Open Looking Out for the Small Critters

Thomas Fitzgerald

introverted 🪴 plant & animal enthusiast 🐈‍⬛
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Veela Hair Core
13 (02/2050)
Thomas always enjoyed the great outdoors. He tried to avoid the castle when he could, as it was overly crowded and noisy. The boy sat under one of the trees that were scattered across part of the great lawn. It had been a sunny and warm day out and Thomas had been enjoying the quietness of the place so far. Thomas had done his part in the garden today, making sure the plants were doing okay and all, before he decided to relax under one of the trees for a bit. However, Thomas notices a few ladybirds crawling up the tree trunk of the tree he was under. "Hello little guys" Thomas says softly as he watched them make their away around the tree trunk.
It was a pleasant day, and Sofi found herself with a break before her next class. She decided to spend it outside on the lawn, where the quiet peace of the grounds offered a welcome contrast to the busy castle. The flowers, the shrubs, and the occasional glimpse of wildlife always brought her so much joy, more joy than perhaps she realised.

As she strolled along the path, her eyes caught sight of Thomas sitting under a tree up ahead. A smile spread across her face as she lifted a hand to wave. She hesitated for a moment, watching his reaction to her wave, unsure if he had even seen her because in fairness he was looking at the tree. Sofi didn’t want to intrude, but the thought of some company under the dappled shade sounded nice. She lingered briefly, waiting to see if he’d notice her there and could feel her awkwardness creeping in.
Thomas didn't know how long he had been staring at the ladybugs. It felt like ages because he suddenly felt a presence near by. He continued to watch the bugs for a moment, his mind else where before deciding to pull away and see who was there. "Hi Sofi" Thomas says softly, as he looked at the girl for a brief moment giving her a small yet friendly wave, before looking back at the ladybugs.
Sofi felt a small wave of relief when Thomas acknowledged her with a wave. Gathering a bit of courage, she approached him slowly, her steps tentative because of how awkward she felt. "What are you looking at?" she asked softly, her curiosity was hesitant, she really didn't want to bother the boy if he'd prefer to be alone.

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