Looking for some RPs!

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
I'll start this off with a couple of warnings:
1. Sometimes, I'm a fast RPer and other times I'm really slow. It really depends on my muse and what else I've got going on. With sorting coming up, I'll be slow. But I still wanted to post this to at least line a few things up. :)
2. I don't keep track of RPs anywhere but my mind, so you might have to remind me that I haven't replied to our RP. :doh:

If you're cool with those, I'm looking for RPs! This list is in no particular order, and as always, if there's a way I can help your characters with a plot you're working on, do let me know.

Tobiah Djordjevic
He needs anything and everything. I really just want to get him RPing him so I can better figure him out. Friends can be from anywhere but preferably not NZ. I know he's into men and women, is a smoker, has a difficult relationship with his family, and thinks he's smarter than everyone. He'd make enemies easily.

Maximilian Faber
He's an intern for the Daily Prophet, mostly he does photography work there. His parents are known Scitorari, one of them is dead and the other in Azkaban for life. What does that mean for him? Time will tell. He needs everything as well.

Jeremy Thorne
Healer. Jeremy has finally come to terms with his sexuality after his relationship with Yehveniy. If you have any children who are orphans, give me a shout. Jeremy doesn't think the Scitorari ideals are all wrong, but he does think that how they go about it is very wrong. He enjoys quidditch.

Alana Finch
The cat's out of the bag - she's engaged to Chaos Zhefarovich. I'd like to find someone who really hates her because of her association with him and wouldn't mind her getting into a fight if the hate escalates that much. Maybe a duel in the corridors? I'd also like to find a guy for her to date. He may or may not face threatening from other Zs because of it. Finally, Alana needs a best friend! This girl's got some stuff going on and she needs a buddy to talk to.

Athena Zhefarovich
I only want one thing for her - a good ol' frenemy. The person must be a pureblood and should be a female. Maybe they've known each other for years. It would be helpful if the person had positive feelings towards muggles or muggle borns. If you're open to the possibility of Athena and the person getting into a duel and possibly ending up at St. Mungo's that would be great. I need this for a plot for Athena.

I have other characters too, so feel free to throw me ideas for them as well. :)
Oh! That reminds me I need to start that Rp for Henri and Jeremy! I'll get right on that!
Okay I'll have that one, that one, that one and that one ...

But for reals, once I've finished doing my morning stuff and some chores, I'm coming back and throwing charries at you xD Stay tuned!
Okay, so I might have someone for Athena. Her name's Pascaline Sarkozi, she's about 22-23 years old (so a little younger than Athena, if that's alright), she's French, a pureblood, and very comfortable with muggles and muggle-borns. She's stubborn, and quite frankly, she can be a bit of a b!tch. I haven't roleplayed her, nor have a fleshed her out, so I can morph her to want you need, but that's her base personality. If you're interested, and can work out something in more depth. ^_^
Teigan: No rush! Take your time!

KR: I look forward to it. :p

Tenile: Yes, that could work perfectly. I can already feel Athena's disdain. :p We can work out a backstory for their friendship, if you'd like. Or figure it out as we RP. I'm fine either way. :)

I'm open to Athena having more than one frenemy btw. She's a difficult person to get along with. :tut:
I'd like to have a little something hashed out by time we rp them, but I don't see it being too difficult. I'm sure we can think of something! xD
Awe don't say that, Kiara likes her. Which again reminds me I have to reply! D:
Okey-dokey, here's what I've got:

Cale Lowart/Jeremy Thorne
If Jeremy wants to have a kid one day, this is your guy. Cale is rather relaxed about his sexuality, and he's happy enough to turn his eye to anyone who's fun-loving and kind. He works at St. Mungo's UK as a midwife and though he's a professional whilst working, he's really gooey around kids and loves to hold babies and play blocks with toddlers. He likes watching quidditch, so hopefully that'd be enough to be getting on with XD I haven't got his bio up yet, so skype me or drop me a PM on Damide.

Side note: how old is Max?
Tenile: I'll Skype or PM you so we can figure it out.

KR: I'm going to speak with Teigan first and then I'll get back to you. I'd forgotten about the RP between Jeremy and Henri.

Max is about to be 21. :)
I have Alistair for Tobiah Djordjevic? I don't really have much for any of the others seeing as most of my charries are awaiting to be sorted for next year! But the only one applicable to any of them is Alistair who is my 18 Year old (about to leave) Durmstrangs Student, and he can be anything you want, enemy, boyfriend, friend you name it!
We normally just text each other but I could offer a potential date/fling/thing that is not in the Z family, if you are interested. ^_^
Aaron: That could be fun. Tobiah attended Durmy for his first five years of schooling, but he was bad with a capital B. He almost got expelled, but I haven't exactly determined why. Maybe we can figure that out in an RP and figure out if he was friends or not with Tobi?

Kaitlyn: For who? Alana?
Sounds like a plan! I'd like to know what he'd done to get expelled as well, that sounds interesting. If you wanna PM me sometime (I know you're super busy) or I can PM you, we could plot something?
I have a guy who could possibly be friends with Tobiah, Pericles Dragonslayer is a very self-centered, self-obsessed guy who thinks of himself as gods gift to the magical world. He loves muggle clubbing, drinking and just most of all having a good time. He's not particularly confrontational, unlikely to fight with people, but definitely thinks he's better than everyone else. I have an open topic with him here which if interested you can join!

The other things I could have is a possible short term dating thing, Isaiah, is bisexual and has recently come to terms with it, he has a massive crush on Archie and this is sort of something he'll start to get over, and I think he'd probably end up crushing on a variety of people and experimenting a little more with guys and girls, so maybe it could be like a short term, few months of dating.
She could even have a small fling with Orwell, perhaps nothing more than a small crush and maybe a tentative date, I want to get Orwell dating, but I want him to not sort of jump right into it, so like they might date for a bit and it just have nothing more become of it.
Either or I'd be fine with, just let me know if you'd be interested in either of them.

As for a best friend, the best thing I could offer you is Lydia, but I don't really think Lydia and Alana would maybe get along, I'm not sure, Lydia's very motherly, very kind and helpful to those around her. She loves flowers and hates classes with too much writing, she an active person, sort of happy-go-lucky. I don't know if Lydia and Alana would get along, they might, or they might not, if you were interested we could have them RP.

So yeah, let me know if you want to do any of the following.
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
For who? Alana?
Yep! A fourth year Slytherin, Asa Romanes. It can be for a short time, and I'd want him to get out a little bit before ending up with his final. ^_^
Emzies: Just read the RP and I'll definitely join. I think Tobiah and Pericles will have fun. :p

I could see Isaiah and Alana working a lot better short term than Alana/Orwell, but even then I'm not sure just because I don't know much about Isaiah. I don't think she and Orwell would get along well though. Nor do I think she and Lydia would get on well. I think they'd be friendly, but not best friends. xD

Kaitlyn: You mentioned Asa to me before, right? I feel like we've discussed this before.
Yeah, I didn't think Lydia and Alana would be best friends, I don't think they'd quite understand each others plight xD but it was worth suggest, the other option for a best friend for Alana is like Avie, but again, I don't think that would work, Alana could tell Avie all of the things but he'd be no use, he would understand like 2% of it. But like nahh.

Isaiah's an elder brother, sort of fiercely protective of his family, a studious sort, loves care of magical creatures. He's a little easily frustrated and a little quick to anger even though he tries to keep both at a minimum. He plays quidditch, enjoys it and is a story teller, he likes telling and thinking of stories, he likes finding explanation for things, having explanations for things, which he's sort of discovering more and more that he doesn't particularly enjoy unanswered questions. I didn't know if that would fit well, but they might just be a sort of spur of the moment thing, where the only reason the go on dates is a fleeting attraction and a sort of need for something in that moment more than anything based upon real emotions, I think if it did develop into a relationship it wouldn't last more than a couple of months, before either or both realised that this other person was more of a passing thing than anything serious.
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Kaitlyn: You mentioned Asa to me before, right? I feel like we've discussed this before.
I'm really forgetful lately, so we probably have, and I can't remember the answer. :r But he is swoon worthy. :r
No swooning allowed :r
Stefan Archer said:
but they might just be a sort of spur of the moment thing, where the only reason the go on dates is a fleeting attraction and a sort of need for something in that moment more than anything based upon real emotions
This works, for sure. ^_^
Lucien Snow said:
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Kaitlyn: You mentioned Asa to me before, right? I feel like we've discussed this before.
I'm really forgetful lately, so we probably have, and I can't remember the answer. :r But he is swoon worthy. :r
Let's just assume that we have, and I said yes. xD
We can start something between Isaiah and Alana in the new term if you want? I can start something for then?
Yes, that would work. :)
As tempted as I was to offer Felix or Zach for something short term for Alana...I just can't do that to them (or me, again!) I do have a possible friend, or even best friend if they fit for her. My third year Hufflepuff Victoria Havelock. Granted she's muggle born which might not sit well well with Alana, it certainly wouldn't with her...bodyguards. But she's a little cynical, moody but she has a good heart and would certainly sit and listen to Alana's problems (and then call her an idiot for dumping Matthew). But seriously she wouldn't shy away from an honest opinion so she could be good for Alana. I do understand if she doesn't work though so let me know what you think.
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