Look Who's Four

Arisa Havishmen

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Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Arisa couldn't believe that Spencer was four years old already. It seemed like just yesterday he was a tiny little baby. Those first few weeks had been so hard. She had spent her whole pregnancy reading books, and taking classes, but noting could prepare her for the real thing. So many nights spent walking around her apartment switching between rocking, feeding, burping, and changing diapers. Thank Merlin Arisa had Freddie. She never could have made it through those first months without him. They might not be in a relationship, but they made pretty great co-parents. He would be here soon along with the other guests. Arisa was working on some last minute set up. First thing this morning she woke up, and picked up the cupcakes from their favourite bakery. Currently they sat on the kitchen counter; the bright frosting changing color every few minutes. They promised to change flavour as well as color so no one could complain that their favourite wasn't there. She had also picked up a few cauldron cakes just in case. Arisa was currently putting out the last of the decorations. Purple, and blue balloons floated gently around the backyard. They were being held in place by an invisible ceiling that covered the back yard. The charm came in very handy when a certain little boy wanted to play outside in the middle of the rain. A table was set up that had a few healthy snacks laid out for the kids, and some juice boxes. The less then healthy snacks were in the kitchen for the parents. No one over the age of 17 at a children's birthday party should be forced to eat carrot sticks the whole time.

Arisa took a step back, and looked over the backyard. So far everything looked just like she hoped. The witch walked over to the other side of the yard where Aeon was setting up. She had asked him to set up a petting zoo with some animals from his store. He couldn't say no when Arisa brought up the fact that Aeon was Spencer's favourite god father. From what Arisa had heard Eleanora, and Lysander had wanted their dad to bring a few animals that were a little more deadly then she was expecting. Those two were going to try, and bring a three headed dog to school she swore. "People should be arriving soon. Should we bring the kids down from upstairs?" She asked Aeon. Currently the three were upstairs playing in Spencer's room. Arisa was happy they got along so well. Spencer was shy, and he would need someone to look out for him when she couldn't.

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