Closed Long Days and Long Flowers

Lucas Ames

Soft- Tall- Silent- Lost
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 9 inch springy Willow with unicorn hair core
1/21/2037 (24)
Lucas had easily agreed to let Amelie go to France for a week- he couldn't just deny her. She was a faithful employee, and that meant something to him. He'd picked up a few of the extra shifts himself- he was usually here anyway. He loved his shop, and loved spending most of his time there. Though he'd had to close shop for a few days- there was an infestation in his gardens, and he'd been struggling to save them, struggling to clear it out before his flowers were all wiped out. You couldn't grow anything in sick soil. He was having a hard time on his own, but Lucas wasn't the type to ask anyone for help. He'd learnt a long time ago it was better not to rely on anyone. It hurt too much otherwise.

The weeds had gotten worse, as well, more stubborn. He'd given up on using his wand, leaving it on one of the tables and just digging with his hands. He'd been arguing with it for a few minutes now, when suddenly it relented and gave way- but he was pulling too hard, and he fell backwards, landing on his back and getting splattered with dirt. He laid there a moment, frustration and agitation just getting the better of him. He didn't say anything, didn't react, just laid his arm over his eyes and tried to breathe, hoping the emotions would settle themselves so he could get back to work.
Einar did enjoy his life currently. It was calm and easy. He worked at a local diner making next to nothing plus tips. He wasn't very good at getting tips really, but he was trying his best. Things with Lucas were better, since his conversation with Cassi, he had been putting in way more effort, in exactly the ways she was suggesting, making sure that he was making himself available to him, available and there. He finished his shift, and had come back to find Lucas in the garden. He knew that he was struggling, that the garden was having a problem. Einar watched him fall back into the dirt and approached at that moment. Moving to help Lucas sit up and hold him in his arms while still sitting in the dirt. "You okay?" he asked gently as he did so.
Lucas tensed when he felt the hands on him, but relaxed just as quickly- logic meant that it could only be Einar. He took a deep breath, keeping his eyes lowered even as he was helped back up into a sitting position. He was trying to keep calm, keep himself distanced, but it was hard when Einar was holding him. He took a deep breath, unthinkingy melting a little bit into the mans embrace. "Fine," His response was unintentionally a bit terse, and after another deep breath, he managed a better one. "Fine, I'm alright." He tried again. "Just- the dirt is sick," he summed up.
Einar held firm, preventing Lucas from getting out of his hold, knowing that he needed this, even if he didn't want to give it to him. "I'm sorry baby," he said after Lucas told him what was wrong, and went to press a kiss to his cheek. "Is there anything I can do to help?" he then asked, wanting to be helpful and supportive of Lucas and what he wanted, and he was more than happy to lend a hand in any way that he could.
Lucas felt weak in Einars hold, and finally caved in at the kiss to his cheek, shutting his eyes and turning to lean more heavily against the other man. He sighed, feeling all of his tension drain away. Even as a tear slipped down his cheek. "This helps," He murmured softly, letting his hand snake around, fingers brushing lightly over Einars hip. "Can we just... just for a little bit?" He asked softly. Part of him wanted Einar to say no- this wasn't the best place to be curling up, and he couldn't imagine it was comfortable.
Einar was certainly thankful for Cassi's advice as it was really helping him when it came to Lucas. He knew this was helping him, helping ease him, helping calm him down, even if it really wasn't that much or that difficult for him to do. It was just enough. "We can stay here as long as you need," he told him with as gentle a tone as he could muster, leaning in and going to giving Lucas a little kiss on the cheek.
Lucas just hummed softly, finding that old comfort in Einars warmth, flushing slightly at the kiss to his cheek. "Be careful, please," He spoke softly after a few long moments of quiet. "I don't think I could handle another heartbreak if you keep doing this," He whispered, his fingers curling up unthinkingly in the hem of Einars shirt. "I don't have it in me... don't bring the stars back just to leave me in the dark again." He hid his face in Einar's neck, taking a slow, shaky breath.
Einar had to lean in a little to hear what Lucas said. He shifted his position a little, sitting as close as Lucas and the space would allow, holding him as close as the space would allow. "I won't," he said with a little smile. "I won't leave you again," he promised without saying those specific words. He took a little breath. "I know I'll need to prove it to you, but I promise you, I will always be here," he said, making the exact promise then.
Lucas swallowed hard, his heart stuttering in his chest. He wanted to just curl up against Einar, to let himself be lost in the almost-familiar warmth he was starting to unintentionally get used to. But a part of him was still afraid. He forced himself to pull away, keeping his eyes lowered. "I should get back to working on this," He offered softly, hedging away from his feelings. It wasn't so much a matter of believing Einar or not- it was more the twisting of familiar longings he wasn't sure he could trust. A part of him knew that he'd never stopped loving Einar, but the other part of him was sure Einar had never truly loved him. It wasn't something he felt he could trust- and when that familiar longing, that urge to shift and press his lips under Einar's jaw tried to come back, Lucas had no choice to pull away.
Einar watched him as he tried to pull away, as he said he had to do other things. "Stay here," he told him, moving to hold him tighter, to bring him back into his arms. "Just sit with me for a bit," he pushed, wanting to make him really understand he was there, and then moved to just bring him in anway, ignoring whatever no might follow, unless the man tried to get out of his hold in a more extreme manner than just pulling a little out of it. "Just, relax with me, let me hold you,"
Lucas was pliant, easily falling back into Einar's arms. He melted into the embrace, shutting his eyes. "Okay," He breathed. He just let himself relax, enjoying the feeling of Einar's arms around him. "I'm too tall for this, you know." He offered gently. "All legs."
Einar held him tightly and then laughed. "You are not too tall for this, you'd never be too tall for this," he assured him softly, with a small smile on his lips. Knowing that this would be part of it, to help Lucas accept the plan and what he was doing. he had to assure him that this was all exactly what he wanted and he was there to stay. he even leaned in to place his chin on Lucas's shoulder.
Lucas let out a little sigh, and after a moment of thought, pressed a gentle kiss just under the edge of Einars jaw. "Careful," He whispered. "You're going to spoil me, Einar," He sighed softly, just letting himself relax for what felt like the first time in years. "If it didn't require moving I'd suggest we curl up on the couch," He offered, chuckling.
Einar leaned into the kiss that he gave and then gave a little smile. "I think f all people in this world, you are the one who reuired the most amount of spoiling," he said gently, but with a little smile. He was very happy to be able to spoil him, even just a little. "We can stay here a bit more, and then we can go to the couch," he said. "And I'll carry you to the couch,"
Lucas chuckled. "Now I'm definitely too tall for that," He countered, not thinking Einar could pick him up- it wasn't even a matter of if the other man was strong enough, it was purely that Lucas knew he was all legs. He took a breath. "But we can't- at least not yet." He frowned. "I still need to finish my work down here."
Einar shook his head. "I've been working out, I could absolutely carry you," he teased softly, leaning in towards him, just leaning in to kiss him on the cheek if he allowed it. "Can I help?" he asked. "We could stay here a bit, then do it together and then I'll carry you to the couch," he replied.
Lucas hummed softly, and made another move to sit up. "It's not your strength I doubt, silly, my legs are too long," He stretched, his long limbs creaking. Rolling his neck, Lucas moved back to his work. "Sure, can you go to my storage cupboard and grab me a few things? I left a list of what I need on the end of my work bench there," He offered as he nodded his head towards the list of items. "I just- need to get this under control before it gets out of hand and becomes an even bigger problem."
Einar shook his head. "Wrong, your legs are perfect," he told him leaning in to press a last kiss to Lucas' neck as the man stood up. Einar followed suit, but stood in close to him, not straying too far from him. He nodded. "Sure," he said, he moved to the list of items and then began grabbing the items that Lucas wanted. "Okay, well we can work together and get it done in no time at all," he told him with a fond expression.
Lucas chuckled softly, and just shook his head. Einar could be stubborn sometimes, he'd always known that. But he shook his head to clear it. He didn't want to think too much about it while he was working. He focused instead on his task, working through the dilemna in his flowerbeds- admittedly with a much lighther heart. He smiled softly as Einar joined him again, and after about half an hour Lucas knew he'd done all he could. He sat up, stretching before he stood up completely. "Okay, I think I need a shower," He complained, shaking his head before starting towards the aparment. "All we can do now is just wait and hope it worked."
Einar helped out as best he could, doing what Lucas needed to get the flower bed and flowers in a good statement. He smiled and followed Lucas lead in leaning back and just looking over the work they had just completed. He was glad to be able to do this, and knew that it had been right, following Cassi's advice. "I'm sure it will have," he praised, leaning in as they moved to the apartment to kiss his cheek. He reached for the boy's hand. "Shall I get started on dinner?"
Lucas paused as Einar kissed his cheek and took his hand. He turned slightly, not answering right away. He let his fingers lace through Einars, and after another moment of silence, Lucas looked away, biting his lip, heart thundering in his chest. His hair fell into his eyes, and he couldn't help but draw back into himself, shoulders hunching. His grip on Einars hand tightened. "Um... Einar?" He started softly, chewing on his lip and trying to build up his courage. This hadn't been so hard when they were younger. He took a deep breath, and peeked back to Einar, feeling extremely shy. "Do you think... maybe, um... would... it be okay if..." He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck and shaking his head, stepping back and pulling away again. "Actually, um, never mind, it- it's stupid," He chided himself, pushing his hands into his pockets and trying to move away.
Einar glanced towards Lucas as he heard him say his name. He watched him form the thought, appeared to struggle with saying it. He moved to take the boy's hand more firmly and pulling him back in. He squeezed it lightly. "It won't be, and I'm listening, ask," he tried to encourage gently.
-godmods approved-

Lucas whined lightly, stopping as Einar grabbed him. His knees buckled a little and he bit his lip, shutting his eyes. He struggled a few more moments with trying to find the words he wanted, before just groaning and giving up. He turned, pulling his hand back before stepping in. He caught Einars face in his hands, pulling him up and leaning down, pressing his lips to Einars in a needy, almost desperate kiss. A few tears slipped out. They hadn't kissed in years- since before Einar had ended things between them and vanished. Lucas' heart was aching. He was equal parts terrified and ecstatic with the possibilities of it all dancing in his head.
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Einar was watching Lucas, watching to see what the boy wanted to tell him. He wanted to encourage him along, but also didn't want to say anything that ended up spooking him. He was drawing a fine line here. He leaned into the touch, and then leaned up and then kissed him. His own hands moved to Lucas' back, holding him in close, kissing him back with as much passion and desire, as much desperation, as he was being shown by Lucas. He just had wanted this, him, back so badly.
Lucas lingered in the kiss, but eventually he pulled back- just a bit, leaning his forehead against Einars. He shut his eyes, drawing in a shaky breath even as the tears kept slipping down his face. "You're a jerk," He managed with no real heat, his knees weak. He leant a little against Einar, his hands trembling as they gripped Einars face and his voice shaking despite how softly he spoke. "How am I supposed to go on acting like I managed to ever stop loving you if you don't let me be tucked away in myself?" He whispered, dragging his lower lip through his teeth.

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