Look who's back.

"If you want to go to the lake ill carry you there if you really want to go?" he told her. "Elise it couldve been worse you couldve of fell and been there for hours if i didnt come after you."
Elise nodded. " Michael, I just wanted to explore, if I was alone I would've looked at where I was going and not my hot finace near me." She smiled. " Can we please go to the lake?" She asked trying to get up.
"Sure lets go to the lake." he said "We will take your car. Is that alright with you?" He asked her he went upstairs to quickly change into his leathers and grab his spares for Elise they would be quad bikeing today. "Right lets go!" he said
Elise nodded as she hopped off the couch. Working her leg out would be good, helping the sprained ankle heal. " I don't mind at all." She said to Michael before slowly walking off to the car. Something was really different with her today, but she didn't know what at all. She would of course have to cover it up so Michael wouldn't be able to tell. " I'm ready." She said as she stepped into the car.
"Elise are you alrite?"he asked as they pulled in to the lake area. "You go to the bench down there ill be there in a sec." he told her. Michael went and got the quad bike and reved it right behind Elise. "Welcome to the world of Michael."he said showing her the quad
Elise nodded. "I'm alright." She said before getting out of the car slowly. The brunette went to go sit on the bench, " It's so nice." She said quietly to herself. Elise giggled when Mike brought out the quad.

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