Looking for plots/RPS? Well so am I.

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Dylan Fields

Well-Known Member
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
Hey I was inactive for a while but I'm back now :)
I'm looking for friends/enemies/ships, anything really.
So if your interested, either reply here or PM me.
I'm intrested! I have Ellie (Gryffindor 4th year) and Barbara (Gryffindor 1st year).
I haven't rp'd a good plot in ages, and I'm up for anything ^_^ .
Cool, well there is the topic with Dylan and Barbara at the moment.
What did you have in mind?
I'll RP with you, if you want :D

Vivienne's a second year Hufflepuff too, and I'm always up for anything since Viv has no life. :lol:

What's Dylan like? :-? *tries to think of possible plots*
Oh yeah it might help if I gave you an idea of Dylan!

Dylan is generally a friendly, intelligent, loyal and fun-loving hufflepuff, with an impulsive nature. However, if you catch him on a bad day he does have mood swings where he isn’t particularly friendly.
:lol: ! Sounds quite a bit like Viv actually. Except she tries to hide it if she's upset, because she doesn't want to make others feel bad too. She's pretty naive, and a bit odd sometimes :p Her main priority is to make those around her happy, even if she suffers becaue of it.

:-? In what way do you think she'd fit in with Dylan? Viv would think that he's a pretty cool guy =; But then again, she thinks everyone's pretty awesome :p You could PM me if you have any ideas, so as to keep it secret :lol:
Alright Dylan I have several characters I'd be willing to plot with you

Joceline Richarde -Slythrin 2nd Year -possible crush although in 4th year I have a plot that would entail her dating a girl, so I figure that if they do become a relationship they would have to end it by 3rd year
Amphitrite Zchechaf - Gryffindor 1st -possible friend
Abbey Lurken -Slytherin 3rd Year -possible friend but not very close as Dylan is in Hufflepuff

What do you think?
Dylan Fields said:
Cool, well there is the topic with Dylan and Barbara at the moment.
What did you have in mind?
I'm up for anything :D If you don't mind her being a year younger then possible love intrest maybe? If not, good friends!
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