly in the evening breeze. It really couldn't be a better day for Quidditch practice! At the same time, that sense of longing for a friend to play Quidditch with washed over him. Heddwyn still hadn't made much friends except for a teammate that, just like him, was benched for half of the Quidditch season. But today would not be ruined by pessimistic thought! The kid had decided that he would borrow one of the school's brooms instead of bringing his own, and hoped that he would perhaps could find one where the twigs in the tail weren't bent at odd angles. He could always hope. Heddwyn approached the entrance to the pitch, and sighed with relief and smiled when he realized he was the only one there. All feelings of apprehension washed away as he stared at the hoops marking both ends of the pitch. He stretched his arms over his head and made his way to the broom closet, picking out a Cleansweep that seemed to be in decent condition for a school broom. It must have been donated by a generous Quidditch player after he or she got a better broom because his sister had the same model. He also retrieved a quaffle, the ball he preferred most in the sport. He fancied himself a decent Chaser, but it was hard to tell. The young student had very few opportunities to test his skills against the other houses since his team captain had decided that he needed more flying skills before putting him in the field for a whole season. His shy disposition usually overtook his Quidditch fanaticism. It was a shame, too, because he really did love the sport. He saw it as the best sport there was, and his dad agreed with him. His mother, on the other hand, was not as fond of his obsession, she didn't like that Heddwyn had covered his walls with moving posters of the American national team or the Fitchburg Finches. She rolled her eyes slightly at every team statistic he knew and every time he came down from his room wearing a Quidditch jersey. He ignored her for the most part, and even tried to get her involved in the sport - though it was no use.

Heddwyn reflected on this as he mounted his broom, swinging his left leg over the handle as he gripped it tightly with his right hand, pinning the quaffle to his side with the other. He stared out at the pitch, the last sunbeams slowly leaving the stadium. He squinted as he glanced at to his right towards the hoops at the end of the pitch. "And... he's off!" Heddwyn commentated with a grin as he kicked off form the ground. His smile widened as the wind whistled through his ears and and hair. He ascended into the air, leaning closer to the broom to reduce the amount of drag from air resistance. He paused in midair, and turned into a dive. He whooped slightly, hoping he was still alone and nobody heard the cheer, as he leveled the broom and bolted towards the other end of the pitch. He faked like other chasers were trying to perform a tackle, spiraling to avoid opponents and bludgers alike. Doing all of this felt good to him. The thrill of flying left his apprehensions about friendships and schoolwork far behind him. The boy approached the hoop, commentating his actions in a loud voice, imagining a crowd cheering his every maneuver. "Look there! Heddwyn Ceallaigh has possession of the quaffle! He goes right. No! He feinted and has just taken a powerful shot at the left hoop," he boomed, launching the quaffle towards the hoop opposite of him. It sailed through, bouncing slightly off of the inner ring. He mimed cheering from his adoring fans as he flew to retrieve the bright red ball, doing a few victory loops to congratulate his success as a chaser for the Fitchburg Finches. He ignored the fact that the game dynamics were much different when there were 13 other players on the pitch; he preferred to revel in the moment as it was now, with him playing the part of the sports hero.
Evelynn's last class of the day had ended about an hour ago and yet the teen was still sat bend over her homework. She had headed to the library immeditely after the lesson and had been trying to get it done ever since. Needless to say it seemed both hopeless and impossible. For some reason she just didn't seem to get it, no matter how hard she tried to find the right answers. Letting out a sigh Evelynn closed the book in front of her and leaned back in her chair, staring towards the ceiling feeling both annoyed about the fact that she couldn't even finish some simple homework questions and bored out of her mind after trying for so long. It took a few minutes for the girl to realize that staying seated in the library like that wasn't going to help her either so she got up, put all of her belongings in her bag and made her way out of the library unsure of where she was heading, but sure of the fact that she needed to find something to do or a way to have some fun.

Whilst making her way down several stairs and passing through the hallways of the school Evelynn kept an eye out for her friends, she didn't know where they were but if she'd come across one of them she would at least have some guaranteed fun. Sadly most of her friends were in different houses and she was getting a feeling that she wasn't going to run into them today. Without even truly realizing it the fourteen year old soon found herself to be wandering the grounds of the castle. She had never really been an outside person, but she had to admit it felt good to breath in some fresh air from time to time whilst walking across the grounds. Once her walk had lead her close to the Quidditch Pitch Evelynn started to hear what seemed like a single voice coming from the pitch. Curious as she was the girl quickly turned towards the pitch and continued walking towards it. She had always been fond of Quidditch and enjoyed watching it more than anything, the only thing that had always disappointed her was that she was absolutely terrible at playing. Not only had she always been bad at flying but the combination of her flying skills together with having to play a game had always been a disaster for her. Reaching the pitch she noticed a boy flying around, seeming as if he was playing Quidditch against other people and commentating whilst there was nobody else around. Letting her curiousity take over Evelynn silently made her way onto one of the bleachers and couldn't help but slightly smile as the boy threw the quaffle through one of the hoops and mimicked the sound of a cheering crowd. He seemed to be having a whole lot of fun and watching it made her lose the feeling of being bored for a little while.
As soon as Heddwyn was done miming the loud cheers coming from crowd in the stands, he flew back toward his side of the Quidditch field with the quaffle under his right arm. Just for the fun of it, the third year threw the quaffle as far as he could towards the opposite hoops as if the keeper had thrown the ball back in the game. He waited a few seconds before going after the bright red ball and grab it out of the air. The moment Heddwyn saw that the quaffle was dropping he flew towards it, increasing his speed while at it. ''Will you look at this!'' Heddwyn began to commentate again as he was flying toward the ball. ''This is truly un-believ-able! Look at the speed Ceallaigh is going! If this isn't a world record I'll quit my job!'' The grin on his face revealed how much fun he had commentating as a Quidditch commentator and he certainly wasn't going to stop anytime soon. Heddwynn grabbed the quaffle inches before hitting the sandy-ground and when he steered his broom to go upwards said, ''Ohmygod! That save! What a game this kid is playing! Truly magnificent!'' With the quaffle under his arm again, Heddwyn zigzagged as if he was dodging incoming bludgers and the opposite's teams chasers whom were trying to take the quaffle from him as he was speeding towards their hoops. Whilst he was getting closer to the keeper he tried increasing his speed once more to make sure the keeper wouldn't be able to stop the quaffle he was about to throw his way. And the moment Heddwyn was close enough he threw the quaffle with all his might towards the hoop on the right. It went in without touching the inner ring and as soon as he saw it Heddwyn once more mimed the cheering from the crowd in the stands and the commentator. ''His second goal in a few minutes! Heddwyn Ceallaigh, ladies and gentlemen, is unstoppable!'' Whilst cheering the third year flew to retrieve the quaffle and once he grabbed it midair and was on his way back to his side of the field, he noticed a girl sitting in the stands watching him play by himself. It made his cheeks change their colour of embarrassment because he thought he had been alone while playing. For a memont he was unsure what do to next. Should he go to her or ignore the girl and keep on playing and commentating? He choose the former, perhaps explaining to the girl what he was doing would safe him from feeling even more embarrassed. So, with the quaffle under his right arm, Heddwyn slowly flew toward the girl in the stands, hoping she wouldn't think of him as a loser for doing this. ''Err-.. Hey..'' he said when he reached the girl.

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