Open Looking For Someone

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Daiki Saito

calm | alt. chaser
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
June 2051 (12)
Daiki hadn't bothered with a costume this time around again. He just didn't really see the point in it, it was just a costume and he didn't need to worry about wearing one. He had come to the great hall, and was hoping to spend the time with Kairi, he just hadn't seen her much this semester, but things were busy and she remained his best friend regardless of any amount of time they either did or didn't spend together. he was looking out for her as he moved around the hall.
Kairi had almost missed the halloween event- she'd fallen asleep reading. But she had woken with a start about ten minutes prior and after brushing out her hair she'd rushed down in her ruffled uniform, deciding that it was as close as she'd gotten to so far with a costume. She just owned it, ducking and dancing through the crowd in search of familiar faces. She soon found Daiki. "Dai!" She called, slipping through a few older kids before bounding up beside him with a wide yawn. "How late am I?"
Daiki smiled as he spotted Kairi, and she spotted him, though he was immediately a little worried as she yawned. "Tired?" he asked, not sure what she'd last being doing, though he hoped that she was doing okay. "You okay?" he asked with a slightly concerned tone.
Kairi giggled, stretching. "I'm fine, mr. worry wort, I just fell asleep reading. I came rushing down once I woke up." She looked around, taking in the decor. "What do you want to do?" She asked, turning back to him with a smile.
Daiki was a little reassured by what she said, he knew he shouldn't worry. He pushed the worries down with a jerky nod. "I know," he said before giving a tight smile. "Anything, how about some dancing to wake up?" he suggested.
Kairi smiled and held out her hand. "Hey, come on," She tried to catch his eye. "Breath. Why are you stressed out?" She asked. She could see the tight smile, the jerky nod. "Is everything okay at home?" She asked, stepping closer and speaking a little softer. A little worried herself now that maybe something was wrong with his mom.
Daiki shook his head lightly, there wasn't anything wrong, this was irrational. He'd just been worried about her. "Everything is fine, I just was worried about you, being tired and that, it's not always a good sign," he told her, trying his best to reassure her.
Kairi considered him for a moment but decided to accept it and let it drop. "Alright," She gave him an easy smile, laughing lightly. "Let's go dance then," She encouraged his earlier thought, trying to pull him along with her. She really did like dancing, and it was always more fun with friends.
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