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Hamish Reid

Cook- Protective- Sensitive- Seeker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
7/3/2052 (19)
Hamish had forgotten to check if Seamus was even planning to be at this party, but he'd shown up anyway, throwing on a probably silly costume he'd found over break. Trying to act the part, he walked through the room trying to look haughty. When someone bumped into them, he helped them up, but kept up the act. "How dare you?" He asked in the most ridiculous accent he could manage, trying to sound stuck up. "I am a very very important suit person, how dare a peasant rumble my suit?" He made a silly, over exaggerated pout. "Don't you know my father, Sir Vinderslopen, will have your job for this?" He asked, striking a pose with one knee bent a bit as he shook his hair and let one hand fall into a very prim, half folded way against his temple.
Halloween had always been pretty novel, though arguably more so after Rene had learnt about magic and got to see how wizards did things properly. He did curse how much harder it made finding his friends at the feast though. You could never even be sure if someone hadn't just dressed up like someone else for the day either, magic costumes were tricky like that. Rene had gone for something a bit more mundane but he hoped people found the puppet quirky and fun instead of just dorky as he tried to navigate through the hall and spot someone he knew.

The puppet made him more ungainly than usual though and Rene nearly clothslined someone with a felt limb as he tried to squeeze past, apology already on his tongue when the other person responded and he could only boggle at the student speaking at him. He vaguely recognized him as one of the Reid twins from the year below, but he couldn't tell them apart while playing Quidditch, let alone on the ground. "Uh, so sorry, Mister Vinderslopen?" He tried, biting back a laugh and offering an awkward sort of bow before making his puppet bow as well. "Please don't uh, tell your father, I need the money to eat. So many mouths to feed," he said, motioning between himself and the puppet with wide eyes.
Hamish tried not to laugh but he couldn't help but bust up, shaking his head. "Fine, I shall spare you today, peasant." He kept up the ridiculously exaggerated accent, though he couldn't help but smile. "What is that monstrosity?" He questioned, though he thought the puppet looked pretty cool.
Rene quirked a smile when the guy seemed unable to stop himself from laughing too, glad that he seemed to be holding his own in whatever sort of bit they were doing right now. “You’re too kind,” he said melodramatically, biting his lip at the guy’s stupid affected accent.

He did hesitate when the conversation turned to the puppet and Rene made it wave awkwardly, trying to believe it was still the bit and not a jab at his costume. “It’s uh, it’s a puppet. I can’t do the voice thing though so he’s just kinda chilling?” He offered, having to use his other hand to make the puppet do a bow as well. “Not as fancy as you are, obviously."
Hamish flipped his hair. "Nothing is as fancy as I am, darling," He teased, smiling. "I suppose that.... puppet. is not the most... atrocious thing in the room tonight," He offered, before dropping the façade and just laughing. "Seriously though, nice costume," He added in his normal voice. "You're the puff captain, aren't you?" He asked, offering out his hand. "Hamish, in case you were wondering which twin you had." He smiled softly.
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