Looking to plot

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Margot Castle

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Knotted 15 Inch Unyielding Rosewood Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Hey everybody,

I currently have my one character ( Margot Castle) and I feel like I haven't exactly been the best Bea I can be as far as plotting and developing her. In case you want to read up on her here and let me know if you'd like to plot.

I have almost no plans for Margot, so any type of relationship would rock. You can post down below or send me a dm (whatever you prefer.) But yeah, I definitely want to get the ball rolling on her social life and general development.

Hey! :wub:

I think Charlotte and Margot would get on pretty well despite their differences. Although, Charlotte can get a bit bossy sometimes and Margot may not like that. Charlotte isn't as intelligent as Margot but she's very outgoing so it won't be that hard to start a conversation with them both. Does Margot like breaking the rules? If so, maybe we could plot something where they get up to mischief?

Let me know what you think ^_^
Would love for Margot and Archie to RP again, it's been a while and it would be nice to see where they are at ^_^ He doesn't have that many friends so it would be great for Archie to become really good friends with someone who is used to him?
Hi Bea! I have Desi, a third year Gryffindor,who enjoys pranking others, usually fun stuff. He isn't mean-spirited. Maybe he can pull a prank on Margot. I noticed that you mentioned she is melodramatic and Desi would love the kind of reaction she might give. :p Or he could prank her and her friends? Desi would think the more, the merrier.
Thanks guys!!

Kaye - I think Charlotte/Margot would be really fun. I think in the moment M would love causing mischief but regret it tremendously afterwards. I think this has potential!

Lauren- Definitely! I really enjoyed Margot and Archie, I don't have any preferences to what they do/where they are so really the ball is in your court.

Cyndi - I think that would be hilarious! I've read some of Desi's previous pranks and I think Margot would be a good target... especially if he's looking for a reaction!
Yay! I'm glad you like the idea. :)
Let me know when/where you want to RP!
I think she would be a good friend for my little Ravenclaw, Vesta. Vesta lives in books, so she needs to learn to socialize a little bit. :tut:
Margot might be able to get Vesta out of her shell.
Yay! ^_^ Would you like to plot something or just wing it? I was thinking maybe they could do something dangerous like exploring the depths of the forbidden forest or annoying the crap out of a professor that could potentially lead them into detention. But first we'd have to get permission from the professor. What do you think?
Maybe Margot and my first year Georgina de Lacey. She's a Slytherin but she's muggle born too so their gling through a similar new experience. Plus she's a lot nicer than I originally intended but she is a little fragile and puts on a false confidence to hide it.
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