Looking for my brothers

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Sunako Koshiba

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut 10 1/2" Sakura core
As you can probably tell she's related to Hoshi. Sunako Watanuki looks just like Hoshi she's even gothic like Hoshi but while Hoshi is loud with her clothes Sunako wares the same thing everyday which is a black trench coat over black robes that reach down to her feet and a cross on her chest. Sunako turned dark when a boy she liked told her she was ugly and hasn't gotten better in two years. She loves scary movies and books as well as blood and guts. She doesn't do many physical things but knows now to fight well. When Sunako has to be out and about she usually looks down so people don't see her face. This is for people that would like to get to know her.

What I'm looking for is Sunako's brothers. PB's and where they would go to school will be up to you because right now they are going to Tokyo Magical Academy. They are Quadruplets but not identical.

The basic history of this branch of the Watanuki family goes like this. Akito (the father) is like Haruhi, a muggle born wizard who married a muggle. By the time Sumomo found out about Akito's magic it was too late, she was already in love with him. Sumomo inhereted a plant nursery from her mother and father which died in a car accident. The five sibilings knew a bit of magic from the father but mostly grew and worked a little bit taking care of the plants. Because of his magical roots set at school Akito also grows and sells magical plants.

Ranmaru Watanuki - age 15:

The oldest of the four and a massive playboy. Uses his looks to get whatever he wants out of women. He's also a bit of a drama king making him a little difficult to get along with. The rest of his personality is up to the person that takes him of course.

Kyouhei Watanuki - age 15:

He is the second oldest. He's the sharpest of the four and is always getting into fights because of his looks. Ranmaru maybe get all the girls but Kyohei doesn't even have to try to he's so good looking. Not that he wants the attention. Kyohei is more into food and games than girls even though he's fifteen. He just doesn't find girls interesting. Again the rest of his personality is up to the person who will play him.

Takenaga Watanuki - age 15:

Being second to last made Takenaga want to be first in something. This one turned to books. He is easily the smartest out of the four with top scores at Tokyo Academy of Magic. Takenaga has developed a stoic personality that makes him seem a bit cold. Like his brothers he considered very good looking. He doesn't notice the girls around him though.

Yukinojo Watanuki - age 15:

Often accused of looking like a girl Yukinojo (more often known as Yuki) is the youngest and the most sensitive of the four brothers. Yuki is also called a cry baby because he doesn't make the effort hide his feelings. He's the one that is the most worried about his younger sister and the one the was most sad to see her go. He accepted that Sunako had to go and get better but he still wasn't happy about it.
I know I'm ripping this off Wallflower but I thought it would be fun :D
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