Closed Long Days and Long Flowers

Lucas Ames

Soft- Tall- Silent- Lost
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 9 inch springy Willow with unicorn hair core
1/21/2037 (23)
Lucas had easily agreed to let Amelie go to France for a week- he couldn't just deny her. She was a faithful employee, and that meant something to him. He'd picked up a few of the extra shifts himself- he was usually here anyway. He loved his shop, and loved spending most of his time there. Though he'd had to close shop for a few days- there was an infestation in his gardens, and he'd been struggling to save them, struggling to clear it out before his flowers were all wiped out. You couldn't grow anything in sick soil. He was having a hard time on his own, but Lucas wasn't the type to ask anyone for help. He'd learnt a long time ago it was better not to rely on anyone. It hurt too much otherwise.

The weeds had gotten worse, as well, more stubborn. He'd given up on using his wand, leaving it on one of the tables and just digging with his hands. He'd been arguing with it for a few minutes now, when suddenly it relented and gave way- but he was pulling too hard, and he fell backwards, landing on his back and getting splattered with dirt. He laid there a moment, frustration and agitation just getting the better of him. He didn't say anything, didn't react, just laid his arm over his eyes and tried to breathe, hoping the emotions would settle themselves so he could get back to work.
Einar did enjoy his life currently. It was calm and easy. He worked at a local diner making next to nothing plus tips. He wasn't very good at getting tips really, but he was trying his best. Things with Lucas were better, since his conversation with Cassi, he had been putting in way more effort, in exactly the ways she was suggesting, making sure that he was making himself available to him, available and there. He finished his shift, and had come back to find Lucas in the garden. He knew that he was struggling, that the garden was having a problem. Einar watched him fall back into the dirt and approached at that moment. Moving to help Lucas sit up and hold him in his arms while still sitting in the dirt. "You okay?" he asked gently as he did so.
Lucas tensed when he felt the hands on him, but relaxed just as quickly- logic meant that it could only be Einar. He took a deep breath, keeping his eyes lowered even as he was helped back up into a sitting position. He was trying to keep calm, keep himself distanced, but it was hard when Einar was holding him. He took a deep breath, unthinkingy melting a little bit into the mans embrace. "Fine," His response was unintentionally a bit terse, and after another deep breath, he managed a better one. "Fine, I'm alright." He tried again. "Just- the dirt is sick," he summed up.
Einar held firm, preventing Lucas from getting out of his hold, knowing that he needed this, even if he didn't want to give it to him. "I'm sorry baby," he said after Lucas told him what was wrong, and went to press a kiss to his cheek. "Is there anything I can do to help?" he then asked, wanting to be helpful and supportive of Lucas and what he wanted, and he was more than happy to lend a hand in any way that he could.

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