Long way down the rabbit hole

Felicity Castillo

Well-Known Member
Fresh new start of the school year, another year without her dad. Felicity had mixed feeling upon returning back to school. Her mom had asked what she's learn over the year, sadly she couldn't retell of what's happen with her in school. Magic was forbidden outside these walls when you were a young witch in training, she went along with the rules and regulation at Hogwarts. She had always been one for rules and following them effected her everyday activities. Felicity was use to rules all her life, Cuban had many it wasn't a liberal country like New Zealand. She had gotten use to living with liberty, thought lately she's been in this weird mindset about the freedom she had been given. Afraid she would lose it someday, Felicity sometime pictures New Zealand a little like Cuba so if she ever did lose her liberty it wouldn't be a total lost case for her.

On a morning spring day, she wore her old clothes, they fit her still and looked just right on brown cream skin. Felicity walked out of the school entrance and into the fresh green grass. Her hair was wrapped in a white scarf, she liked how it looked one her so she wore it that day. She glide slowly upon the grass and into the Hogwarts garden, the very last place she had been when school let out last year, she was right back here again to enjoy the blooming flowers. Felicity sat down on the stone bench, she really was lucky to be here. To be blessed by white magic, avoiding that she would never dare try dark magic. She was blessed for the scenery, the school, the food, everything. The girl was grateful, what she want to never happen would be the biggest tragedy in her young lived life. If all of this was taken away, Felicity wouldn't know what to do with herself.
JazzyMae had a feeling that this school year was going to be a great one. Her brother, Klaus, had transferred into Hogwarts New Zealand, and he was in Gryffindor! She was so proud. Not only would she be seeing her brother more often, but she would be able build a better brother-sister relationship with him. JazzyMae was not very close to her brothers because they would always tease her. She was able to change that now. She knew Klaus was worried about Kennedy. Probably even scared. Her eldest brother could be very scary at times. This year she hoped she could get better at her studies. She had signed up for Club Academia, but she was still nervous. JazzyMae always got nervous when she was going to try new things.

To call herself down. JazzyMae decided to roam around the Hogwarts Garden. She had not been there before, but Angie had told her it was beautiful. She saw many beautiful flowers. Tulips, roses, marigolds, and violets. If she could draw she would draw each and every one of the many flowers, but sadly JazzyMae was the worst artist ever. She then saw a stone bench while she was looking at the roses. Her little legs had gotten a bit tired. She walked over to the bench. There was already a girl sitting there, so she asked if she could sit. "Would you mind if I sat next to you?" she asked politely.
Felicity moved her scarf down to her neck, she wanted to give in some air for her hair to breathe out. Mami had tame it over the vacation, it was nice and smooth how she like to be. Mami knew best when it came down to hair, it smelled a little like lavender. Felicity ran her fingers right through her hair, the smooth thickness to it kept her hair always nice and neat. Felicity parted hair and flicked away to the side of her faced, she used her scarf again to wrap up again. She contemplated if she should ditch the school's garden today and go on move to the lake. It's a good thing she stayed linger amongst flowers, company came in the nick of time. Felicity was please to see someone take up her time, she love taking in everything at the same time she hated doing this all alone.

"Sure" she said in nicely influenced Spanish accent. Felicity sat straight up like Mami taught her whenever she was around others. She poised her chin up and her chest a little out, it did not matter where you come from, it's always good to be polite unless the people you're around with aren't good company at all. Another one of her mom's rules. "My name is Felicity but you can call me Felicia, mind that I know whom I'm sitting with?" she also learn all of these rules in school, in ballads classes everywhere in Cuba, they had freedom but a certain kind of freedom. So it's not like they grew up chain to the walls, her life could've been much worst according to Ann Frank.
"Thank you." JazzyMae thanked the girl. The girl had s strong Spanish accent, which she thought was very cool. Kennedy knew Spanish. The girls name was Felicity. "My name is JazzyMae. Second year and I am in Hufflepuff. Are you a second year also?" she asked smiling brightly at the girl. She wondered what the girl's name meant in Spanish. JazzyMae did not mean anything, but Jazmine was a flower if you replaced the 'z' with a 's'. "Do you speak Spanish? I know a tiny bit of it, but only because my brother learned it." she asked curiously. She wanted to know if the girl even spoke Spanish first. It would be rude to assume she did.
"Jazzymae? That's a pretty name"she coax her head when she repeated back the name, it was pretty unique. Felicity was sort of alternated when she moved here, her mom figured if they had a normal sounding name they wouldn't have as much problem. "Yes, I'm a Ravenclaw, I still don't know what that means yet, so I wouldn't even know what a Hufflepuff means" she said a little humorous, Felicity nodded. "Hola, tienes un bonito nombre! It's not as hard as people think it is, it's kind of easy once you learn how to pronounce the vowels right" she said after saying hey, you're name is pretty, Felicity though of some other words she could say or sentences. "Do you know any other language?" she like to assume everyone else did, Nephy didn't though Felicity didn't remember asking her little friend. It's more likely she did not, still one can't be so certain about others, Nephy was still a mystery to Felicity.
OOCOut of Character:
I am very sorry Madz!
JazzyMae smiled at the compliment. "Thank you. Your name is very pretty also." she gave the girl a compliment back. She was used to people telling her that her name was strange or weird. It took her by surprise a little bit when she received Felicity's compliment. She really did appreciate it. JazzyMae laughed. It was hilarious to her that Felicity thought the houses were actually an object or thing. She then bowed her head to the girl. "I apologized for laughing, Felicia, but the four houses are the last names of their founders. Salazar Slytherin for Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw for Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff for Hufflepuff, and Gordric Gryffindor for Gryffindor. Each founder had particular traits, and the Sorting Hat is there so you can get sorted into a house that is the best for you." she explained to the Ravenclaw gladly. It was not everyday that she met someone that didn't know much about Hogwart's history, but she did not mind explaining to them. JazzyMae clapped her hands when the girl spoke Spanish. "Your Spanish sounds very pretty, but I think most foreign languages sound that way." she giggled. She nodded. "I am learning how wot speak Korean. Ahn-young-ha-seh-yo." she showed off some of her Korean. Though saying, 'Hello.' in Korean was not showing off much.
Felicity thank Jazzy, she didn't think much of her name. There were so many different names in Hogwarts, some even came from other countries far away from Cuba. She was shock they would come all the way to New Zealand to go to school, versus her family who came here for exposed opportunity. She didn't even knew she was witch, it all happen so sudden. She was a muggel one day, the next she was told she was witch. It scared her a little, although she was getting use to being a witch and it felt incredibly wonderful when you were given something special as magic to control.

"Oh that would explain why me and Nephy aren't together, but I honesty think they may have put me in the wrong house." she said with a shrug, she wasn't into those type of things. Finding about where she belong or where she didn't belong. Felicity was more into just embracing the magic and meeting people along the way. She was into people was also into learning different culture, she couldn't get enough in learning everyone else background. Yet she wouldn't talk much about her own, she loved Cuba but sometimes it felt like there was never hope there. It's scare opportunity, so many would leave for opportunity. It's the best thing leaving her home at the same time she missed the Cuba sun. She missed her papi, she missed her friends too.

"What did you say? It sounds pretty! But why would you like to learn Korean?" another country ruled and control by the head people. Felicity know this as well, since her primary school teacher taught them all what is there need to know about the outside world.
JazzyMae thought for a minute. Felicia must have had an interest in learning and/or gaining knowledge. She wanted to find a good way to explain it to the Ravenclaw. "Students in Ravenclaw usually have an interest in gaining knowledge or something like that, of course, that does not mean that there aren't going to be mean students or students that don't think they meet the criteria, like you." she said a nudged Felicia in the elbow playfully. JazzyMae did not have a problem with being in Hufflepuff. She could not imagine herself in any other house. She was sure that her brother was having a hard time in Gryffindor. He had wanted to be in Hufflepuff, but the Sorting Hat saw some courage and boldness in him that he himself did not see. "I just said hello. I like learning about different cultures and languages. I like Korean because there is a lot of respect and formality weaved into their language and culture. My father visited Korea a few times as well." she said and looked at her feet dangle a few inches above the ground.
Jazzymae read her like a book, she did like learning more then like love. And she could consider herself, as her mami would always say she was ma inteligente, then her oldest sibling. Felicity giggled, " I don't label myself yet till I get a little older, that's just the way I am, I suppose" she shrug some and smiled at Jazzy as if she knew a secret and she was keeping to herself. The Hufflepuff sure was kind and delightful to be around with. "You're very nice and I like your accent"" she commented. This must be her quality, but she wouldn't say, she like to see someone more for their personality. Perhaps once she was use to all the houses, she could tell when someone is a true Ravenclaw. "Oh wow I didn't know! They must be a very nice culture" if she knew more about Korea she based her opinion on them. So far all she knew that American Asian were more into the American culture in California. She only think so because everyone in California acted the same they just all dressed in different ways.
JazzyMae had noticed that her voiced changed a bit when she started to learn Korean. Then she sometimes had burst of Spanish or French because of her brothers. Her voice had become much louder she thought. "Thank you, I guess." she said unsure of whether she actually had an accent or if it was just Felicia being new to the way people in New Zealand talked. "Where are you from, Felicia?" she asked curiously. She had a feeling that Felicia was not from New Zealand, and she seemed like she was having a hard time adjusting.
Felicity found Jazzymae kind similar in the way she acted. It was funny, she had to laugh. "I don't think you know how cool you sound like. With that accent of course, mines hard sometimes, I'm surprised you can make out what I'm saying" she blushed, Felicity look down. In order to not feel embarrassed she occupied herself with brushing out the creases of her dress. "I'm from Cuba" she said after a spare moment of silence. "I miss it but then I don't miss it. It's quite complicated where I'm from. Oh well, go figures" she shrug. "What about you then, where you from? You sound like a bit American, but I could be wrong?!" she took a guess, Felicity went with her guts, though she might be wrong about it.
JazzyMae laughed with Felicia. She had come to like the girl. JazzyMae had not made many friends in her two years at Hogwarts New Zealand. She was glad that she was getting more sociable. She was glad that she was getting better at talking to people. "Well my brother speaks Spanish too, so I am kind of used to it." she said. Felicia's accent was very think, but JazzyMae was able to make out what she was saying. Kennedy's speech had gotten hard to understand once he learned Spanish. That forced JazzyMae to work harder to try and understand her brother. She nodded when Felicia said she was from Cuba. The girl seemed like she loved and hated her country. "I think every country has it's pro's and con's." she told Felicia honestly. At times JazzyMae did not like how New Zealand was, but she had learned to accept that nothing could be perfect. "I am here from New Zealand." she corrected.
Jazzymae corrected her, Felicity blushed rosary. "Oh, see I am so bad with the whole guessing game" she laughed, it's evident she needed to brush more on her geography stills more then she though. But now that it was mention, Felicity could see it now. It was noticeable within her speech, the fresh kiwi accent made sense to her ears. "I moved here not to long ago from America, my mom's thought it would be a good idea to come here and start a new life" she said pleasantly. Actually Mrs. Castillo received the letter about her daughter being a witch, she wouldn't allowed her daughter go on her own, so she moved the entire family here. So far so good, Mrs. Castillo lived on hope that her husband would get release from the prison cells of Cuba. It all seem to good of wishing for that to happen. No word from the ministry to see if they will help the muggel out, Mrs. Castillo had sent her word and Felicity had no clue what was going on.

Felicity stretched out her arms to the skies. "I've been sitting here not moving and no my back hurts" she stood up, her ballerina tight body stretched up on her toes. As if she were a bird about to take a flight, Felicity let her arms fall down to her sides. She breath within each stretch, the air circulating within her muscles let out her aches and pain from sitting for so long. "What part of the Island are you from then?" she s=asked stretching herself out a little as she continued her conversation. It's the longest one she had with someone without her yelling or the person becoming uninterested in her completely.
JazzyMae laughed with Felicia. She did not mind that she had guessed wrong. Her voice had started to change, and some of it was because of puberty. If JazzyMae was going through puberty she needed to have a growth spurt quick. She did not want to be under five feet for the rest of her life. JazzyMae listened actively as Felicia talked. A lot of families moved to different places so they could start anew. She completely understood that. "You lived in America? I have always wanted to visit there. What is it like there?" she asked with much excitement. She really had wanted to visit America. About every person in the world wanted to. She had heard that America did things much more different than the rest of the world. That intrigued her.

JazzyMae did not mind sitting down for awhile. Once she got home she would be busy helping her mother. She would also be busy with the drama her brothers were causing. It was annoying that she was one of the only people that could control her twin brothers. The two were acting just plain crazy. Klaus was ruining everything, and Kennedy was being a emotional freak. It was very exhausting to have to deal with her brothers at home when mom was not able to. "I live in a quiet neighborhood near Queenstown. What about you?" she asked as she watched her feet dangle above the ground.

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