Closed Long Days and Long Flowers

Einar gave a little smile at the words, feeling no heat in them. he knew too that they weren't entirely false, he was a bit of a jerk and had been a bit of a jerk to Lucas of course. He went to rub Lucas' shoulders and then gave a little smile, leaning into the touch. "Why would I let you be tucked away, when I love you," he said easily. Even when his mind had been unkind and when he had left, he hadn't really stopped loving Lucas, he had just needed the time to love himself a little.
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Lucas shuddered at the words, drawing in a sharp breath. He couldn't really speak, instead just slipping his arms loosely around Einars waist and hiding his face in the mans neck. He wasn't used to feeling so flustered with Einar. He felt a little silly. He tried to pull back slowly, intending to go and curl up under his covers, hide away for a bit.
Einar just held Lucas tightly, wrapped his arms around the man's back and holding him in close, when he felt him try to pull away he held a little tighter, holding him in place. If the man really wanted to be let go he would do that, but just not immediately.
Lucas fell back in against Einar, not wanting to really pull away. He just let himself melt a bit, putting perhaps too much of his weight against Einar. "Jerk," He muttered with no heat, just wanting to stay close. "We need to get cleaned up," He offered, even as he made no effort to move.
Einar was glad that Lucas didn't immediately move away as he held him, that he stayed in close and settled with him. "I don't believe we have to," he replied with a smile. "At least we don't have to right this second, right this second we're just gonna be like this,"
Lucas chuckled tiredly. "Maybe a nap instead," He offered, shifting to try and steal another kiss. "I don't wanna stand around much more but I wouldn't be against cuddling," He tried to offer a compromise, unsure if Einar would accept it.
Einar gave a little nod, leaning in to give him a kiss, making sure to make it last a little bit longer. "Okay, a nap with some cuddling, that I can do," he said. "How about I carry you up there," he offered with a little smile.
Lucas kissed Einar back sweetly, before pulling away more firmly. He chuckled shyly, and shook his head. "No, Einar, honestly," He started for the stairs, hands in his pockets. "I'm too tall for that." He reiterated, still not believing Einar could pick him up. "Come on- I should really shower, I'm a mess." He stretched himself a bit, yawning.
Einar gave a little smile, and then shook his head. "I could give you a piggy back?" he offered, since he could probably pick him up easier like that. "Just give a try," he told him. "Let me show you how strong I am," he pushed slightly, knowing that if he said no again, he would probably just try and pick him up and only then would he back down.
Lucas was hesitant, but Einar seemed determined to try. He took a small breath, and nodded slowly. "Alright, you can try the whole- bridal style thing, that seems safer," He rubbed the back of his neck, still uncertain. He shifted, trying to make it easier and feeling awkward about it.
Einar immediately picked Lucas up when he allowed it. he held him in close and leaned in to kiss his cheek. "My baby," he teased with warmth in his voice, with a fondness in his gaze. "Now, let's go," he said as he began moving.
Lucas let out a little yelp, clinging to Einar as the man picked him up. He tried to tuck his legs up as close as he could. He swallowed hard, blushing furiously. "I really didn't think you would be able to do it," He tried to joke, biting his lip and burrowing in close. "Make sure you put me down if it gets to be too much," He tried to reassure Einar. Lucas could feel his heart thundering and he tried to take a few deep breaths to calm himself.
Einar held him close, keeping his hold on him strong, the last thing he wanted to do after all was drop him. He nodded. "Okay, but you'll never be too much for me," He assured him. Since he knew no matter what he would alway be trying to treat Lucas as the best thing in the world. "I've got you," he assured him more quietly as he held and carried him.
Lucas tried to hide the little smile, biting his lip, his grip on Einar's shirt tightening. "I don't know if you're just being nice or if you learned to flirt at some point, but either way it's working," He offered softly, not daring to move to peek at Einar. "I didn't know you could be this smooth."
Einar smiled at him and gave a little laugh. "Please, I was always this smooth," he teased little. "Plus, I'm trying to show you that I'm worth of your time," he told him with a warm smile. "Since I want to be worthy of your love again,"
Lucas frowned and leant back. "Einar, what are you talking about?" He asked softly, trying to brush Einar's hair away. "You've always been worth... well, everything. We were just... in different stages of life and it wasn't good for us before." He tried to reassure the man gently, glancing away shyly. "I should be the one trying to make it up to you. I tried to force you into what I needed without thinking of what you really needed yourself."
Einar gave a little smile and shook his head. "You didn't force me into anything," he said. "I thought at the time I was ready and I wasn't, but that's on me, and then I left, and I know in doing so I hurt you, so I'd like to be worthy of your love again, and your trust," he told him, not for moment letting Lucas try to blame himself.
Lucas couldn't help but giggle shyly, trying to hide how much he was blushing. He peeked back to Einar, before letting himself cuddle against Einar's chest. "Well, you know... maybe we could try a date or something?" He asked softly. "It could be casual, maybe just here at home? A movie and some takeout?"
Einar smiled at him and nodded. "Okay, sounds good, but I'm taking care of it, you pick the movie, and I'll buy the food," he told him easily. A date would be good, a chance to really restart this properly. A way to let them slow get back to themselves.
Lucas laughed shyly, taking a deep breath. "Okay," he agreed softly. "When do you want to do it?" He asked. Tonight would be nice, but he wouldn't push for it. He really didn't want to push too far right now, not after everything else. He wanted to do things right this time. He shut his eyes, leaning against Einar.
Einar gave a little thought to it. "I wouldn't be against doing it tonight if you wanted," he told him with a little smile. "But, if you think it's too soon, we can always do it tomorrow," he said. "After all, I think we'll have the rest of our lives to figure this out, if you wanted,"
Lucas chuckled. "Well, you have to put me down first," He murmured. "I'll shower quickly, if you want to go get some food? And I can set up the place before you get back?" He suggested but made no effort to try to move, or even really pay attention to where they'd gotten to. "What do you think?"

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