Looking for somebody to RP with

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Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
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Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
Soo I started a roleplay.

I'll let you take that in for a moment before I continue.
You cool again? Ok, let's continue.

I wanted to have a nice simple kind of random RP to ease back in to RPing, try and flex my ol' head muscle in a different way again, and get in on some of that sweet sweet site plot action.

As the topic says - it's open. That means that you and two hundred of your closest friends and their pet fish can all join it... or maybe just you. I'll be happy with whatever you throw at me. New character, your main character, somebody who has never met Kingy before and is just taking a walk in the park when they get an unpleasant daily-prophet-to-the-face that ruins their day, or Kingy's best friend that he never knew he had. Your call!

If I can help open up the RP a little bit more to make it more appealing to join just let me know - looking forward to RPing with you. :cool:
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