Looking around

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Aiden listened to Kate's story with wide eyes and he gave her a comforting hug and said, "Kate I'm sorry, they will be just fine don't worry."
Aiden gave her another hug and said, "Trust me everything will be fine, they probably can't reach you right now because they are if a muggle town."
Baxter walked up and bowed very low. "Hello Sir and Miss is there any food we can give you?" asked Baxter obediently.
Aiden then saw a house elf walk up to them and he noticed that the elf bowed, Aiden didn't expect this especially with an elf from the school. "Hello, I'm Aiden Lorka and this is Kate...Whats your name?" Aiden asked with a friendly smile.
Baxter stopped for a second, very shocked. "Sir, my name is Baxter and are you sure Miss?" he asked obediently. "Sir what about you?"
"Well it's very nice too meet you Baxter," Aiden said with a smile then said, "I'm fine, though I hope you don't mind that I helped myself to a salad, I was dying for some greens."
"It is fine of course sir, take whatever you would like! Just let us know if you want any food to take!" Baxter said.
Kate looked at the little creature and concered at his clothing she asked, "Are you not cold in those clothes? They look dirty. Why don't you wash them?" By now she was bending down so she could see the creature better. Also she didn't want him to think that she was looking down on him.
"I am fine in these clothes Miss thank you. They are fine, and what I have to wear." Baxter said.
Aiden tried to stop Kate from asking these questions but she seemed rather rambuncious(sp?), "Too be honest I am surprised Alicia lets you and the other elves be treated so poorly, I mean my house elf is treated like another person, I think it is rather barberic that you should be treated anyway other than that... I must sound quite hypocritical..." Aiden said to Baxter then muttered the last part to himself.
[Do you want to full out finish this convo or go somewhere else?]

Aiden nodded and said, "It was nice too meet you Baxter." Aiden gave a small wave then followed Kate out quickly. "Kate wait up!" Aiden called.
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