Closed Long Awaited Reunion

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader was most looking forward to seeing Ava, It had just been far too long since he had last seen her and it would be so nice to see her again. He hoped she’d come back for their final year together but of course he wouldn’t force if she didn’t feel like she was going to enjoy it, but it would just be so good. Their final year, things much better than they had been for them both. Or well, at least for Vader, he hoped things were better for Ava. He had finished work for the day and was going to meet her at her house. He had a rucksack of stuff so he could spend the night or several going to work from there. He found a good spot too apparate in and then apparated to Ava’s front door. He knocked and stepped back, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet waiting for her to open the door. God this was going to be such a good break!
Ava was eager for today, she had all her friends coming over. Or at least, the boys were. She darted for the front door, all energy and cuddles. She had it thrown open barely after the knocking had subsided. She rushed out, knocking into her best friend with a squeal and an excited giggle, hugging him tightly. "Timmy!!"
Vader felt the force of Ava hugging him but managed to stand his ground just wrapping his arms around her and easily lifting her from the ground. He was just so pleased to see her. It had felt impossibly long and he knew he barely wanted to be that away from her in the future. Sure, it was good to grow a little apart, but he knew he always wanted her in his life rather than out it. ”God I missed you,” he said, speaking quietly as he held on to her tightly. ”So much,” he added, only beginning to put her down. He was quite ready to let go, but perhaps loosen the hug a little.
Ava sighed contentedly, snuggling into Vaders neck. He still smelled like coffee and ink. She relaxed against him, not moving. "I built a fort if you wanna go to my room and cuddle," she offered, running her thumb absentmindedly over his skin. "I missed you too, Timmy. Every day," she returned, turning her head to kiss his cheek.
Vader smiled at her and pulled a little away so that he could look at her as she spoke. He nodded and thought it would be nice to just sit with Ava under a fort, it was ways nice to be able to be a little childish. He was so often wrapped up in the magical adult world that he wasn’t always able to just relax, especially the older he got. He nodded, ”Come on, let’s go, you can tell me all about your semester,” he said, leaning into the kiss on her cheek. He pulled away and just smiled after, letting her lead the way to her room and to the blanket fort. ”I told my parents I’d be staying over,”
Ava laughed, taking his hand in hers and skipping off towards her room. "I will if you will," she teased, winking playfully at him. "You need to tell me all about you and Goku," she giggled, pushing open her door and moving to crawl into the room sized pillow fort she'd spent all night making. "Oh, I told them too," she giggled. "They knew already you'd be here with me," she settled in with a pillow. "We are having dinner there every night," she laughed. "And breakfast with my family."
Vader let her take his hand and lead her into the bedroom. He crawled in after her blushing lightly as she asked about Goku. There wasn’t much more to really say..honestly. But it made him blush regardless. He thought it was funny that she had told his parents too. After this break he wouldn’t really need to be telling them at all. It was polite while he still lived with them, but with all he’d been working he wasn’t sure he’d need to be living there much longer after school. He thought it was funny that they’d be splitting the time between their two houses. ”Did you take the apparition exam?” Vader asked. It would make it easier to travel between the two places now they could apparate and use magic outside of school.
Ava nodded at Vader's question. "Yeah! Dad took me in," She snuggled into the blankets, completely comfortable. "It was fun," She shrugged. She summoned over her notebook, laughing a little and being pleased she could do so. "So! Our last year. Any plans?" She asked, giving him a wide grin. "I've saved up a good amount of money this year, working in my aunts' bookstore," She giggled.
Vader nodded, ”That’ll make things a little easier for us,” he said, since it would make things a little easier for them to be able to apparate between the two homes. He moved on the blankets, having discarded his shoes and his rucksack at the entrance and began getting comfortable. ”I think NEWTs are going to be crazy so I think I’m going to need to rely on Ajax more to do more with the yearbook while I focus on exams,” he said after school he knew he’d stick with photography. ”What about you?” he returned the question and looked to her as he did so.
Ava giggled as he asked about her, and she wordlessly summoned over her favorite pack of markers. She moved, snuggled into his side, and promptly resumed her usual patterns on his arm. "I'm going to spend the year stealing one of both of your arms- maybe your legs if you wear shorts," She told him with a bright smile, already convinced he would most likely try to push some second-hand studying on her while she was with him.
Vader smiled at her, moving his arm so that she would be able to draw on his arm. He gave a small smile, he was sure he would manage with her drawing over his constantly. He’d have Ajax doing more anyway, so it wouldn’t do anyone any harm at all to also be doing that. Vader gave her a little smile. ”I don’t think I own many pairs of shorts, I’ll see,” he told her with a little laugh. He thought it would be good to have her back, he really couldn’t wait to be able to be around her constantly. ”I can’t wait to have you back at school with me. I missed you so much. Just.....there was an emptiness in the accio room,” he told her, his tone was warm he didn’t hold it against her, knowing that she had wanted to do that, but it didn’t mean he couldn’t miss her.
Ava giggled a little. "Don't worry, I'll buy you some," She promised, wrinkling her nose at him. She paused as he spoke again, setting her pen down and snuggling into his side. "I missed you too, Vader," She murmured softly. "I slept in your room so much I'm sure your parents thought they'd traded kids," She joked lightly, reaching up to peck him on the cheek. "I vote we don't do that again. I don't like being away from you for so long," She pouted, sighing and snuggling back against his side. After a moment, she peeked up at him again. "Timmy, have you thought of where you want to go after graduation? I'm made a decent list of schools I could go to for an arts degree, so we're free to go pretty much wherever," She told him.
Vader gave a little laugh as she said she would get shorts for him. He wouldn’t mind that, he might have to sit down a little more so that she could work better. He wouldn’t mind it, it would be just fine. He was happy to have her by his side and did think that his parents were quite pleased to have someone around a lot. Especially since Leia too was at school with him. He knew that they would learn to be better apart, but he didn’t want that degree of separation nor that degree of not being able to see her. In school they weren’t together all of the time. But they were together enough of the time that it made it okay. ”After graduation, I wasn’t sure if I should continue with schooling, I think I might just try to start getting jobs. I can work wherever,” he said with a little shrug, since he could. He’d happily work wherever he needed to. ”I have a lot of experience and good connections because of Evelyn. I can go wherever you need to go,” he told her, ”With apparition and magic Goku and I will make something work,”
Ava thought over what Vader said. After a minute, she rolled so she was looking up at him. "Okay, what iffff," She held up two fingers, one on each hand. "What if we don't jump right into it? What if we travel around to all the places I can go to school, check out the town and hang out for like a week and just find somewhere we both like?" She offered, smiling brightly at her idea. It certainly sounded like a good plan, she could only hope Vader liked it too.
Vader listened to it before nodding, it sounded nice, he’d be able to see the world, experience new things, take pictures of good and varying things. It would give him an opportunity to work on his landscape photography, and actually sounded almost relaxing. ”That sounds like it could be really stress-free,” he said to her with a little laugh, ”I can definitely get on board with that as a thing we do. Where are we gonna go?” he asked her. And truly he’d follow her wherever she went.
Ava smiled brightly, and quickly began to chatter again. "Well, there are so many places to see! Britain, Spain, Italy, Tokyo, Russia, Hong Kong, Australia, Dublin, New York, Los Angelas," She giggled. "I say we just visit every major city we can. See the cultures, see what life is like around the world. It could be fun!" She laid her head on his shoulder.

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