Open Looking For Clues

Valentine Addington

Reckless / Older Twin / Honest
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pine Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
11 (June 13 2041)
Val walked around Obsidian Harbour as he waited for his sister to finish at the book store. He had a poker face on as he people watched and looked for "clues" about this hogwarts school that they'd be going to. It just seemed sketchy to him. That a letter arrives at their door and tells him and his sister that they're magical and that they would be going to this "magical" school or whatever. Val wouldn't completely believe it until he actually steps inside the school and investigates it. For now though, he would just have to look around the shopping area. He took note of the shop names and other things that seemed to be unusual inside his mind, not paying too much attention to the ground or the people near him.
Jordie always liked going shopping. It was a little weird, sure, but he thought it was fun. He was hurrying along behind his uncle when he saw a boy nearby lose something from his pocket. Excusing himself, he jogged over and picked it up without looking to see what it was. "Hey," He called, hurrying after the kid. "Hey, hold up. You dropped this!" He finally caught the other boy, offering the lost object in his hand.
Val turned around and saw a boy about his age holding his phone. Val had brought it to Obsidian Harbour but realised it didn’t work in there and kept it in his pocket. He looked the boy up and down, “studying” the boy.”Uh.. Thanks.” Val took the phone and put it in his pocket. Was the boy born magical like the other people here? Or was he once normal like him? Val took this as an opportunity to find out more about hogwarts. “I’m Val.” He said.
Jordie smiled, finally noticing it was a phone he'd grabbed. He really was oblivious sometimes. "I'm Jordan. Call me Jordie." He smiled, sticking his hands in his pockets. "Its too bad phones don't work at the school, or my game boy." He rolled his eyes. "It sounds really boring." He complained.
“Yeah, not looking forward to that.” He said, realising that he wouldn’t be able to play any video games in hogwarts since it seemed not many normal technology worked here. “Will you be attending hogwarts next year?” He asked, though it seemed obvious.

ooc: sorry for the late reply, i’ve been quite busy!
Jordie almost laughed. "Right? Like what do they do all day?" He complained. He nodded at the boys question. "Yeah, are you?" He tried to memorize the boy's face, hoping maybe he and Val could be friends when they got to school so Jordie had someone to hang out with while he waited for Caleb. Would Caleb like Val? He wondered idly if he could get them both to his house before school started to find out.
So far this school seemed to be real at least. If there was another person going to the school then it was probably real, right? “Um, yeah. Me and my sister, Valencia.” Val wondered if she was done with the bookstore yet. Though, knowing her, she wouldn’t be done at all. “Do you know anything about hogwarts?” He decided to ask, trying to figure out more about this school.
Jordie was pulled from his thoughts as Val mentioned a sister, nodding at his next question. "Yeah, my older brother and sister just graduated. What did you wanna know?" He asked, sure there was something the boy wanted to know if he was asking.
“I don’t know, I wasn’t really “born” magical.” He said, doing bunny ear gesture. “Anything? I guess?” Val didn’t know enough about this school to ask about it, buy learning now wouldn’t hurt.. probably.
Jordan blinked. Well, alright then. "Okay, ah... There are 4 houses, and when you get there they put a hat on your head, its a talking hat thats old and can see your mind and such, and it tells you what house you belong in. Slytherin kids are cunning and stubborn, Gryffindor kids are brave and bold, Hufflepuff kids are kind and true, and Ravenclaw kids are smart and creative." He thought a minute. "You stay in that house for seven years until you graduate, and the only sports team is quidditch. Theres one for each house, my sister was co captain and beater for her team." He looked to see if Val was keeping up.
“That seems kind of intrusive.” He commented on the talking hat. He didn’t really like the idea of something being able to look through his mind. And that they would be staying in the same “house” for their whole time there? That just didn’t make sense to Val. He believed that people could change over the span of time, and especially over a long period of time that is seven years. He also found it ridiculous that the only sports they had was some “kwid itch”? It already sounded weirder and weirder as he continued to think about it. “O..kay? What’s kwid itch?”
Jordie shrugged. "It's just a hat. It's not like it can do anything else." He almost smiled at the boys next question. "It's a game you play flying on brooms. There are three hoops at each end of the field that chasers try to throw a quaffle- a soccer ball through, but it's guarded by the keeper. There are bludgers- kinda like really hard dodge balls- and there are two beaters that hit them and try to knock out other players with them. The game ends when one teams seeker catches the snitch- a tiny winged golden ball. Catching the snitch is worth the most points, but catching the snitch doesn't always mean you've won." He tried to explain. "It's all played in the air, too. I plan on being on the quidditch team like my sister once I'm a second year." He spoke. "You aren't allowed to try out until second year unless you have express permission from one of the captains."

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